The Bible and extrabiblical texts describe these giants roaming the earth, wreaking havoc. However, we don’t see any evidence that they exist today.
With this in mind, what can we learn from them?
1. Nephilim seem to check out with other culture’s myths and stories.
Almost every culture seems to have myths about giants and half-human hybrids. If demons had intermingled with humans and animals, it would explain where these cultures derived these myths.
We can imagine the horrors of going toe-to-toe with a giant or a minotaur. We can understand how they would have ruled the earth for some time. No one could stand up to such might.
2. God does not like when people (or demons) mess with the natural order of things.
God had intended for offspring to happen through humans. When demons stepped into the picture, chaos ensued. Chaos that led to a worldwide flood.
We cannot imagine the awful state of the world that it had wound up in in Genesis 6. It was far worse than anything we’ve seen in current events. We can also see God’s justice in starting things over. If God created a Flood to wipe out the Nephilim, and later sent people like David to eliminate the Nephilim’s descendants, we can understand the reasoning.
3. God is bigger than all of it.
I think about David, with a sling full of rocks, aiming them at the head of a giant. The entire Israelite army trembled when Goliath challenged them. But David knew. David understood that God had defeated giants in the past, and he could do it again.
No matter what Satan can create (or rather corrupt, since he can’t create anything), God can defeat it.
We can imagine the Israelites felt daunted by the giants in the Promised Land. They got so daunted they set themselves back decades (four decades, to be exact) from entering the land. But ultimately, God tore the walls down and allowed them to take over the city.
God is bigger than the Nephilim. There isn’t a giant that he cannot conquer.
Further Reading:
What Do We Know about the Nephilim?
Who Are the Nephilim in the Bible?
Are the Nephilim Giants or Fallen Angels?
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