Your Daily Bible Verse

Need for Light (Revelation 22:5) - Your Daily Bible Verse - March 27

Need for Light (Revelation 22:5)
By: Jennifer Waddle

Today's Bible Verse: “There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light.” - Revelation 22:5 NKJV

As I get older, I find I don’t see as well in the dark. Searching for matching socks without turning on the light means I’ll likely end up with two different colors. And if I’m trying to read without adequate light, I automatically reach for the lamp.

That’s why I’ve always marveled at how Scripture reminds us that there will be no need for lamps or the light of the sun in Heaven. The Lord Himself will be our light. In fact, Revelation 21:23 describes the heavenly city of Jerusalem this way: “The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.”

No need for the sun or moon…such a strange concept for us. Yet, it’s also a beautiful reminder of Jesus, the True Light, who gives light to everyone (John 1:9).

Today, it seems like more and more people are groping about aimlessly in the dark, their backs turned to the only Source of light they’ll ever need. The enemy has deceived them by making the darkness into a false light of freedom. However, the temporary feelings of liberty offered by the darkness will eventually be met with the light of truth.

Inspirational image of Revelation 22:5

1 Corinthians 13:12 says, “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.”

There will be a day when our faltering eyes will see Jesus as He is. Face to face, we will gaze into the eyes of the Lamb—the True Light who illuminates our hearts and exposes all things. Until that day, we must remain in Him. Through the dark days ahead, as the culture sinks deeper into the false light of the adversary, we must keep our lamps burning until the Bridegroom comes.

Be encouraged today. No matter how dim your circumstances seem, you can walk in the light as He is in the light. As 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

We have need of the light, need of the One who purifies us from all sin and keeps us until the day of His return. Don’t let the enemy deceive you into thinking your eyesight is fine without Jesus. All the things of this earth will grow dim in the light of His glory. So even if your physical sight fades, and you end up with mismatched socks, you can rest assured the True Light is coming—the only light you’ll need for all eternity.

Jennifer Waddle is the author of Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayer, as well as an online contributor for Christian ministries such as Lifeway, Crosswalk, and Abide. With a heart to encourage women in midlife, Jennifer offers a listening ear, faithful prayer, and Biblical encouragement at—a place where “Discouragement doesn’t win!”