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A Prayer for When Clarity and Wisdom Are Needed - Your Daily Prayer - October 13

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A Prayer When Clarity and Wisdom Are Needed
By Jessica Van Roekel

Bible Reading
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” - James 3:17, NIV

Listen or Read Below:

I had grand ideas of parenting before I had children, but when God added one after another to our family, I realized how little I knew. There were so many days I felt I was flying blind, putting one foot in front of the other, cleaning up spilled milk and spilled tears. After years of raising them, I felt I had a handle on this parenting gig...until they stretched into adulthood. Then, it became an entirely new awareness of how little I actually knew. 

Being a parent to adult daughters and a son requires a whole new level of wisdom. I don’t want to overstep, and I want to respect the way they make decisions. But I still think they could use my insight. So, I walk the fine line of supporting and speaking my mind. The need for clarity and wisdom is a daily cry. I desire wisdom for responding instead of reacting to the unexpected detours in my days, weeks, or months. “Wisdom is the art of reaching one’s end by the use of the right means.” This definition is from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia and is an eloquent way of explaining wisdom. Within the context of James 3:17, wisdom is the knowledge and practice of the requisites for upright and godly living.

Some of us find it difficult to ask for help when we need it. Before Google, Apple, and MapQuest, I had no problem pulling into the nearest gas station when I lost my way. That was an easy ask. But there were certain areas in my life, like dealing with bitterness about circumstances when my pride rose and I refused to ask for help. In my resistance, I lost clarity and lacked wisdom, but if I asked God for help, he gave it generously. James gives us a helpful list describing wisdom. He makes it clear there is a difference between the wisdom of this world and God’s wisdom. This list can clarify our next step. Wisdom from God is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy, good fruits, impartial, and sincere. Whenever we wonder what the next step should be, we can examine our options within the context of this list. 

God invites us to ask for wisdom. He knows we will face situations when we will be flabbergasted by what’s in front of us. In these moments, we can either stumble onward in the dark or we can turn to him. When I don’t know what to do or how to respond or find myself reacting, I remember the list from James 3:17 (peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere) and James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

We can weigh the options to determine whether the next step is undergirded by the right motives and active compassion. If the choice is between something contentious or peaceable, choose the peaceable option. Does the decision before you put other people’s concerns before yourself, or can you give way to what’s beneficial? Considering this list from James 3:17 is a great idea when we desperately need clarity and wisdom. So often in my parenting journey, I have not chosen wisely. But God is gracious and repoints my mind and heart to his ways. His ways are the right ways to reach my parenting goals.

Let’s Pray:

Holy God,
Thank you for being the source of wisdom. I feel lost in the forest and have no idea which way to go. It feels like I’ve walked around in a circle, and I am getting nowhere. Every decision I make seems to be the wrong answer. I need you. I need your help. I need your wisdom. Fill me with your peace and settle my anxious heart. Wisdom from you is pure and full of peace. It’s gentle and open to reason. Your wisdom is full of mercy and good fruits. It is impartial and sincere. Give me the insight I need into my own heart regarding my situation. I need clarity for the next step. Help me see how your wisdom impacts the next decision I make. If I need to be gentle, fill me with your gentleness. If I’ve shown favoritism, forgive me and help me be impartial. If I’m manipulating the information so I get what I want, help me to lay it aside and choose purity. Thank you for giving me clarity and wisdom. You are amazing, and I praise you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Prostock-Studio

Jessica Van Roekel author headshotJessica Van Roekel loves the upside-down life of following Jesus as she journeys to wholeness through brokenness. As an author, speaker, and worship leader, she uses her gifts and experiences to share God’s transformative power to rescue, restore, and renew. She longs for you to know that rejection doesn’t have to define or determine your future when placed in God’s healing hands. Find out more You can connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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