8 Signs of the Rapture in the Bible

Movies and books, from World War Z to Left Behind, make millions from our fascination with the apocalypse. According to the Pew Research Center, almost 40 percent of Americans believe we live in the end times; in that case, where can we find reliable information to help us understand potential signs of the rapture?
How do we watch for the future without descending into conspiracy theories? Fortunately, multiple Bible verses point us in the right direction.
What Signs of the Rapture Does the Bible Mention?
Depending upon your eschatological approach, you may hold to one of several viewpoints related to the rapture. Regardless of individual interpretation, doctrine about the “catching away” of believers has permeated Christian theology since the first century.
Two of the most prominent scriptures that detail the end times include Matthew 24 and Luke 21. These two chapters record Jesus’ response to a question about the destruction of the Temple. Not only did Christ prophecy specific events related to Jerusalem, but he also spoke about events that would precede Earth’s final days. We also see notes about the rapture in Revelation 4, as John receives visions from Jesus.
Taking these scriptures together, we get hints of what is coming. Harbingers of the end also indicate that the rapture draws near.
Eight precursors to the long-awaited day are listed below.
Sign 1: False Christs.
“Jesus warned His disciples, ‘Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.’” (Matthew 24:4-5 NIV)
Perhaps you recognize the names David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson. Did you know each of these men claimed to be Christ? Other names may be less familiar, but individuals claiming equality with Jesus surged during the Crusades. For instance, David Alroy—a Jew raised in Kurdistan—established a significant following around 1121 AD. Promising to establish a kingdom in Jerusalem, he convinced adherents to attempt an unsuccessful coup against Sujak Sultan Mukta. Records indicate Alroy likely died by execution after the unfortunate attack.
Given that these individuals appear throughout church history, it’s hard to say exactly which ones we should watch out for. We should be wary of anyone claiming to be Christ, remembering that he has come once and will not again until the final resurrection.
Sign 2: Wars and Rumors of Wars
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” (Matthew 24:6 NIV)
Critics contend that wars, battles, and skirmishes litter the landscape of man’s existence. Yet, according to statistics from the Uppsala Conflict Data Program and Peace Research Institute, conflicts have increased dramatically since 2011.
As historian Jennifer Rosenberg reflected, “The 20th century was dominated by war and conflict that continually shifted the balance of power around the globe” from global wars to civil wars and coups. When we pair this information with the disturbing statistics about wars so far in the twenty-first century, we may ask, “What’s the trend? Could the increase in warfare and devastation signal the imminent return of Jesus?”
Sign 3: Internal and External Conflicts
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matthew 24:7 NIV)
This harbinger, though similar to the previous sign, differs in that the word translated “nations” refers to ethnicity. Believers should expect upheaval within countries or regions, along with skirmishes between national territories that align with one another.
John Gill observes that of the various signs of the future that Jesus gives in Matthew 24, this one seems to be “foreboding the general calamity of the Jews; that there should be not only seditions and . . . wars, in the midst of their country, but there should be wars in other nations, one with another; and with the Jews, and the Jews with them.” As we look at international conflicts, we would do well to ask: what conflicts involve the modern state of Israel?
Sign 4: Natural and Supernatural Disasters
“There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11 NIV)
Jesus predicted crises like these would increase mortality rates and impact food security. Environmental concerns, weak food delivery systems, resistant strains of “superbugs,” and viruses like Ebola and COVID-19 could all be the “birth pains” described in the Bible.
As we watch the news, we may ask: are natural crises and health problems reaching unusual levels? Not just the kind of crises that happen every other decade or century, but many crises happening for reasons we can’t fully explain?
Sign 5: Unloving People
“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold…" (Matthew 24:12 NIV)
The surrounding scriptures shed more light on the unfortunate consequences of such hardness of heart: people abandoning faith, relationships being betrayed, and people betraying their relationships with God and with each other.
We see lots of conflict around us, but it’s worth asking: where do we see a rise in hardheartedness? It may be rising racial violence or a lack of civil public behavior. Wherever it is, we should take note.
Sign 6: Rising Persecution
“Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and will kill you. You will be hated by all the nations because of my name.” (Matthew 24:9 NIV)
At the same time, one in seven Christians face “high levels of persecution,” which is more discrimination than any other religion faces worldwide. The words of Matthew 24:9 seem to extend to Christians, as well, and support Jesus’ statement, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” (John 15:20 NIV)
We also need to consider how persecution affects Jewish people. As Cornelis Venema explains, dispensationalism (the end times view that emphasizes the rapture) emphasizes that Israel still has a place in God’s plan and will play a crucial part in end times events. According to this view, Israel will one day shake off its struggle for survival and ongoing experience of persecution. I believe Christ’s foretelling of the disciple’s persecution extends to the modern nation of Israel as well as to believers today. Jewish people have suffered horrific circumstances throughout history and continue to witness calls for their annihilation. As we get closer to the end, we should watch for persecution against the children of Jacob as well as the children of the new covenant.
Sign 7: Gospel Explosion
Matthew 24:14 states that every people (possibly every culture with its own language) worldwide will hear the gospel before Christ calls His followers home. Christians, of course, pursue getting the gospel to everyone as part of the Great Commission. The printing press and present-day means of mass communication have made this goal significantly easier. Since Luther translated the Bible from Latin to French in 1522, scholars have converted at least some area of scripture into more than 3,000 of approximately 7,000 languages.
Translators are working on Bible editions for every language and report that there is still much work to do. Wycliffe Bible Translators says that “1,892 languages still need translation work to begin” and “828 languages have work in progress,” which will meet the needs of 67.6 million people.
So, we have the fulfillment of this end times prophecy within our sight, even if it will take some time for very tribe and tongue to access the Bible. We should embrace supporting this goal, knowing that the rapture and Jesus’ final victory over evil will follow.
Sign 8: The Trumpet Call
The Bible’s final and most mysterious book also provides clues about the rapture. The apostle John wrote Revelation based on a specific structure. The first section, Revelation 1-3, addresses various churches at the time and represents periods during the church age. Beyond that, the church is never mentioned.
Consider these words from Revelation 4:1-2, “After this, I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” (NIV)
According to 1 Thessalonians 3:16, the church’s rapture mimics John’s experience. Both include a commanding shout from the Lord and the thunderous roar of the trumpet.
Will We See the Signs of the Rapture?
Many believe that signs of Christ’s return abound. The world appears poised to fulfill several—if not all—of the signs presented throughout scripture. As Christians, we do well to heed Jesus’ words from Luke 21:29-31 “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (NIV)
As Dr. Rick Kirby wrote, “When we look to the Bible to inform us of our end times’ perspectives, what we discover is that from the very earliest of times, the Bible fuels our hope that a day will come when the Creator will culminate His own purpose to make right all that sin has broken and destroyed.”
Whether the Lord returns tomorrow or in the next century, we must remain on mission as we share the love of Christ with those in need of the Savior. Jesus is our true and beautiful hope.
Photo Credit:©GettyImages/FOTOKITA
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Originally published July 31, 2024.