Who Wrote Ecclesiastes and What Is It's Message for Us Today?

We’ve all heard the story. A rising star rockets to pinnacle celebrity status and then crashes and burns. They seemingly gained all that life had to offer—fame, money, admiration, power—but they somehow found it empty. At the top of their game, they realized that it was all meaningless.
The book of Ecclesiastes speaks directly to this person and to all of us from the perspective of someone who had it all, became disillusioned, and eventually realized the surprisingly simple things that are ultimately important in life. It is in the genre called Wisdom Literature, along with Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and the Song of Songs.
Who Wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes?
The authorship of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible is traditionally attributed to King Solomon, however the book's author identifies himself in Ecclesiastes 1:1 with the Hebrew word "qoheleth" which translates to "Preacher" - “The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem”. The evidence we have that points out this mysterious authorship points to King Solomon for several reasons:
- Lineage and Reign: The opening verse of Ecclesiastes states, "The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem" (Ecclesiastes 1:1), pointing directly to Solomon, who was David’s son and a king in Jerusalem.
- Wisdom and Wealth: Solomon was renowned for his unparalleled wisdom and immense wealth, qualities attributed to Qoheleth within the text (Ecclesiastes 1:16, 2:7-9).
- Solomon’s Legacy: Solomon is credited with authoring other wisdom literature in the Bible, such as Proverbs and the Song of Solomon, further strengthening the association
Solomon pleased God at the beginning of his reign, and because of this, “the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream” saying “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Surprisingly, Solomon did not ask for anything that would benefit him materially, but instead humbly prayed:
“Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:7-9).
God rewarded Solomon for this selfless reply: he gave him incredible wisdom and also chose to bless him with wealth and honor. These riches proved to be a mixed blessing. While Solomon was able to build a beautiful temple for God (1 Kings 6) and do other good things, he also was led into idolatry by his pursuit of the good life at all costs (1 Kings 11:1-7). Eventually, it seems that Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes as a chastened man who learned the hard way what really matters.
What is the Biblical Context Around the Time Ecclesiastes was Written?
During the time King Solomon is traditionally believed to have written the book of Ecclesiastes, ancient Israel was experiencing a golden age of prosperity and peace. Solomon's reign, around 970 to 931 BCE, marked the peak of Israel's power, wealth, and influence. Under Solomon's leadership, Jerusalem blossomed into a vibrant and bustling capital. It was during this period that Solomon constructed the First Temple, a monumental achievement symbolizing Israel's religious and cultural zenith.
However, despite the outward appearance of prosperity, Solomon's introspective writings in Ecclesiastes reveal a man deeply contemplating the meaning of life and the nature of human existence. Ecclesiastes reflects Solomon's philosophical and existential musings, as he grapples with the vanity and fleeting nature of worldly pursuits. His reflections suggest a personal quest for deeper understanding and fulfillment, beyond the material wealth and temporal successes of his reign.
In addition to the economic and cultural achievements, Solomon's era was marked by complex political dynamics. Managing an expansive kingdom with diverse populations and maintaining alliances with neighboring states required astute diplomacy and governance. The challenges of leadership and the moral dilemmas inherent in wielding power likely influenced Solomon's reflective and sometimes somber tone in Ecclesiastes.
Solomon's profound insights in Ecclesiastes resonate with readers today, offering timeless wisdom on the pursuit of meaning, the limitations of human understanding, and the importance of fearing God and keeping His commandments. This blend of historical grandeur and philosophical depth makes Ecclesiastes a compelling and relevant text for Christians seeking to navigate the complexities of modern life with ancient wisdom.
What are the Key Themes and Main Ideas in the Book of Ecclesiastes?
The book of Ecclesiastes provides relevant wisdom for Christians today who struggle with the seeming meaninglessness of life. Why are we here? What is it all for? Does what we do even matter? What is truly important in life? All these answers and more can be found in the twelve chapters of Ecclesiastes.
At the end of the twelfth chapter, Solomon sums up with the wisest statement he can possibly muster, and we feel ourselves leaning forward in order to catch every word: “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” This is the overarching theme of Ecclesiastes and should be the overarching focus of the Christian life, but Solomon also has other wisdom to share. Let's take a deeper look at the main themes of this book:
- The Vanity of Life: A recurring theme in Ecclesiastes is the notion of "vanity" or "meaninglessness" (Ecclesiastes 1:2). The Teacher, or Qoheleth, reflects on the fleeting and transient nature of human endeavors and achievements, suggesting that many pursuits ultimately lack lasting significance.
