Studying Your Bible
Over the last few months I have had hundreds of you request a post on “How to Study The Bible.” Well, here it is. I pray this post blesses you, challenges you, and inspires you to take the initiative to deepen your relationship with God.
Below is the formula I use when studying and journaling through the scriptures. This doesn’t mean it’s the only way to study, but I do believe this formula is a great way to strengthen your foundation in Christ.
1. Uncover
1. Time/Date/Author
2. Place/Location
3. Audience (who is the text directed to?)
2. Relate
1. How does it affect me?
2. How does it make me feel?
3. In what ways do I share a similar experience?
3. Apply
1. What did I learn?
2. How can it be applied to my life?
3. What is God trying to tell me through this text?
Originally published August 01, 2014.