A Prayer for Our Minds - Your Daily Prayer - October 15
A Prayer for Our Minds
By: Kristine Brown
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2 NIV)
While tucking my young son into bed, he would sometimes tell me he couldn’t go to sleep because of scary thoughts. I always reassured him with lots of mom cuddles and this kid-friendly advice.
“Think about good things,” I’d say. Then we’d spend a few moments listing all the good things that came to mind. Our impromptu gratitude list would turn into a nighttime prayer, and I’d hope that the bad thoughts would stay away long enough for him to drift off to sleep.
As an adult, I can have the same struggle with thinking about good things. If I let my guard down, my mind automatically wanders to the worries and frustrations of the day. I begin listing all the things on my to-do list instead of the blessings from my heavenly Father. It takes intentional effort for me to redirect my mind.
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to keep your mind focused on good things? Paul instructed believers with these words of hope. “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2 NIV) He knew how forceful the pull of worldly things could be. He wanted to equip Jesus’ followers with the truth. We need to daily set our minds on things above.
Keeping our thoughts centered around God’s goodness doesn’t come easily. So we shouldn’t get discouraged if our mind keeps wandering. Let’s pray this prayer for our minds as we say no to negative thoughts and redirect our minds on the good things of God.
Dear God,
I’ll admit that I have a hard time keeping my mind on good things. I start my day with prayer and gratitude, but then those thoughts fade as I face one frustrating situation after another. Forgive me for letting daily worries become a priority over your goodness in my life.
Lord, Your Word says that I “have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Colossians 3:10) I understand that my mind is renewed because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. May the Holy Spirit cleanse my mind from anything unrighteous and help me focus on the things of heaven. When I set my mind on you, I find peace, rest, and new hope. I give you praise because “every good and perfect gift comes from you.” (James 1:17) Thank you for touching my mind and giving me good things to think about.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
For more spiritual growth resources, check out this free email study from Kristine Brown, Walking with Rahab: A 5-Day Challenge to Better Decision Making. You’ll find weekly encouragement to help you “become more than yourself through God’s Word” at her website, kristinebrown.net. Kristine is the author of the book, Over It. Conquering Comparison to Live Out God’s Plan.
Listen to the Your Nightly Prayer Podcast
We're proud to announce we've just launched a new nighttime companion to Your Daily Prayer: the Your Nightly Prayer devotional. You can find it on the website at crosswalk.com/devotionals/your-nightly-prayer, where you can sign up to receive it every evening in your inbox. We hope it's a relaxing and soothing way to wind down your day with rich meditations on God. Check out an episode below:
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