Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Truth This Christmas - Your Daily Prayer - December 2

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A Prayer for Truth This Christmas
By Meg Bucher

“But God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscriptive: “The LORD knows those who are his,” and “All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil.” 2 Timothy 2:19 NLT

The day my daughter discovered the truth about Christmas, I wiped tears from her eyes and assured her every Christmas would still be just as special as all of the others. The Truth about Christmas isn’t rooted in the North Pole but in God’s Word. Paul’s letter to Timothy reminds us, “God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone.” In Paul’s day, as there are now and will continue to be, false teachers twisted the truth about who Jesus was. The enemy is prone to take the truth and use it against us or out of context.

The Truth about Christmas doesn’t fade and fall away as we grow up into adulthood. Truth grows more beautiful over the years as it is watered faithfully. “The LORD knows those who are his,” Paul wrote. It reminds me of the Christmas carol that sings, “He’s making a list, and checking it twice…” God has actually written our names in the book of life, Scripture says. He not only knows our names but every hair on our heads at any given time. He knit us together in our mother’s womb, the Bible says. How thrilling to create a person! We are made in His image, and He has given us a purpose unique to each of us. Our lives are so special to God.

Nothing could ever take away the Truth of Christmas. Jesus is the Truth. He was born on earth as a gift to us. It’s the greatest love story of all time. Let’s pray to fully embrace Him this Christmas. 

Let’s pray:

Praise You for Christmas! Even the surrounding commercialism could not dim the Truth cast by the light of the stars the night Jesus was born on earth. This is the day You have made! We will rejoice and be glad in it! This Christmas is as unique as all of the others. Speak to us, and show us who You are this Christmas. Illuminate the Truth at an angle we’ve never stopped to think about before. Help us to notice the nuances of the day Jesus came into the world and embrace the gravity of His arrival on earth. 

Your mercies are new every day, God. Great is Your faithfulness! This Christmas, embolden us to share what we have received with everyone You place in our paths. When we feel alone, remind us You know who we are. We are never alone in Christ. He is with us, always, through the Holy Spirit residing in all who believe in Him. 

Father, let us not forget the latter part of today’s biblical truth: “All who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil.” Father, Christmas can challenge our schedules, patience, and ability to see through all of the commercialism to the real Truth of Christmas. Help us to consistently turn to You daily. Don’t let us embrace the idols of materialism over You. Stay first and foremost in our lives, God. Let us be fully prepared to share the Truth of Christmas.

Father, help us be aware of twisted truths and false teachers. We pray for their exposure, and also their restoration and way back to the actual Truth. Help us to focus on the Truth, Christ Jesus, this Christmas. Let nothing knock our focus off of Him, God. Show us, in new layers, why He came …who He is …and what Your will is for us as we follow Him faithfully as the magi were guided by the light of the star to Him.

In Jesus’ Name,

Photo credit: Unsplash/RobertThiemann

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