Should Christians Prepare for the End Times?

Armageddon, doomsday, the apocalypse - no matter how you slice it, the fear has gained quite the momentum over the last couple of years. It has also caused quite a buzz in recent movies and the music industry and is a steady trend on nearly every social media platform. Search the news, and you'll find "the end times" spilled into those avenues as well.
However, have you noticed how real truth seems harder to come by these days? You have to dig to get past all the conspiracies, slew of opinions, and "personal prophesies" to make any sense of this world. To make matters worse, our culture is feeding and feasting on the fear of it all, and many are taking the bait, searching frantically for answers and longing for peace.
So, what should believers be doing in these rather strange times? Should we be preparing for the end times? And if so, how do we do that exactly? While I don't have all the answers, I do know who does, so let's see what God has to say about the end times and if (and how) we should prepare.
Yes, We Should Prepare our Heart, Mind, and Soul
Many may be prepping for uncertainty by stocking up on food, buying a bunch of water and supplies, and seeking safe places. While that is totally understandable and even necessary for any kind of emergency, as believers, we need to be ready to stand firm, remain steadfast, and cling tightly to our faith. That is what will get us through "any kind of times."
It isn't hard to see that the enemy is on a rampage, and the hunt is on to take down as many believers as possible! Mathew 24:10 says that in the end times, many will lose faith. This is a wake-up call for us to be vigilant! We must understand that as bad as it may seem, look, or even feel, nothing will prepare us like getting right with our God.
We can prepare for our families and do what we must to keep them safe and secure, but above all else, we need to prepare our hearts, guard our minds, and feed our souls. If you haven't studied the end times in-depth, now may be a good time to start. Given the current state of our world, many conclude we could be accelerating toward the catastrophic events leading up to the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. While we surely are in the "birthing pains," no matter what day and age we are living in, there is always value in reading His Word, understanding who our God is, and how it can truly change our lives.
So, while our earth has been groaning for quite some time and has befallen to quite a bit of calamity in recent events, we can take heart and know that while darkness is coming, there is so much more in the glory of God (Isaiah 60:2)!
What do we really need to know about the end times? Open your Bible and read through the end times prophesies to gain a better understanding. While it can be overwhelming and a little unclear, as there is much symbolic meaning and imagery, invite God into your heart and seek Him earnestly through prayer to reveal His Truth so you can rely on that when you want to bend to fear.
Here are a few books in the Bible and verses to lean on so you can deeply study to gain wisdom and seek God's discernment.
Daniel 12- Daniel the prophet predicts a future time of trouble for Israel and shares that in this chapter.
Matthew 24 – Jesus shares with the disciples about the "end of the age" or end times and His return.
Isaiah 17- Lays out the Prophecy against Damascus, the capital city of Syria, which surrounds northern Israel. This is about God's judgment and for their salvation.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 – This is about the great battle the Lord will fight for Israel.
Psalm 83 – Offers a prayer for when we are threatened by wars and the war on Israel and our pleas for God to save His people.
Revelation was written by John to convey hope in these turbulent times. Be sure to read it as a message for believers to encourage us and remain faithful.
A few more verses to dig into: 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 2 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Timothy 4:1, Luke 21:36
Trust God
It's a lot to take in! And maybe you stop reading this and just ponder the passages above and let God speak to you. I understand that, given the current times we are living in, it can be worrisome and troublesome. Not only that, but reading through the verses and trying to decipher, understand, and make sense of it all can be absolutely mind-boggling. But, the truth is, we don't have to understand it all, nor were we meant to. God may have created us to be complex and intelligent creatures, but He also commands us to trust in Him.
We see what happens when we choose our way or the way of the world and lean on our own understanding, rather than placing our trust in God (Proverbs 3:5-6). The consequences are that we fall into deep holes of fear and misery. The truth is that even the most faithful believer can be easily swayed and consumed with worry, which is why it is a constant submission, saying "yes" to Him and trusting He is in control of all things (Hebrews 11:1). The beauty of placing our faith in God is that we acquire the gift of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us helping us seek wisdom and counsel, acknowledging the only thing to fear is by showing reverence to our God Almighty (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
According to God's Word and by His will, He has proved time and time again to be faithful, keep to His promises, and be true to His Word (John 17:17, Numbers 23:19, Romans 10:14-17). This means we can trust and know that He will defeat all evil and His kingdom will one day reign (1 Corinthians 15:24). God gives us provisions during these times and tells us to be on guard and be alert, but bending to fear breaks that trust. So, while nobody knows the day, time, or hour of His return and what that will exactly look like, we can rest assured and fully trust that God is with us (Isaiah 41:10).
We can prepare our families now by discussing the importance of our faith and spending time with those we love. Peter also tells us to live holy and Godly lives, looking forward to the Second Coming with anticipation (2 Peter 3:10-12). That should make us belt out a big 'ole Hallelujah!
Hope Is On the Horizon
Hope is the underlying theme of the Bible. However, we cannot have hope if we are clutching to our worry and anxiety. They simply do not go together; they can't. While these times may be concerning and cause us to carry heavy hearts for those in harm's way, we need to remember that God has not abandoned us or forsaken His people (Deuteronomy 31:8).
When the enemy wants to distract you, lead you down paths that cause a whelp in your throat, and provoke anxiety, pause and pray earnestly, inviting God into the crevices of your heart. And seek hope!
Here is what we need to understand about our current turbulent times. We can be confident that the final days will be filled with atrocities, mimicking the days of Noah. But, make no mistake, heaven is awaiting, rejoicing, and celebrating as sinners turn their lives over and repent (Luke 15:10). This is a call for us to live with passion and a purpose!
What is God calling you to do right now? How is He asking you to respond to these times? Are there people in your family, friend groups, or social gatherings that need the hope that can only be found in Christ? Now is the time to share that hope with others and do so with boldness and without reservation.
Tribulation is coming; it appears to be on the horizon! But whether you hold a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation belief, there will be a time that marks seven years that will unleash God's divine judgment for all who reject Christ as the promised Messiah.
Who can you think of that needs saving from this? Who needs hope?
Friend, now is not the time to panic or prep for doomsday. However, we can prepare for the end times and do so with boldness and conviction by posturing our hearts, minds, and souls humbly before God, digging into His Word, and seeking His wisdom and discernment wholeheartedly. Trust that God is faithful and His promises are true. Then extend the hope to those that need it!
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
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Originally published October 18, 2023.