Your Nightly Prayer

Assurance to Take the Next Step - Your Nightly Prayer

Your Nightly Prayer

Assurance to Take the Next Step
Your Nightly Prayer for Mar. 17, 2025
by Keri Eichberger


“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” - Psalm 31:24


A spiral of decisions has been swirling through my thoughts. Should I have the surgery or keep dealing with the pain? Apply for the new job, or stay safe and comfortable? Spend the money on the family vacation or pay off an old debt? Invest more time with the kids, or take a night away for us? Go to this child’s game or the other’s? Take a rest, or check one more task off the list?  

These are all questions either my husband or I have brought before God in the past week. We’ve talked a billion options to death, attempted to pray more than mull over the details, and vowed, again and again, to surrender, release, and let God’s guidance determine our steps. Yet, we haven’t received clarity on most of our contemplations. And the continual issue is this: one by one these decisions come closer to their deadline. And sooner than later it will once again come time to find the courage and strength to take some sort of step forward. Once again, we need God’s assurance and courage. 

Do you need assurance to more forward confidently with something? I know I’m not the only one bogged down by an overload of options every day. I would also imagine you’ve had some things on your mental list that need short-order action, too. Something you’ve asked God to show you the best path and plan for, but you’re still a little unsure.  

Psalm 31:24 says, “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” And I don’t know what these words stir up in you, but to me, they speak the Bible’s reminder to us as Christ's followers to reaffirm where our hope is when we are in need. And personally, in the face of taking action, I need confidence, courage, and assurance.  Some versions of this verse say, “Let your heart take courage” or “he will strengthen your heart.” This tells me that we most certainly can go ahead and confidently move forward when it’s time to act because the Lord will strengthen us as we go. Those of us who stake our claim of hope in him and because of our hope in him. Our hope isn’t in the outcome being exactly what our limited understanding and knowledge think is best. Our hope is in the truth. That God’s good plan will prevail for all those who love him. 

So yes, we need to seek God over and over and over for his wisdom. But if you are truly in him, continually consulting him, you can move forward in confidence. And trust whatever action he prompts in you because you can trust him. And because his plans and purposes will always prevail. No matter what. I pray you can find comfort in the truth of his provision as you close out your day and wake with courage tomorrow to move forward with all of your hope in him


God of hope,
You are my confidence. There are so many choices wrapped up in every day. So many hard decisions and complex circumstances that need my opinion, attention, and action. Help me remember to take the time to seek your wisdom and counsel, but then give me confidence and courage to take the next step, knowing that you ultimately have all things under your authority. My hope is in you alone. Not in random choice or chance. Lord, Your plans will absolutely always prevail, and right now, I rejoice in your always sovereign care. In Your Almighty Name,


1. What decision do you need God’s assurance to move forward with?

2. Why do you think God wants you to “be strong and take heart?” 

3. If you could truly place your hope in the Lord alone with the ultimate outcome, would it give you the courage to take the next step?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/torwai

Keri Eichberger photoKeri Eichberger is a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author of Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes, and has a passion for sharing faith-filled encouragement through devotional writing. Connect with Keri at or Instagram.

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