Bible Study

12 Ways to Stay Motivated to Read Your Bible Everyday

We often struggle to read and study the Bible on a regular, ongoing basis. We start with good intentions, then life gets in the way. Try one or...
Updated May 13, 2021
12 Ways to Stay Motivated to Read Your Bible Everyday

I’ve started a lot of things that I never got around to finishing. Reading “Moby Dick,” learning to speak Spanish, and crafting the next great American novel are just a few of my unfinished projects. Okay, in the spirit of full transparency, I never even began the novel.

Starting things can be far easier than sticking with them for the long haul. Even if it’s something wonderful or vital or life-changing. God’s Word is all of those things and more, yet we often struggle to read and study on a regular, ongoing basis. We start with good intentions, then life gets in the way. But, we can stay motivated. Try one or more of the following tips to keep you in the Word day after day and for a lifetime.

12 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Read the Word

1. Remember why – Reminding ourselves of the value of the Bible for our lives is a good first step. The first chapter of Psalms paints a vivid picture of someone who plants his or her life in God’s Word. “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (Psalm 1:3, ESV). When the truth of God’s Word is our regular diet, we not only thrive spiritually and produce fruit for His Kingdom, we develop a deep relationship with Him.

2. Get a new perspective – For too many years, I felt obligated to read my Bible. Even though I developed a strong habit of reading every day, it was based on an attitude of “have to” rather than “get to.” I felt guilty when I missed a day because I was acting out of legalism. But God changed my heart. He showed me that spending time with Him is a great privilege and joy, not an obligation. When we open the Bible, we invite God to reveal Himself, His will, and His ways to us. The God of the universe wants us to know Him intimately. Each time we read His Word, it’s another opportunity to know Him more.

3. Have a plan – Haphazard reading only sets us up for failure. We are more apt to read each day if we know in advance where we’ll be reading. Our plan can be as simple as reading through a book of the Bible. There are also hundreds, if not thousands, Bible reading plans available. I have several free plans on my website. Some Bibles include built-in reading plans. There are also lots of plans on websites and in apps. “She Reads Truth,”, and the You Version Bible app are three of my favorites. Daily devotional books can be a helpful tool if we use them correctly (See “How to Get the Most Out of Your Devotional Book” for some tips).

4. Find your sweet spot – defines “sweet spot” as the “particular set of conditions that will achieve the most desirable or effective outcome.” If our desired outcome is a daily – or almost daily – time with God in His Word, then we need to discover the conditions - the time and place - that will best foster that. For instance, I am a morning person, so I start my day in the Bible. For you it may be your lunch break or after the kids go to bed. The important thing is to set a time that will generally work for you every day and when interruptions will be minimal. The setting for your quiet time is just as important. Find a place that is comfortable, private, and doesn’t depend on the weather. Best time, best place, your sweet spot.

5. Organize your toolbox – In a kitchen drawer, I keep a small hammer with different sized screwdrivers built into the handle. Whenever I see a loose screw I don’t put off tightening it because the tool is at hand. Likewise, keeping our quiet time tools together in one place removes another roadblock to getting in the Word. We are always ready. Gather the needed tools – your Bible, your reading plan, a journal, pens, highlighters, or whatever else you need to study the text. Then put them in a ready container. You can use a basket, a tote bag, or even a toolbox! (See “Bible Highlighting for More Effective Study”).

6. Find a cheering section – Everything is better when we share it with a friend. That’s why some form of accountability for our Bible reading will keep us coming back. It could be a friend, a spouse, or a formal accountability partner. Use the same reading plan and set a regular time to talk about what God has been teaching you. An organized study group is another effective way to help you stay in the Word. It can be a group at your church, in your neighborhood, or online. You can find groups in many of the online Bible sites, Bible apps, and ministry groups. There are also some solid ones on social media as well. I lead a Facebook group for women called “Reading the Bible Together.” Women from all over the world read the same passage each day and discuss it online together. It certainly encourages me to stay in the Word every day.

7. Plan for success – In our excitement to commit or recommit to God’s Word, we may set lofty goals like spending an hour every morning or reading the Bible through in 90 days. But unrealistic goals only set us up for failure. Instead, let’s set goals that are achievable, but also keep us moving forward. Start with what you feel you can do, then build on it. If you’ve had success at spending ten minutes each day in the Bible, bump it up to fifteen, not thirty. When fifteen becomes a solid, doable habit, add time. If you’ve been getting in the Word three days a week for a while, bump it up to up to four or five, not seven.

8. Keep it interestingPrayer and God’s Word are the foundation for our regular time with God. But, adding other elements here and there will keep things interesting. Music can turn our hearts to worship. Journaling can focus our prayers and be a lasting reminder of how God is working in our lives. One day we could read a large portion of Scripture and another day mediate deeply on just a few verses. Something as simple as reading from a different translation can enhance our time with Him.

9. Take advantage of technology – Putting our daily time with God on the calendar and setting an alert is a good start. Many online sites and apps not only offer Bible reading plans, they also send reminder notifications. The You Version Bible and She Reads Truth are two great ones to check out. Some of these sites will even “read” the passage out loud. That’s a great tool for audible style learners.

10. Celebrate small accomplishments – Meeting short-term goals – like reading through one Bible book – is a great reason to celebrate! We could enjoy a scoop of ice cream or a Facetime call with a friend. Choose a reward that will be an incentive for you to keep moving toward the next goal and the next.

11. Implement offensive measures – Distractions fill our world, our homes, and our daily lives. They wage war against our good intentions to be in God’s Word. Since email, social media, and the like are big distractions for me, I committed to not opening my laptop until after I’ve spent time in God’s Word. Determine your biggest distractions and time-suckers then set some boundaries to eliminate the threat.

12. Give yourself grace – Legalism will push the joy out of our relationship with Christ. Yes, we want to do everything to honor our commitment to spend time with Him, but some days are harder than others. When your daily time in the Word doesn’t happen, simply try again tomorrow.

You and I may never read all of “Moby Dick.” But, we do have all the incentive and motivation we need to stay in God’s Word for the rest of our lives.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Priscilla-du-preez

Kathy Howard is a treasure hunter, Bible teacher, and author. She hunts for the creamiest chocolate, richest coffee, and digs deep into Scripture to mine God’s eternal truths for herself and others. Kathy has a Masters in Christian Education, serves on the LifeWay Women’s Ministry Training Team, and has taught the Bible for more than 30 years in a wide variety of venues. Kathy is the award-winning author of 15 books, including the “Deep Rooted” devotional series. Check out the popular “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Book of Romans” and watch for “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of John” coming in September.

Originally published February 10, 2021.