Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Accountability - Your Daily Prayer - August 7

A Prayer for Accountability
By Dr. Charles Stanley

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” - James 5:16

An accountability partner is able to perceive what we can't see when blind spots and weaknesses block our vision. Such a person serves as a tool in God's hand to promote spiritual growth, and he or she watches out for our best interest. When choosing this type of confidant, look for these characteristics:

1. Godly. A person who walks in the Spirit will offer genuine wisdom based on biblical principles rather than personal opinion.

2. Trustworthy. No matter what you share with this individual, you must be certain that he or she will keep everything in the strictest confidence.

3. Accepting. He or she must allow you to be yourself--frailties and all--and not try to remake you into someone "perfect."

4. Courageous. A good accountability partner will lovingly confront you with the truth, even when it hurts (Eph. 4:15).

5. Forgiving. When you make mistakes, trust is built through mutual forgiveness.

6. Edifying. Don't choose someone with an overly critical attitude that will make you feel worthless. Love edifies and builds up (Eph. 4:29). It never destroys.

7. Encouraging. You don't want someone with a checklist, who judges or acts like a prophet. Instead, choose someone who takes great joy in encouraging you.

We all can benefit from someone who is able to say what we need to hear without making us feel threatened. Answerability provides checks and balances that promote spiritual growth and protect us from pitfalls. If you don't already have an accountability partner, pray for that person today.

Heavenly Father, please give us someone who will hold us accountable, and teach us to do the same for others. Teach us to be men and women of integrity. Let us take responsibility for our actions, and teach our children to do the same. Amen.

Editor’s Note: The following is an adapted version of A Partner for Accountability by Dr. Charles Stanley, to read the full article, follow this link.

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