Your Daily Bible Verse

The Eyes of the Lord Are on You (Psalm 33:18) - Your Daily Bible Verse - September 14

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The Eyes of the Lord Are on You (Psalm 33:18)
By: Anne Peterson

Today’s Bible Verse: Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love. - Psalm 33:18

I have developed the habit of walking. Every day I walk in the cemetery by my house. A friend of mine pointed out that she clocked that path, and two times around equaled one mile.

So, every day I walk that path and then come home and put a sticker on my calendar showing I had completed my task. I had gotten up to 5 miles a day and then even 6 miles a day.

To keep track of the times I went around, I used what I had with me: my wedding ring and my hands, moving my ring each mile. That is until Friday. When I looked down at my hands, I realized my ring was gone! Trying not to panic, I knew I would simply have to retrace my steps.

My heart started racing as I thought to myself, what if I couldn’t find it? No. I would push that thought out of my mind. I was just glad I realized it when I had, before going even further. Tears started sliding down my face.  A simple band of gold.

Sure, I could go and buy another one, but I didn’t want another one, I wanted the one Mike put on my finger. I wanted the one I had worn for 45 years.

“Lord, I need you to help me find that ring. You see exactly where it is.”

After searching that same area for about 30 minutes, I went home. I walked into the door and burst into tears.

Mike was understanding and just held me. He even told me we could get another one, but I wanted mine. The one that had withstood all the ups and downs we had gone through.

Psalm 33:18, inspirational image

Later that day, I walked the path with my daughter. Two sets of eyes would be better. We combed the path. And after about 30 minutes, hot and exhausted, we headed home. The next day I cried as I walked the path. I kept looking down, but no ring. And the same thing happened the following day as well.

I saw a sparrow and remembered how God said we were worth more than sparrows (Matthew 10:31). And God knows when even one sparrow falls to the ground (Matthew 10:29).

I still tried singing like I usually did on the path. Even though tears would slide down my face. I knew that if I never found my ring, God would somehow bring good out of the situation (Romans 8:28).

I decided how fortunate I was to be able to say I have been married for 45 years. I thanked God for my husband. Forty-five years is a big accomplishment, ring or no ring.

A short while later, something caught my eye. Glancing down I saw something shiny.

Was it? Could it be? There, shining in the hot sun, was my gold wedding band. In the same spot I had searched days before. The same spot my daughter and I had combed.

I had even walked over that spot for 3 miles today!

I picked it up and slipped it on where it belonged. Once more, tears slid down my face. But these were tears of joy. God does keep his eyes on his children. God heard my prayers.

God tells us to cast our cares on him because he cares for us (2 Peter 5:7). I know God loves me, just as I’m sure you know God loves you. But today when I look down at my hand and see my gold band, I can’t stop smiling. Oh, how he loves you and me!

You love me more than sparrows, God;
you meet my every need.
And all you ask is that my faith
is like a mustard seed

- Anne Peterson

Anne Peterson is a poet, speaker, published author of 16 books, including her latest book, Always There: Finding God's Comfort Through Loss. Anne has published children’s books, poetry books and 2 memoirs. She is a regular contributor to Crosswalk. If you are not certain you are going to heaven, sign up for Anne’s free eBook, Real Love at You can also connect with Anne on Facebook.

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