A Prayer for Today's Need - Your Daily Prayer - August 3
A Prayer for Today’s Need
By Kristine Brown
“Give us today our daily bread.” - Matthew 6:11 NIV
I remember the first day I stepped outside to feel the warm sun on my face after being stuck inside the house for so long. I’d endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments, forcing me to stay indoors in the cold winter months and avoid any prolonged sun exposure, as well. That’s why this special day outdoors felt heavenly. Taking a stroll around the backyard had always been one of my favorite things, but I never realized how much I would appreciate waddling out in my bathrobe and slippers and turning my face toward the sun. I still had a long way to go toward healing, but that day gave me hope. When treatments began, I saw this mountainous obstacle before me. I couldn’t fathom reaching the end. It seemed too big, too scary, and too impossible. So, I had to ask God each day for the strength I needed for that day. Then the next, then the next. By focusing only on what I needed for one day, I found peace for what was to come.
Jesus knows our needs. He always has and always will. While teaching the crowds how to pray, Jesus said, “Give us today our daily bread.” I memorized that prayer as a little girl and have recited it many times, but I hadn’t noticed the version which includes the word today. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by the big picture. When we focus on the problem ahead, we can’t see how things can possibly get better. Jesus understood our tendency toward fear in the face of insurmountable odds. He modeled for us how to ask God to help us through each day. Reading Jesus’ words about daily bread makes me think of the Israelite's journey to the Promised Land. They questioned if they would have enough food to survive. They even considered turning back.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.’” - Exodus 16:4
God gave the Israelites what they needed to sustain them. In the same way, God will give us today our daily bread. The New Living Translation puts it this way. God will “Give us today the food we need.” May we trust him to be our sustaining source. As we join in prayer, let’s ask ourselves this. “What do I need, only for today?” Is it energy to get out of bed, strength to face what’s ahead, peace at work, or joy in a difficult situation? Maybe, like me, you need to feel the sun's warmth on your face, reminding you of God’s goodness in even the worst circumstances. Whatever the need, let’s bring it to our Heavenly Father and know he is with us every day of our journey.
Let’s pray.
Dear God,
Thank you for your presence today. As we come to you in prayer, let us feel the warmth of your love. We know you hear us. You are a good and faithful God. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the problems I’m facing. They are more than I can handle in my own strength. I want to pray and trust you to meet my needs, but I don’t even know where to start. Lord, show me the next thing. Give me what I need just for today. You are my Provider. Lord, give me this day my daily bread. Your Word says in Matthew 6:34, “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
As I focus on you, help me rely on you to supply whatever I need right now. I will not be anxious about tomorrow because I can begin each day with you. Thank you for offering peace, hope, and joy to all who call upon you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Merlas
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