A Prayer for the Elderly - Your Daily Prayer - October 15
A Prayer for the Elderly
By Emma Danzey
1 Timothy 5:1 says, “Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers.”
Over and over in Scripture, we see a common command of God to respect those who are older than us and to not forget them in their old age. There is such beauty in learning from the generations who have come before us. We all have things that we can take away from each other. Many times we can see disrespect and people begin to ignore those who are older; however, we know from the Bible that there is great benefit in listening to godly wisdom from those with gray hair.
1 Timothy 5:1 tells us not to rebuke those who are aging but to encourage them. This can mean when we are teaching about the newest technologies, we honor them with the way we share. This can mean when we are getting impatient at someone’s slower pace, that we ourselves slow down and be respectful. This can mean when we have relatives who are older we value them and give them a place of honor. Today, we are going to take some time to pray over the elderly.
Let's Pray:
Thank you so much for the ability to pray on behalf of those who have lived years before us. We are grateful for their knowledge and experiences. God, we pray for those who do not know you and never made a decision to accept You as Savior. Would you help them to know today that it is not too late and they are not too far gone? Give them the courage to trust what You have promised that anyone who calls on Your name will be saved. Help them to notice their aging bodies and take immediate action for their spiritual condition. Reveal Your love to them and help them to become Your children.
We pray over those who feel forgotten today, whether this is intentional or unintentional from their family and friends. God, would you give them a sense of being seen by You even when they feel alone? Would you help those in their lives to remember to reach out and visit? Give them confidence in their identity and purpose in You. Help them to find joy in the everyday regardless of circumstances. We ask that their awareness of Your presence would be so great that they do not feel alone but know that You are always with them. We ask that their prayer lives would be lively and rich. We pray for them to know You deeply.
God, we pray for those who are just trying their best each day to serve You despite ailments and frustrations. Would you remind them that they are valuable to Your kingdom's work today and always? Would you grow their faith and trust in You through this and provide incredible ministry opportunities for them? Help them to feel wanted and useful in the body of Christ. Give them ministry platforms in this season of their lives.
Lord, we pray over those who are caring for the elderly. We pray for family members, neighbors, friends, and nurses who spend their time investing in the health and well-being of these people. We pray for them to have grace, understanding, compassion, and kindness. Bless these people who choose to honor You, Lord, in their love of others. Thank You for their calling and passion to love those who are often forgotten.
We pray for strength and wisdom in decision-making for the elderly. We ask that you would make living arrangements, healthcare, and community clear for them. Give them the best quality of life possible. We ask for Your peace to transcend their understanding and as they prepare to meet You in eternity, would you give them an even greater boldness to share Your gospel and proclaim the truth of your love to those around them? Bless them with rest, renewal, and strength. Help them to give themselves grace each day and to find their joy in You.
Thank you for the elderly people who You have placed in our lives. Help us to honor them today and every day. Amen.
Photo credit: ©SalemDesign/BethanyPyle Stock footage Soundstripe.com & Photo Canva.com
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