- The Inevitability of Death: Ecclesiastes addresses the certainty of death, emphasizing that it comes to everyone regardless of their wisdom or wealth (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20). This acknowledgment of mortality leads to questioning the lasting value of human accomplishments.
- The Search for Meaning: The book documents Qoheleth’s quest to find meaning in various aspects of life, such as work, pleasure, wisdom, and wealth, ultimately finding them insufficient for true fulfillment (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18, 2:1-11).
- The Limits of Human Wisdom: While wisdom is esteemed, Ecclesiastes highlights its limitations in comprehending life’s ultimate truths and the divine order, leading to a humble acceptance of human limitations (Ecclesiastes 3:11, 8:16-17).
- Enjoyment of Life’s Simple Pleasures: Despite the futility of many pursuits, Qoheleth encourages enjoying simple, everyday pleasures like eating, drinking, and finding satisfaction in work, seeing them as gifts from God (Ecclesiastes 2:24, 3:12-13).
- The Fear of God: The book concludes with a call to fear God and keep His commandments, presenting this as the foundation for a meaningful and righteous life (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
3 Lessons from Ecclesiastes
1. Right now, we live in time but we were made for more.
Though we live our lives on a timeline now--birth, life, death--yet Ecclesiastes says that “he has put eternity into man's heart” but in such a way that he can’t fully understand yet (3:11). The New Testament echoes this, encouraging believers that we have eternity to fully grasp God’s glorious works in the world: “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
This longing for something beyond this earthly life is a divine gift meant to help us to “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18). As C.S. Lewis has famously put it: “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” (Source: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/6439-if-we-find-ourselves-with-a-desire-that-nothing-in).
2. Life only has meaning when lived in relationship with God.
Solomon wants his readers to know that he has tried everything in a relentless pursuit to find the meaning of life. He’s tried gaining knowledge and wisdom and being very righteous. He’s tried indulging himself with everything that money could buy. He’s tried working hard and playing hard. He’s tried pursuing fame and greatness and passion and in the end, found all of it empty. Depending on what translation you’re reading, the resounding refrain of the book of Ecclesiastes is some variation on these words:
- “Meaningless!”
- “Pointless!”
- “Vanity!”
- “Futility!”
- “Useless!”
When any of the things mentioned above are pursued wholeheartedly, they become “a chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14). We all want to be happy and pursue it in various ways as Solomon did, but only one way will truly provide happiness: pursuing God Himself. Lewis again: “It is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about religion. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there.” (Source: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/106874-god-made-us-invented-us-as-a-man-invents-an).
3. Joy can be found in life through gratitude for God’s gifts.
Life is a gift. Though it sounds like a cliche, deep down we know this is true. We did not create ourselves, and, after all, “what do [we] have that [we] did not receive?” (1 Corinthians 4:7). Though life is full of hardship, it is also full of beauty if we have eyes to see. After experiencing all the world had to offer in terms of opulent luxuries and worldly pleasures, Solomon emphasized simple things as the ones which could bring real joy “under the sun” (which is the way Solomon refers to this earthly life). He mentions family life, food and drink, and honest work as aspects of life that can give satisfaction in a temporal sense as we live out our lives on earth. We don’t put our hope in them or expect them to give us lasting fulfillment, but can we thank God for them and enjoy them as good gifts, knowing that “whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father” (James 1:17).
Solomon had it all but found in the end that only one thing was important: a relationship with God characterized by awe and obedience. Pursued as a means of ultimate happiness, everything else in the world ends in futility. But when God is central in life, all of his gifts come into proper perspective and are able to be enjoyed. While we may not fully understand the meaning of all of life while we are here on earth, we can trust that God has full wisdom even when our wisdom falls short. As Ecclesiastes 5:2 says:
Do not be quick with your mouth,
do not be hasty in your heart
to utter anything before God.
God is in heaven
and you are on earth,
so let your words be few.
An article on Ecclesiastes could go on and on sharing many valuable lessons from the book, but it may be wiser to heed the advice of Solomon and cut to the chase: “Many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of God” (Ecclesiastes 5:7).
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/jodie777
Originally published December 30, 2020.