Living in Light of Your Inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14) - Your Daily Bible Verse - April 3
Living in Light of Your Inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14)
By: Rachael Adams
Today’s Bible Verse: “In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory.” - Ephesians 1:13-14
Imagine for a moment you receive a sizable inheritance from a rich relative. When you first receive this news you are overjoyed, to say the least. Now you have millions of dollars in the bank at your disposal, but you choose to withdraw only a small amount. Despite the wealth at your fingertips, you are still living like you are poor. You accept and have knowledge of this incredible gift and yet your lifestyle has not changed at all. Why are you not living out of the riches you have been afforded?
This scenario seems strange, but if we are honest, it depicts our reaction to the spiritual inheritance we have received in Christ (Ephesians 1:11). While many of us have an understanding of salvation and the forgiveness we receive when we make the decision to believe in Jesus, we fail to live in the light of our inheritance now. We keep the money in the bank, so to speak, waiting to obtain the eternal riches one day in heaven with Him. We allow ourselves to be rescued by the gospel and rest in the security of heaven, but don’t know who we are and what we have been given as His children.
As God’s family, we are heirs to our Father’s estate. Because God knew we would need His help living as His heirs, He sent the Holy Spirit as the deposit to help us (Ephesians 1:14). Each time the Holy Spirit reminds us of His teachings, convicts us of sin, restrains us from selfish behavior, and prompts us to love, we see the evidence of His presence in us. The realization that we are empowered by a supernatural source confirms we can be fruitful now because of the fruit of the Spirit living inside of us (Galatians 5:22).
Living in light of our inheritance means we receive and respond to God’s generous gift. I pray we never take these treasures and privileges for granted because we did nothing to earn or deserve them, while also realizing the responsibilities that come along with being a part of His family.
God has important work for us to do. The purpose of His will is that all people come to know Him and receive this inheritance (Ephesians 1:11). These riches are to share, not to hoard. There is a never-ending supply of God’s great blessings, so we can be generous to others as He has been generous to us. We are tasked with giving away this inheritance so others might also become heirs and a part of His family. We can only be effective and fulfill this mission by relying on His power through us.
With this mindset guiding our attitudes and actions, may we realize what Jesus meant when He prayed, “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).” Because we know at the point of salvation our eternity began. Let us not leave our inheritance for heaven, but live in the light of all we’ve been given now so that as many others can too. And may all of it be done to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:14).
Thank you for all you have given me. Your Son, the Holy Spirit, and the hope of eternity. Help me to grasp the magnitude of the riches you have lavished upon me as your child both now and for all of eternity. Reveal what keeps me from remembering who I am and what I have. Remind me that it was never anything I earned or deserved, but your gracious and generous gift to me. Help me to steward what you have given me well and share it cheerfully because it was never about me, but always about you and for you.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Rachael Adams is a writer, speaker, and host of The Love Offering podcast. Her heart’s desire is to encourage women to realize their God-given purpose and to embolden them to move into the world through compassionate action. Rachael and her husband live in Kentucky with their two children. Connect with her online at, on Facebook and Instagram @rachaeladamsauthor, and tune in every Tuesday on your favorite podcast listening platform.
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