A Prayer for Wonder - Your Daily Prayer - January 25
A Prayer for Wonder
By: Dan R. Dick
"Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare." – Psalm 40:5
The boat took off at a high speed, and the towline lifted with a jerk. Jeff's arms strained to hold on, but he held the bar tightly in his hands. As the wind filled the parasail behind him, he felt himself rise up into the air. He was flying! The water rushed by beneath him, and he could see for miles. He let go of the bar and grabbed two steering guides dangling in front of him. He felt the freedom and joy of taking wing. His spirit swelled within him. He'd never felt a joy like this before in his life.
There are many breathtaking experiences in this life that God has given to us. He has reserved some special things for each of us. These experiences help us touch the wonder of God. They involve us in His mystery, and they remind us of just how great He is. Embrace life fully. Try new things. The Lord is offering you new excitement and opportunity every day of your life.
Grant me wings to soar, Father. Set me upon high places and show me the wonders of Your love. Open my heart to new things, and watch me grow. Amen.
Editor’s Note; Content taken from the May 9th Wisdom from the Psalms, written by Dan R. Dick. You can read the full piece here. All rights reserved.
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