Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Embracing God's Unexpected Plans - Your Daily Prayer - January 28

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A Prayer for Embracing God's Unexpected Plans
By Christine F. Perry

Bible Reading: "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor."-  John 12:26 NKJV

Listen or Read Below:

Working as an executive assistant/production assistant, I quickly learned to have multiple plans. I'd have plan a, b, c, and sometimes d. I cannot tell you how many times my boss would come to me and say, "There's been a change of plans." As the famous saying goes, "The show must go on." Adaptability and flexibility were imperative to ensuring the show would go on.

Proverbs 16:9 says, "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." In regard to our relationship with the Lord, it's important to know how to be flexible and adaptable. The comforting thing with the Lord is that He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"

The Lord knows what we need and where we need to be, even if it's hard. I recently heard someone say, "Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's not good."

As an executive assistant/production assistant, I often felt pushed to the brink of my capacity. I had to remain dependent on the Lord most days. However, the lessons and skills I learned at that job helped me tremendously when I started my business. That tough season was the training I needed to operate in my current season.

You may feel discouraged and disappointed if you're in a difficult season and the plans have changed multiple times or completely fallen through. Sometimes, you need to take a moment and grieve what you thought would be and entrust your tears to the one who invented them. Then get up, shake yourself off, and ask God to help you trust him. Because he knows what he is doing and can see the whole picture. Psalm 18:30 says, "As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him."

Let's Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day of life. Thank you that you're the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Thank you that you're almighty, and you see the whole picture, and you're in control, even when things feel chaotic. Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters who are reading this devotional today. You know exactly what they are facing and feeling, and you know the plans they have.

Lord, it can be hard to trust you, especially when things go awry. We often have our hearts set on people, goals, or things. I pray that you will help us to always have our heart, mind, soul, and affection on you. I ask that you help us when we face disappointments in the way our life is going. Psalm 84:11 says, "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."

Lord, help us know that just because things have not gone our way, you are not withholding anything from us. We love you. Please help us to love and trust you more today than we did yesterday. We need you. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/ZbynekPospisil

Christine is just a lady who was given the gift of being raised in an incredible family. For reasons unknown to her, God has blessed her with an amazing life full of beautiful friendships, remarkable experiences, and a love from Him that is completely underserved. She desires to encourage others and share hope as we journey through the highs and lows of life. Christine is the author of How I Met Peace and For the Weary Life Traveler, a 31-day devotional. Check out more of Christine's work at her website:  Learning to be fearless and her Patreon.

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