Energize your time with God
In seasons of dryness we need something fresh. As in any good relationship, your time with God needs a little variety. You need some different ways to meet God, some activities to enliven your time together.
- Pray in a new position. If your usual position is in a favorite chair, stand up and pray. Lift your arms or open your hands. Lie face down on the floor. Pace the floor, kneel, fling yourself across your bed.
- Create lists. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things (Phil. 4:8). Make a list of the noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent things in your life. Lovely things may be a rose, a ballet dance, or a crystal vase from your grandmother. Create your own list of things to remember when you are tempted to complain or think impure, unkind, or ugly thoughts.
- Take a prayer walk. Invite a friend, family member, or spouse to walk and pray with you. If you don't want to walk, sit in a park or go to a chapel and pray.
- Dance. Dance was David's response to victory. Dance was Miriam's response to the parting of the Red Sea. Use an aerobic workout to Christian music. Let your body be an offering to God.
- Make a devotional basket. Include a devotional such as Our Daily Bread, a Bible, a copy of My Upmost for His Highest or Hinds Feet on High Placse, or a devotional magazine. You may also include a pen and prayer journal. You may want to make baskets for different rooms - or the car - so you can easily take a devotional break after you do the laundry or while waiting for the kids at soccer practice.
- Sing to God. Make your songs prayers. Use a favorite hymnal, or buy a new one. Buy a new CD of praise songs and sing along. Make up your own songs. Sing loudly. Sing when you are joyful, when you are fearful, and when you need comfort.
- Get a new Bible. If you've been reading the same Bible for years, try another version so you can look at the Word through fresh eyes.
- Fast. Use your fast to strengthen your connection to God. You could also fast by giving up your favorite TV program and have a quiet time with God. Or cut out the chocolate, cola, or coffee that seem to have a habitual hold on you. You might fast from listening to your talk-radio or rock station in the car as you drive and pray instead. Anytime you break the routine and give God the time, He is faithful to meet you there.
- Be still. It's easy to miss God in the noise and commotion of daily life. Find quiet places to restore your soul: a park, a museum, under a favorite tree.
From 30 Ways to Wake Up Your Quiet Time! by Pam Farrel, copyright (c) 1999. Used by permission of InterVaristy Press, Downers Grove, Ill.
Pam Farrel is director of women's ministries at Valley Bible Church in San Marcos, Calif. She is also the author of A Woman of Influence and a co-author, with Jim and Sally Conway and her husband, Bill, of Pure Pleasure.
Originally published December 24, 2001.