Your Daily Bible Verse

Why We Need to Be Still (Psalm 46:10) - Your Daily Bible Verse - December 20

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Why We Need to Be Still (Psalm 46:10)
By: Anne Peterson

Today's Bible Verse: Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. - Psalm 46:10

Anxiety, restlessness, heart racing.

The day had come. We would finally have our memorial service for my sister Peggy, who died as a victim of domestic violence. And while her murder trial and this memorial were two decades after she was killed, it was still important for all of us. The trial did not go as we thought it would, but our minds were on this last piece.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot throbbed on my right side. My daughter-in-law, Heather called her mom, a nurse and we were given a couple of things to try. It did not have signs of appendicitis, so we resumed getting ready to leave.

While anxious thoughts flew like gnats before me, Psalm 46:10 popped up in my mind. How we’re instructed to be still and know that He is God. I prayed and held onto that verse with both hands. As the pain continued, I held on even tighter.

Psalm 46:10

Have you ever had a time when your peace seemed to slip out of you? You worried, wringing your hands and feeling your heart rate quicken.

I rode the 20-minute ride laying down in the van, praying the whole way. I was going, this memorial would happen. And so it did. God gave me the peace I needed to get up in front of the group assembled and share what my sister had meant to me. All four of us siblings shared. Then we all went to the cemetery and stood on her empty grave. Empty because we never recovered her body. Perhaps now we would finally have peace, though we still had unanswered questions.

For the longest time, I had foolishly believed if I just had more information, I would feel better. But in court, the more I learned, the worse I felt. Instead, God wanted me to trust Him through this whole ordeal. We’re told in Colossians, our walk with the Lord should be one of faith, like the faith we exercised when we accepted Christ (Colossians 2:6).

I don’t understand why my sister was killed, or why other difficult things happen in life, but I’m learning I can trust God with all my questions. He is sovereign and all knowing. As a child trusts his loving parent, I can trust my Heavenly Father.

David learned he could trust God when David was a mere shepherd boy. And when he faced a giant, he remembered the same God who helped him fight the lion and the bear, would also help him with the Philistine.

As Joseph sat in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, he still trusted God. It was evident when Joseph’s heart did not become embittered, but instead, Joseph remained open toward God.

Paul sat in prison, shackled and yet, he chose to sing praises to God. Not because of the situation at hand, but because Paul knew God was faithful and worthy of praise.

If we need reassurance that God is sufficient and more than capable of helping us with what we are facing today, we need to be still. For in the stillness, we will be reminded of other times God came through for us. And we will remember why God tells us to cast our cares (1 Peter 5:7).

Psalm 46:10 has been a comfort to me over and over, in my life. I know God is more than able to get me through anything I will face. I know that God is immutable so if He helped me before, God will help me again. I need to be still so I can hear Him.

God, why is peace so hard to hold,
It slips right through my hands?
Yet anxious thoughts all cling to me,
till I can hardly stand.

He answers me, My precious one,
the world is moving fast.
Be still, and keep your eyes on me;
I’ll give you peace that lasts.

Anne Peterson ©2020

Anne Peterson is a poet, speaker, published author of 16 books, including her latest book, Always There:Finding God's Comfort Through Loss. Anne’s first memoir is: Broken:A story of Abuse, Survival and Hope. She has published children’s books and poetry books, such as Droplets: Poetry for Those in Grief, and He Whispers: Poetic talks with God. Anne is also a regular contributor to Anne’s poetry has been sold in gift stores since 1996. To receive a free eBook, Sign up for Anne’s newsletter at and click the tab. Or connect with her on Facebook.

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