10 Great Devotional Books for Women

Devotional books for women can be a valuable tool in our daily walk with God. While they are not to replace us opening our Bibles, they can be a valuable asset in helping us to connect with God.
What makes a devotional book great?
The best devotional books are firmly rooted in scripture. Each day’s reading comes from a specific passage, but often they include other scripture references for further inspiration. The best devotional books for women also include other creative elements to encourage the reader to experience God’s presence. They may include suggested prayers or songs. They often include thought provoking reflective questions or journaling ideas. Here are ten great devotional books for women:
GraceLaced by Ruth Choi Simmons
Complete with beautiful artwork done by Ruth herself, this devotional book is a masterpiece. It was the winner of the 2018 Christian Book Award, and rightly so. The book includes 32 seasonal devotions as well as 800 pieces of artwork. Ruth challenges her readers to study the promises of God tucked in scripture and how to root their confidence in the faithfulness of God.
The book is filled with hand painted scripture verses that are simply stunning. For anyone who values beauty, this is a wonderful resource to use in your time with God. f ever there was a season when people needed to be reminded of God’s promises, it is now. Though the seasons of your life may change, God’s faithfulness never changes. Ruth Choi Simmons reminds us to respond to Biblical truth by rehearsing the truth God speaks, responding in faith to those truths, and remembering His provision to sustain. You won’t be disappointed in this beautiful devotional.
He Holds My Hand by Carol Kent
In this powerful devotional, Carol Kent helps us hear God’s reassuring voice in scripture for the moments in our lives when the unthinkable happens. Carol wrote this 365-day devotional during a time in her life when she felt desperate for God. Each day has a quote from a Christian author, an inspiring message from God based on scripture, and a scripture verse. Each day is written as if God Himself were speaking to the reader. For example, on day one, Carol writes, “I am A God who delights in giving new beginnings and restored hope.” This is absolute truth from scripture that persons in pain need to hear. Carol helps her readers experience God’s presence and protection day by day, even in the sorrows of life.
Keeping Hope Alive by Grace Fox
This devotional is specifically geared toward the times in our lives when we need strength because of an unexpected storm. On each day of this powerful little devotional, author Grace Fox gives her readers a scripture verse, a short devotional thought, a question to ponder, and a short prayer to pray. In addition, each day has a quote from a Christian author that correlates with the theme of that day. If ever there was a time when people needed hope, it is now. Readers will not be disappointed as they read these short devotionals. Instead, they will be uplifted and encouraged.
Prevail by Susie Larson
Susie is one of my favorite authors, and this devotional is brilliant! Susie travels through the arch of scripture, encouraging us to experience God’s presence even on difficult days. Filled with powerful devotional thoughts from scripture, thought provoking questions, and poignant prayers, this devotional is a treasure! It was released in September 2020, during the pandemic, and has over 1000 reviews on Amazon. If you need a reminder to hang in there and persevere in your faith through life’s challenges, this is your book!
Blessings for the Soul by Susie Larson
This devotional is completely unique in that it offers daily blessings based on scriptural truth for every day. Each day includes a scripture passage as well as a blessing to be received from that passage. For the woman who feels empty or discouraged, this is your book. Receive the blessing that Jesus wants to pour out on your soul. I highly recommend this book!
The Satisfied Heart by Ruth Myers
This is an older devotional that was released in 1999, but it is a classic that women will want to return to year after year. Ruth writes her own story at the beginning of the book so that the reader understands the context for why she needed to experience the love of God more completely. She leads the reader through 31 days of experiencing the love of God. Many women seem to know in their heads that God loves them; however, they can’t seem to feel that love in their hearts. Each day of Ruth’s powerful devotional includes a devotional thought, an honest prayer, additional scripture references, and a place to journal. This profound little devotional is sure to be a favorite with women who just need reassurance that God loves them. It is one they will return to many times through the years.
Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day by Peter Scazzero
Though this devotional is not specifically targeted toward women, it will be well received by the woman who deeply values her relationships. Author Pete Scazzero sets up the devotional so that the reader will spend intentional time with the Lord in the morning and in the evening. He anchors the book around the ancient spiritual practice of the “Daily Office,” which takes place twice a day to recenter ourselves in the love of God. This short devotional leads the reader into a deep dive into their own emotional state so that they can offer emotionally healthy love to others. Each day the reader is encouraged to spend 2 minutes of silence before the Lord, then there is a scripture reading, a short devotional, a question to consider, a prayer, and then a 2-minute time of concluding silence. One of the outstanding characteristics of this devotional is the way Pete includes thoughts from some of the ancient spiritual church fathers and mothers. I have personally used this book several times, and I love it!
The 30-Day Praise Challenge by Becky Harling
I wrote this devotional in 2013, but it continues to sell well today. Each day contains a scripture, a message from God based on scripture inviting us to praise, suggested worship songs to listen to, a prayer to pray, and a journal prompt. Even though the devotional is now ten years old, I continue to hear from readers whose lives have been changed by accepting the 30-day praise challenge. I am extremely grateful to the Lord for how He has used this tiny devotional.
Make Time for Joy by Linda Evans Shepherd
This small devotional includes scripture powered prayers to help bring joy every day. With depression and anxiety on the rise, women are longing for more joy in their lives. This tiny devotional is packed with uplifting prayers of joy, perfect for women. It is especially great for women who don’t have a lot of time in their day. Each day has a joy filled prayer centered around a theme followed by scripture verses. This beautiful devotional is the perfect gift for birthdays, Mother’s Day, or other celebrations.
Psalms for the Anxious Heart by Becky Harling
This tiny devotional came out during the pandemic to help calm those struggling with anxiety. This short devotional offers peace in uncertain times. Each day offers a verse from the Psalms (who also wrestled with anxiety), a devotional thought, a question to ponder and reflect on, a truth to cling to, a suggested song to listen to, and a prayer to pray. Though the pandemic is over, uncertainty continues. However, there is hope and peace for every anxious heart. Learn from the Psalmists who poured out their worries to God and then shifted their focus to praise. Peace is sure to follow.
The best devotional books for women are a matter of preference. However, I am able to say with full assurance that any of the above ten suggestions would be a great asset to a woman’s walk with the Lord. Any of them would inspire her to go deeper in her relationship with God.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Alexis Brown
Originally published April 13, 2023.