We could explore loads of reasons for why Paul encouraged the Ephesians to exercise kindness to one another, especially to believers. In this section, we’ll lightly touch on three reasons.
First, we want to exemplify Christ.
Christian means “little Christ.” In everything we do, we want to emulate Christ’s example. And as we move further on our walk, we want to look more like our Savior every day. In doing so, we need to show kindness and compassion. Remember, Judas ate too. Jesus washed his feet during the Last Supper, even though he knew how Judas had already betrayed him and how he would betray him later on.
If Christ can wash Judas’ feet, we can show kindness to everyone, even our enemies.
Second, we have a choice to show God’s love.
Revenge is the easy choice to make. We get a thrill from having the last word or showing people not to mess with us.
But in doing so, we forget our mission here on earth.
God calls us to spread the good news of salvation to all peoples. If we choose malice or revenge, we risk failing to show someone the love of Christ. Perhaps it will turn them off to Christianity altogether if they see a believer who engages in hate and revenge.
Third, we remind ourselves of our mission.
Remember, without love, our good deeds mean nothing. When we choose kindness and forgiveness, we remind ourselves as to why God has placed us here on earth.
The Christian walk can often get exhausting. And if we lose sight of the why, we’ll fizzle or grow winded during the race.
Choosing kindness and forgiveness reminds us of Christ’s example. We can remember the parable of the unforgiving servant. No matter how much a friend or family member (or a complete stranger) has hurt us, we can remember the abounding grace of God in our own lives. He has forgiven us and shown us so much kindness. Therefore, we strive to do the same.
Scripture calls us to make two difficult choices: kindness and forgiveness. They sound easy on paper. Living out these concepts, however, is not easy..but it's what Christ desires for us all.
Through Christ’s example of humility, and the lovingkindness he has shown us, he has given us a mission and a mindset that often runs counter-culture. Nevertheless, when we choose kindness and forgiveness, we allow others to experience the grace of God—and we spur other believers to do the same.
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