Bible Study

How to Make Your Bible Your Latest Escape

Regardless of the time you have, I’m here to help you make your Bible your latest escape and break it down simply. 
Updated Dec 04, 2024
How to Make Your Bible Your Latest Escape

Taking a trip inside your Bible is like taking a vacation from the things of this world. Romans 12:2 reminds us not to be conformed to the pattern of this world:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

There are some different ways you can approach Scripture and make it your latest escape, regardless of how much time you have. You may have days where you have time to focus on a keyword or phrase, a verse, a chapter, or a full book.

But regardless of the time you have, I’m here to help you make your Bible your latest escape and break it down simply. So, let’s dive in.

Treat Each Chapter Like a Day Trip

When reading through my Bible, I’ve always found it easiest to dedicate myself to really digging into one chapter a day. As a busy wife and mom, it’s something that I can commit to, and the chapter I’m reading helps me get my mind off of the stressors of my day ahead. Not everyone can afford to take a day trip, but the things we glean from studying the Bible will pay us back in wisdom far more than a day trip ever could. Bonus: we don’t have to feel the sting of removing funds from our bank accounts to do so. So much peace, beauty, love, light and joy can be found simply in reading through a chapter of the Bible and finding what God has for your heart inside of it.

Treat Each Book Like a Vacation

Some people take a week's vacation, while others take much longer depending on what their schedule affords. The same is true for studying a book of the Bible. Some of us may be able to read through, ingest and digest an entire book of the Bible in a week, while others made need a few weeks. Think of each book of your Bible like a vacation destination, and as you strive to read through your entire Bible, you will go on many scriptural/spiritual journeys that will refresh and delight your soul. You will also take vacations into your Bible that will cause you to reflect on things in your life that you perhaps need to change and new ways of thinking that you need to cultivate. The beauty of making your Bible your latest escape is that you will come out from each “escape” from the things of this world with an eternal perspective. This is the beauty of escaping into your Bible because a Heavenly perspective will take you far in this life. Especially when you endure hard things down here, you can know with certainty that “…the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” - Romans 8:18

Treat Each Verse Like a Trip to the Spa

there’s something so powerful about reading one verse of the Bible and meditating on it all day. It truly is cleansing for our minds, just as going to the spa is cleansing to the body. An internal cleanse is so important, and we really should and can take a trip to this Scriptural Spa daily and allow ourselves to bask in the living water that is literally free and sitting right at our fingertips:  

“But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” - John 4:14

Let’s use this verse in John 4:14 as an example of our trip to the Biblical spa. I could (and have) thought about this verse all day long. The beginning of this verse says, “Whoever,” which means anyone can have access to this water that Jesus provides. Anyone can have access to everlasting life. Jesus was not exclusive in His teaching; rather, He was highly inclusive. The words “springing up,” provides an image of joy. On hard days, when we’re exhausted, and it’s a challenge to get out of bed, we can spring up and start our day knowing that things won’t always be this way. Knowing that whatever weighs us down on earth will be no more in heaven. 

Treat a Keyword or Phrase Like a Mini Reset

We’ve all had those days where we don’t get the time alone we would like to study our Bibles and bask in the light of God’s Word. When my son was hospitalized and critically ill before receiving his life-saving heart transplant, I had days where it was one word or phrase from Scripture that would get me through the day. Just one word or a few. And I would recite them to myself over and over and over again to keep my mind from wandering to other horrific places. You may be in a season of your life where everything is dark and chaotic. You may be in a season of your life (like I was) where you barely have time to eat, drink, sleep, or brush your teeth. There will be times in your life on earth where you will cling to just one of God’s words like it is the very life raft keeping you from drowning. These are just some of the life-giving words and phrases that popped out from Scripture that got me through some very dark days and provided a quick mini reset, whenever quiet time was sparse:

“You are mine.” (See Isaiah 43:1)

I would recite this over and over again on tough days to remind myself that I am His. Nothing can separate me from His love. No amount of darkness can diffuse the light of His love inside my heart.

“Never.” (See Hebrews 13:5)

He will never leave me nor forsake me. He will never make me walk alone. Even when no one else understands my pain, He does. He will never let me go.

“…through Christ who strengthens me.” (See Philippians 4:13)

I can’t do this, but He can. I can’t pull through this in my own, but He can. His strength, not mine, will see me to the other side.

“…by my God I can leap over a wall.” (See Psalm 18:29)

Over and over, I would repeat this and remind myself that God would be with me on one side of the wall, He would be with me to scale the wall, and if all I had the strength left to do was fall flat on the other side, He would catch me there too.

I am sure you can think of and find a lot more keywords and phrases than these, but the beautiful thing about God is that He is a personal God. So, when we read the Bible as His love letter to us, we see things in a whole different light.

Whether you choose to use my examples of taking:

A mini rest through keywords and phrases in the Bible,

A spa trip by meditating on a verse in the Bible,

A day trip by reading through a chapter in the Bible,

Or a vacation by journeying through an entire book of the Bible,

I hope these examples have provided some encouragement for your heart that is likely worn and world-weary like mine is at times.

If you haven’t picked up your Bible in a while, I truly hope you’ll see the cleansing, resetting, mood-boosting, and faith-fuelling benefits it has, and choose to make your Bible your latest escape.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/andreswd

Kali Dawson bio photoKali Dawson graduated from St. Thomas University with a B.A. in English and a Minor in Journalism and Communications. She is a School Teacher, Pilates Instructor, and Mama of two young children and a beautiful 2020 baby. She is married to her real-life Superhero. When she's not holding small hands or looking for raised hands you will find her writing fervently about faith and family. To read more, you can find her on Facebook at Faith, Family, Freelance.

Originally published December 04, 2024.