6 Easy Ways to Start Memorizing Scripture

I am always so impressed when I am in a conversation with someone and they are able to recite scripture from memory. This simple act tells a lot about their walk with Jesus. It means that they are committed to knowing God’s Word in a way that requires discipline, time, and dedication. It tells me that God’s words are written on their hearts.
Memorization is not my strong suit! My kids can recite poems and facts quickly but I struggle to remember much more than my own phone number. Scripture memorization has always felt a bit daunting to me. Something a little out of my reach, but this year I have committed to putting the work in to memorize one chapter of the Bible. This may seem like a small goal, but for me, this feels like a big undertaking.
The reason this practice feels so important is that I need God’s Word to be ingrained into my soul. I need truth to be accessible in my daily life at a moment's notice. God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). For me to be able to best take advantage of the wisdom God gave us in his book, I need to know its words like the back of my hand.
Here are a few easy ways to start memorizing Scripture:
1. The Bible Memory App
Technology has so many amazing uses! The Bible Memory App is a great tool to assist you in committing verses to memory. The app activates your kinesthetic memory, visual memory, and auditory memory. It will play back the verses for you to hear over and over. It offers flashcards for you to review the verses you are working on. The app also allows you to type out verses as well. Having access to the tools you need to work on memorizing scripture on your phone is so very convenient. You can listen to the audio of the verses you are working on in the car or type out the verses you are learning in the pickup line to grab your kids from school. While I do love paper and pencil there is something to be said about the convenience of having everything you need to make Scripture memory a part of your routine at your fingertips.
2. Start a Scripture Memory Journal
The Daily Grace Co. offers amazing scripture memory journals that walk you through the process of committing beautiful passages of scripture to memory. The journals prompt you to pray, write, and recite, and are a great way to help you make space in your routine for scripture memory work. The pages of these carefully designed journals are stunning. The beauty of these books will make you want to invest time to carefully create art with the verses that you are practicing writing on the pages. Also, the cost of this tool is super reasonable, which is always a win.
3. Create A Spiral Notebook Journal
An even simpler method to help you focus on scripture is just to grab a spiral notebook and start writing out and then practice reciting the passages that you are working on. Notecards would also work well for this basic study method. Remember back to college days when you used to rewrite and recite your class notes to prepare for a test… we are just applying the same method to your scripture memorization. No need to buy anything fancy or even use technology to commit the words of the Bible to your memory!
4. Use Songs to Help You Learn Scripture
Putting something to a tune is a great way to get new content to stick in your mind. There are also some really amazing artists that have created quality music that you can put on in your house or car that just sings scripture. One of my favorites to listen to is Kings Things! They have set several passages to scripture in a way that the whole family will enjoy. My kids and I are currently working on learning Exodus 20:1-17 and we have done this just by listening to their song several times together over this school year.
Slugs & Bugs is another band that we listen to as a family often. Their music is geared a little more to the younger crowd but is done with such quality you will find yourself wanting to turn on their songs even without the kids in the car. They have tons of albums that cover many beautiful passages of scripture.
5. Use Scripture Cards
Another tool that can make scripture memory easy is investing in a set of printed scripture cards. Set these cards in a convenient place such as your kitchen table and make reading and reciting them a part of your daily routine. Dayspring has several sets of shareable cards that are beautifully crafted and come in convenient cases. I’ve even framed some of their cards to place up in my house so I could easily see the words they display! They have an adorable set designed for kids that you could make reciting the verses on their ring a part of your bedtime routine.
6. Memorize Scripture with Others
Anytime I set a new goal for myself, what I need more than anything else is accountability! Enlist the support of your spouse, friends, small group, co-workers, or children. Get your community involved in your scripture memorization journey. We go so much farther when we work as a team than when we try to do all the things on our own.
Community Bible Study is one place where I have accountability in my journey towards better learning God’s Word. Each week we have a “word of the week” that acts as our memory verse from the passages of scripture we are studying. Coming together with other women of God weekly with the mission of better learning God’s Word helps me to make sure I don’t get slack in my own personal spiritual life. There are groups all across the world, I highly recommend connecting to a group in your community.
We live in a culture that is battling such confusion. God’s Word is really the only solid rock that we can build our lives on but before we can begin that process, we have to take the time to truly learn what the Bible says. Now more than ever committing truth to memory is essential to our ability to stand firm in our beliefs in this chaotic world.
I encourage you to take a step towards making scripture memory and meditation a part of your and your family's routine. God’s Word is alive and active! It has the power to change us when we begin to make His truth a vital part of how we live our lives.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema
Originally published March 07, 2022.