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A Prayer for Clarity and Calm When You’re Feeling Flustered and Frustrated - Your Daily Prayer - March 4

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A Prayer For Clarity and Calm When You’re Feeling Flustered and Frustrated
By Keri Eichberger 

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” - Psalm 119:105

Have you ever felt desperate for a word of wisdom from God? Uncertain of what steps to take next or how to approach a specific situation? You may believe with all your heart that God has every answer you’re seeking and that his Word, all 800,000 of them in the Bible, is your greatest go-to for finding pearls of promising guidance. But, considering the vast sea of divine pages, you often find yourself overwhelmed with what verses to begin with or what words you might possibly apply on a given day at a given crossroads of choices.

First, let me applaud you if your initial reaction is going to the Word of God for personal promptings and help. Or if your auto-response is to drop to your knees in prayer when uncertainty and unease inundate you. Because his words and presence will never fail to be a light to your path.

I, on the other hand, haven’t always done either of these. In fact, it took me years to consult God first on every big dilemma, and especially the small decisions I felt flustered about. Case in point, early in my marriage, my husband received several at-work interruptions to counsel my conflicts with our young kids at home, assist my decisions over dinner options, or just plain help settle my soul when I felt troubled by tired toddlers. If it wasn’t Mike, my mom would be the recipient of such requests for resolve. Not that there’s anything wrong with eventually phoning a Christian friend for some sound assistance and wise counsel.

Who, or what, is your go-to when you’re feeling frazzled or needing advice? Is it your mom? Your spouse, best friend… or is it Jesus?

You know, I feel a bit embarrassed for ever reaching out initially to anyone other than our only constant companion. Because Jesus is absolutely always with us. Picture it. Not only is his Word readily available to you, but he’s literally right beside you, just waiting to help, to listen, to counsel, and lead you. I wonder if he’s hurt when we more or less ignore him or put up a hand that says, “I’ll get to you next, or when no one else answers.” Wow. Sorry, Lord.

But here’s what I’ve learned. When we do acknowledge his loving presence and ability to help. When we acknowledge him, look to him. That is when we finally find the calm and clarity we’ve been after from the moment we began to spiral into a fluster of confusion over how to respond to our latest concern.

When clarity is what you’re seeking, can I remind us both to pause and seek God. Seek him and his Word first in all things, and look and see all the things he will do. Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us to present our requests to God and that his peace will then guard our hearts. He absolutely loves to give us that peace and a sense of calm when we bring our struggles to him.

I know we all want to be 100% confident in our decisions. And at times, it can be difficult to discern God‘s definitive direction amidst the clutter and chaos of our days. But if you are in him and in his Word, I want to encourage you with something… As you are truly in him, you can trust that he is leading and lighting your path. You can trust the path, whichever one you choose. And you can rest there in his calming peace. Because he brought you where you are, and he won’t ever stop walking with you as you remain in him. You can trust him and his plans, and that they will always prevail for those of us in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:28) And that is you, dear child of God.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, Your Word is a guiding lamp on our path. You are a constant bright light along my entire life’s path. As I lean on you, and linger with you, you lead me and direct me. I am so thankful for your guidance that is always available. Please forgive me for when I forget that you are a wonderful counselor. That you are the best counselor. I want to make you first and to seek you first. Lord, I know you will never fail, that your word will never fail. Help me listen to your voice above all voices. I pray that I may fall more and more in love with you and your Word, and look more and more to you and your truths. Your promises and provisions offer clarity and a calming peace. I long for this peace. And Lord, you give it so freely, along with your rich wisdom, whenever I come to you. My hands and heart are open to receive your direction. Help me trust wherever you lead. Help me be confident that you will indeed be with me every step of the way no matter where I go. Thank you for your love, thank you for your ever-so-steady helping hand that never fails. In Your Son’s powerful name, Amen.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Ben White

Keri Eichberger photoKeri Eichberger is a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author of Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes, and has a passion for sharing faith-filled encouragement through devotional writing. Connect with Keri at KeriEichberger.com or Instagram.

Related Resource: Jesus Calling - Stories of Faith

Kerry Washington. Andrea Bocelli. Reba McEntire. Mark Wahlberg. Tony Dungy. Matthew McConaughey, What do all of these people have in common? They are all people of faith who have leaned on God in both the good and challenging times—and they’ve shown up to tell their story of faith on The Jesus Calling Podcast. The Jesus Calling Podcast provides a place for people from all walks of life to share the heartaches, joys, and divine moments that keep them going. 

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