Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer to Remember God Fights for You Today - Your Daily Prayer - November 12

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A Prayer to Remember: God Fights for You Today
By Debbie McDaniel

“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you.” - Deut. 3:22

One thing is sure - if you're a believer who is living like salt and light in a dark world, you won't go for long without encountering obstacles and attacks the enemy will hurl your direction. God's words are true, this battle is real, and intense.

If you find yourself facing hard struggles today, please know you're not alone. Neither are you left to fight on your own. Many of us are in the battle with you, and God is the One who fights on behalf of His children, constantly shielding, protecting, strengthening, even when we're unaware.

And He's given us His words that are powerful and true, so we'll have the wisdom to stand against the enemy. We do not have to walk in fear. For when we belong to Christ, the enemy never has the final word. We are secure in God's hands and He reminds us over and over in His word to keep standing firm.

You never fight alone.

Let God do, on your behalf, what you could never do on your own.

He's with us.


And He is Mighty.

Dear God,

We thank you that you hold the victory over sin and death in this world. We thank you that you came to set the captives free.  We thank you for the redemptive work you’ve done in our lives.  We thank you for the freedom and the hope you bring.

Your word says to “stand our ground,” and that’s what we will do, in the power of your Name. The enemy has no control over us, and we bring your words of truth as a weapon against his schemes. We know that we’re never alone, for you are constantly at work on behalf of your children, shielding, protecting, strengthening, exposing deeds of darkness, bringing to light what needs to be known, covering us from the cruel attacks we face even when we’re unaware.

 We ask that you would give us wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy and to stand strong against his work.

We ask that you would remind us to pray, constantly, for all believers.

We ask that you would help us to stay alert in a dark world.

We ask that you would help us to be salt and light, that we would be loving and gracious, yet unyielding to sin.

We ask that you help us to remember to put on your armor daily, for you give us all that we need to stand firm in this day.

We thank you that you are far greater than anything we face here in this life, and we have overcome, because you have set us free.

We thank you for your truth, “no weapon formed that is formed against you will prosper.”

Lord, we ask for your peace, we ask for your protection, we trust you for your constant work on our behalf. We ask you to bring justice. We ask that you would bring light, knowing that you expose the deeds of darkness.

Standing together in your great and powerful Name, believing you are with us.

In Jesus’ Name,


Find more by Debbie at, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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