Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Choosing Life - Your Daily Prayer - May 11

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A Prayer for Choosing Life
By Pastor Jack Graham

“You have been my guide since I was first formed... from my mother’s womb you are my God” (Psalm 22:10-11).

Several years ago, I read an article about a very well-known couple in our city who were expecting a baby. The problem, however, was that around the time of finding out she was pregnant, the wife also was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on her liver.

Strong chemotherapy was needed, which the baby wouldn’t survive. So the couple had a decision to make. They could either abort the baby and begin treating the cancer. Or, the mom could carry the baby to term without chemo, but risk the cancer spreading.

A strong faith guided them through these stormy waters. And the two decided not to abort the baby. The wife was quoted as saying, “This baby was a gift to me. It wasn’t my right to deny this gift.” And praise the Lord, she was also treated for cancer after delivery and made a full recovery!

Across our nation and our world today, there are tough choices women and their families are facing. But in all circumstances, the greater choice is the sanctity of life. That’s because to deny a living baby the right to be born is not anyone’s call but God’s.

Choose life, even in the toughest circumstances, and trust God to bring healing and grace to even the toughest situation.

Dear Lord, help us to promote the sanctity of life. May our words and deeds show everyone in our community that they are loved. Teach us to value every human life. When we look at a person, give us your eyes so we may see your son or daughter. Amen.

*Editor’s Note: The following is an abridged version of “Choosing Life When it’s Not Easy” by Pastor Jack Graham. To read the full devotional, follow this link.

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