Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for When You Don’t Measure Up - Your Daily Prayer - January 10

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A Prayer for When You Don’t Measure Up
By Renee Swope

“When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” - 2 Corinthians 10:12b

Do you ever compare yourself to other women and feel like you don’t quite measure up? Maybe you feel like you’re not as smart, pretty, fun, organized or as good at _______ as they are.

It’s so easy to think that if we had more or knew more, we’d be secure. But the truth is, even people who “have it all” still struggle with feelings of insecurity. The Bible opens with the story of a woman who had everything, but it still wasn’t enough (Genesis 2).

God had established Eve’s worth as His child and the crown of His creation. He also supplied Eve with every woman’s desire: intimacy, beauty, security, significance and purpose. Yet Satan conjured up feelings of insecurity by luring Eve’s eyes off what she had and on to what she didn’t have.

The enemy’s whispers tempted Eve to try to “be” more and “have” more by seeking significance apart from God’s provision. He convinced her something was missing in her life and that the forbidden fruit would make her be “like God.” It was a foolish comparison. All comparisons are.

Comparison will always leave us feeling like we don’t measure up. We can try to do more and be more, yet it’s never enough.

So, the next time we’re tempted to use the measuring stick of comparison — let’s commit to measure UP by focusing upward on Christ and who we are in HIM!

Lord, thank You that in Christ I’m chosen, holy and dearly loved. When I’m tempted to measure myself according to the world’s standards or my foolish comparisons, help me recognize Satan’s lies, refuse his temptations and rely on Your truth about me instead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Editor’s Note: Content taken from the Encouragement for Today devotional, When I Don’t Feel Like I Measure Up, written by Renee Swope. You can read that piece in full here. All rights reserved.

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