Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Fulfillment When Your Days Feel Dull and Dreary - Your Daily Prayer - February 22

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A Prayer for Fulfillment When Your Days Feel Dull and Dreary
By Keri Eichberger

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” (John 8:12)

The clouds didn’t break for five straight days. Not so much as a sliver of sunshine graced the surface of my face. And the swelling shadows began to penetrate my soul. The light of life I longed for felt smothered. I had just returned from a warm, abundantly illuminated, joy-filled, memory-packed destination, so the stark contrast seemed exceptionally harsh. That is, in comparison to the dullness of scenery that greeted my husband and I as our plane descended below the dense clouds and hit the runway back in Gloomsville, USA.

I’m not sure what it looks like out your window right now or if the neutral colors of a cold, dim winter even darken your soul and spirit like they tend to with mine. But, we most certainly all walk through and weather seasons where the life surrounding us feels less than bright, our purpose tank is falling toward empty, or our contentment with the same ole, same ole is next to non-existent. Darkness circling around us.

We all long for fulfillment. We crave purpose, significance, and rich lasting smiles of the soul. But sadly, our human nature keeps us grasping for fullness in the wobbly ways of the world. We think if the literal sun would just come out and shine, or our situation was brightened with favor, or we could just go back to that responsibility-free vacation spot, or even speed forward through the hard in front of us to the ease that potentially awaits. If only… possibly when… maybe then… We might finally find the fullness we feel desperate for.

But the problem is, all our reaching for items and idols, seeking uncertain solutions, and putting faith in fleeting pleasures fails to fulfill. Again and again. And always. You know this, don’t you? You’ve likely learned it the hard way. But we also know this… Father God. Our Lord and Savior. Our constant companion and friend, Jesus. He is absolutely the only true source of light. But oh, how often I forget.

Romans 13:14 says, “Rather clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”

This verse found its way into my quiet time the day the sun finally reappeared, and refreshing encouragement was cast over my circumstances. And I stood convicted. In a valley of disappointment, the darkened days I felt stuck in, I had begun obsessively planning fun nights out, carefree days away, updates to my house, fun food and drink purchases, tweaking my body and scale to perfection, and designing that dream pool for my boring backyard. Obsessing over desires of the flesh instead of obsessing over Jesus.

We know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) and that he is the light of life (John 8:12). How beautiful are these truths? These are truths I want to hold onto hard today. These are truths I pray you will hold on to with me that he is indeed an abundant light. The only light that will never dim. The only light that is always available to us. The light that offers complete fullness for today and every one of our days that feels dull and dreary.

Let’s pray:

Faithful Lord God, Just like the sun that does not stop shining just because the clouds hover overhead, I am so thankful for your light that never stops beaming into the hearts and lives of your beloved children. And that includes me. Your love, your peace, and your joy are always available to me. Your many treasures and visible gifts are scattered all throughout your glorious creation for me. I am in awe, and I thank you. I confess I fail to focus on your constant blessings that your continual light pours out over my life as I seek false fulfillment and the faulty “feel goods” of the world. Lord, you are the only source that fully satisfies my soul. Help me soak in your rich presence. Help me sit still with your never-failing words and simmer in your perfect promises. Help me trust the truth that you are always good and always faithful. You are the love of my life, the bright light that no power in all creation can extinguish. I am blessed by you abundantly and eternally.
In your radiant Son’s name, Jesus, Amen.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/LightFieldStudios

Keri Eichberger photoKeri Eichberger is a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author of Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes, and has a passion for sharing faith-filled encouragement through devotional writing. Connect with Keri at or Instagram.

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