A Prayer for Spiritual Fruitfulness - Your Daily Prayer - August 29
A Prayer for Spiritual Fruitfulness
By Jessica Van Roekel
Bible Reading
"And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." - Isaiah 58:11, ESV
I’m not a fan of desert places. The sun blinds, and the sand shifts. When I walk through a spiritual drought, I feel scorched by thoughts whispering of forever aloneness, and my steps stumble over the sharp rocks of doubt. Every once in a while, a well-timed bible verse, message, or worship song appears like an oasis. I sit at the feet of God and drink in his comfort. I’m nourished and reminded that God guides my steps, he is my satisfaction, and he has plans and purpose even in the wilderness.
In my Bible, the title of Isaiah 58 is “True and False Fasting.” Fasting can often feel like a spiritual desert because it brings us to the end of ourselves. Other times, our fast is less than effective because our motive steers us toward selfish reasons. True fasting’s purpose is to loosen the bonds that bind us, provide freedom from them, and create active compassion for other people.
There is an if/then principle at play in today’s verse. If we want God’s guidance, satisfaction, and renewal, then we need to live a vibrant, active faith. This includes choosing to refrain from pointing fingers at others and speaking wicked thoughts but rather serving others. The things we struggle with in life can help another person hold onto God if we allow him to work through us.
God guides us, satisfies us, and makes us strong. In Hebrew, the word for guide is, nachah [naw-khaw] and means “go in the direction of” and “to turn eyes toward.” God turns his face toward us and leads us where he wants us to go. Imagine God walking backward, facing you as you walk toward him, encouraging you to take another step and then another, even in the middle of your desert place. His steps are firm with his eyes fixed on you, and you, in turn, keep your eyes fixed on him so your steps are firm.
The Hebrew word for satisfy is saba [saw-bah], and in Isaiah 58:11, it means consecutive satisfaction. Even during desolation, God fills us up with satisfaction over and over. He becomes our satisfaction as we keep our eyes fixed on him and take steps toward him. To “make your bones strong” means to brace up or invigorate in the original Hebrew. There are times when it feels we cannot take another step, but God braces us—he supports us and gives us new vigor to continue onward.
When we rely on him and allow him to guide, satisfy, and strengthen us, we will experience spiritual fruitfulness, whether we walk through lush valleys or desolate deserts. Our lives will be a continual place of fresh waters, and we will remain fruitful even when he leads us straight to the desert edge and beckons, “Come.” A productive, freshly sustained life can be ours when we live a life right before God and allow him access to every part of us. Let’s seek God with sincere hearts and actions.
Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for leading us by still waters, over rocky paths, up steep mountains, through raging waters, and over dusty deserts. Let us choose to turn to you like a child and place our whole trust in you. You are worthy of our trust. Help us to look to you for the next steps. When the storms of life howl and the outcome brings pain, let us turn our eyes in your direction and take another step toward you. When the whys of this life threaten our faith, satisfy our longings. When we feel weak from the trials, let us rely on you for strength.
Our fruitfulness is not only for us but also for other people whom we encounter. Let our place of springs of living water be a point of comfort for someone else who suffers long in the desert place. Let our lives reflect a life completely surrendered to you. We want to walk right with you. Cleanse our hearts from any mistrust or doubt and fill them with an active faith—being guided by you, satisfied with you, and strengthened by you in whatever place we find ourselves in. Thank you for being with us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Povozniuk
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