A Prayer to See Miracles in Each Day - Your Daily Prayer - February 3
A Prayer to See Miracles in Each Day
By Chelsey DeMatteis
Read or Listen Below:
Bible Reading: "God created the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 1:1
I was recently out looking for frogs at a friend's pond with my two-year-old. We were doing everything possible to get them to jump out of the water. Then we noticed this one frog hadn't budged for a handful of minutes, almost to the point where we wondered if it was real, or worse … dead!
Finally, it jumped and went under the water where we couldn't find it again, which took us down a trail of conversation about how incredibly detailed God was when He made everything. We started wondering why fish have to stay underwater to breathe, how frogs can stay under so long without coming up for air, and the most detailed one of all - how a baby can breathe in amniotic fluid for 9 months, then come out able to breathe air. The answer I find myself saying to each question is this, "it's all a miracle, every last detail, a miracle."
This changed the way I viewed my entire day. It almost sounds silly that it took frog hunting with a two-year-old to see everyday, ordinary things as miraculous miracles. But it's the truth. While we certainly live in a world full of many hard things, we also have the opportunity to see the world through a different perspective that comes from a small shift, a shift that looks for the miracles God has put in each day.
The sunrise, the sunset, and the clouds may be the easiest places to start. No two are alike, and they represent the beauty and vastness of God. They show how creative and detailed He is. They show how kind and generous He is that He would give us such views that leave us breathless at the beginning, middle, and end of our days.
A favorite place of mine to look is the face of my children. Again, there is no one else like them. No one with their fingerprints, no one with the sweetest little noses and angel kiss of freckles. When I look at them, I'm invited to pause, ponder, and soak in the miracles of life that I get to watch in them. All because Jesus chose me to be their mom.
So, where did these everyday miracles begin? It's vital we look at the details. Genesis 1:1 says, "God created the heavens and the earth." Then every other part of God's creation began with, "God said, God made, God called," and it all happened. Every miracle we encounter on this earth stems straight from God's heart and creation.
The beauty that takes our breath away, is because of our Creator and if we go looking for Him, whether you're frog hunting with a two-year-old or sitting on your porch at the end of a long day, when you look for Him - you will find Him.
When you seek our Creator, you will find everyday miracles. Lean in, look closely, and be in awe of the beauty He's given us.
Let’s Pray:
Father, thank you for the beauty you've created. What a gift it is to live with a view where we get to see your creation on display. In the sunrise, the rain clouds, the sunsets. The rainbows, the bees, and the butterflies. Help me to look for you in every little thing, in every single place I go. I want to see you in the details, I want to know you on a deeper level. Show me your glory and may I always respond in praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Marjan Apostolovic
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