30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Wife

Do you feel the need to pray more earnestly for your wife and your marriage but aren't sure where to start? God longs for you to be in prayer with Him, and He especially desires you to pray about your marriage and the one person you are spending the rest of your life with! Here’s how the challenge works. Every day for the next 30 days, you will pray in a specific way for your wife. We have provided related articles and Bible verses for you to study and pray over your wife.
You can start this prayer challenge any day of the month, but it might be easier to start at the beginning of the month, just to keep track of the days. It’s OK if you miss a day or two, life happens! If you do miss a day, you don’t need to go back and or start over. Just pick up with the corresponding day and, if you have time, you can go back to the days you’ve missed. You might want to bookmark this page to make it easier to come back to each day.
Ready to spend the next month praying for your wife? Ready to see your marriage transformed? Let’s get started!
30 days of intentionally praying for your wife begins now!
Day 1: Pray for her walk with God.
Pray that she would desire to set time aside each day no matter how busy she is to commune with the Lord in prayer and Bible reading. Encourage her with these verses: Psalm 91:1, Psalm 62:1, Romans 12:2 and ask her if there’s something you can do to free up her time. Pray that she would continue to love God more than anyone else.
Read: Why Did God Create Woman?
Day 2: Pray for growth in her spiritual disciplines.
Pray that she would study God’s Word on her own, with you, with friends, and with people at church. Pray that she would gain understanding from the Holy Spirit. Encourage her by studying the Bible with her and on your own, lead by example. Pray for her prayer life that she would be invested in the richness of knowing God more. Encourage her by talking about your prayer life and what God is teaching you. [Hebrews 4:12, Joshua 1:8, Romans 15:14]
Read: No More Happy Face Christianity
Day 3: Pray for her spiritual protection.
Pray that her armor of God would not allow the enemy’s schemes to weaken her. Pray that God would guide her away from danger and protect her throughout her day. Pray that God’s hand would cover her as she navigates traffic day and night and that she will not stumble physically or spiritually. If she is traveling, pray for her safety and peace. [Ephesians 6:11, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3]
Read: 3 Truths that Conquer Satan’s Lie about Marriage
Day 4: Pray for deep, refreshing sleep.
Encourage her to journal her thoughts at bedtime so they don’t steal her sleep. Try saying Proverbs 3:24 to her if she feels restless: “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” Pray that she would rest in knowing that God’s plan is greater than any of her worries. Pray that she would be able to quiet the “voices” that disrupt her peace. [Matthew 11:28-30, Genesis 2:2-3, Psalm 4:8]
Read: 4 Surprising Truths about Rest in the Bible
Day 5: Pray for your sex life together.
Pray that God would protect, encourage, and renew her desire for intimacy with you. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide you both to see your sex life as a treasure from God worth enjoying. Pursue her with kindness, affection, and patience, praying that God would make space for your sex life to flourish. Delight in praying Mark 10:9 to strengthen your sacred togetherness (therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate). Consider hand-writing her a verse like this, “Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine” — Song of Solomon 1:2.
Read: 10 Myths about Sex You’ve Heard in Church
Day 6: Pray for clarity and divine wisdom.
Your wife may tend to mentally multitask and feel pressed to solve everyone’s problems. Pray that she would receive conviction through the Holy Spirit as to what is best for today. Pray that she would notice and appreciate one or a few things that are “well done,” without the stress of “doing it all.” Pray that the enemy will not cloud her focus on what matters most to her heart. Encourage her that choosing is empowering - even choosing no, so that she can say yes to what’s better for her. Pray that God would hush the noise surrounding her day and night and reach into her soul. Pray that she would ask for His words, His actions, His guidance. Text her an encouraging verse (James 1:5, Isaiah 30:21) if you know she’s seeking wisdom. Pray that she will discern His reassuring voice above all. [Proverbs 3:5-6, John 14:16-17]
Watch: How Can I Develop Spiritual Discernment?
Day 7: Pray for her to enjoy who God made her to be.
Whatever season your wife is in: newlywed, mom of littles, teen-chauffeur, or empty-nester . . . God created her uniquely for this. His beautiful design for her is hers to unwrap and celebrate. Remind her that she is different on purpose, that her parenting decisions may not match everyone else’s, and that her gifts are not only needed — they were hand-picked by God. If you hear her belittling herself through comparisons, point her to Psalm 139:14.
Read: 10 Little Notes of Encouragement to Send Your Wife
Day 8: Pray for her sanctification.
Pray for God’s continuing work of sanctification in your wife’s life. Pray that she would be actively pursuing God in her desire to grow in holiness. Remind her that God is not finished with her and that He delights in redeeming her from herself. Lead her in humility before the Lord, praying together in gratitude for God’s presence in your lives. Thank God for renewing your wife and continuing her transformation each day. [2 Thessalonians 2:13, Acts 26:18, Galatians 2:20]
Read: A Simple Way to Think about Sanctification
Day 9: Pray for her ability to forgive.
When wives are wounded, forgiveness can feel very vulnerable. Pray that God would heal and soften her heart, so that she will welcome what’s to come in favor of being bound by what’s been done. Pray that whatever the enemy is doing with memories and reminders would cease at the powerful Hand of the One who made her. Pray that she would desire freedom from unforgiveness and be willing to see with fresh eyes. [Colossians 3:13, Luke 17:3-4]
Read: 4 Prayers for Forgiveness
Day 10: Pray for her to see strength in her femininity.
Women can sometimes feel they have to be as strong as their husbands in many ways. Pray that she will never judge her kindness, softness, or compassion as weakness. Pray that she will not be hardened by a lack of empathy, or become discouraged in her care for others. Remind her often how her unique “womanliness” nourishes your marriage and your life together. [Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 4:13]
Read: 11 Biblical Women We Can Learn From
Day 11: Pray for her work.
Whether she works in the home or outside of it, pray that she would be a patient and loving representative of the Kingdom of God. Pray that she would have the focus she needs in her work, pray for those around her to treat her with respect and pray that she would be able to manage her time wisely without getting overwhelmed. Pray that once she returns home, she can rest from her work and focus on her family. If she stays at home with young children, pray for patience and wisdom in bringing up little ones. Pray for moments where she and the children can bond and talk about God’s love. Ask her about her day and offer encouragement. [Colossians 3:23, Psalm 90:17]
Read: 7 Prayers for Work
Day 12: Pray for her role as a mother.
Pray that she would not focus on her imperfections as a mother but that she would recognize and remember that God has chosen her to be the mother of these covenant children. Pray that she would seek the Holy Spirit for the tools that she needs to get through the day teaching, loving, and caring for her children. Pray that she would know God has equipped her and is equipping her daily to carry out this role with truth and grace. Pray that she would teach your children about God’s love and have compassion toward them no matter what the day brings. [Luke 1:46-48]
Read: 10 Things You Should Know about Motherhood
Day 13: Pray for your role as parents together.
Encourage your wife by co-parenting your kids, be the spiritual leader of your family, and show your children that you love their mother. Pray for open communication between you, your wife, and your kids. Pray that you would come to a biblical agreement on how your children should be taught and disciplined. Pray that God would create opportunities for you to spend time together as a family. [Proverbs 22:6]
Read: 10 Scripture Based Blessings to Pray over Your Family
Day 14: Pray that God would grow your wife’s friendships.
Friendships come easy to some women, while others find it difficult to connect. Ask your wife about her friends, commit her closest friends’ names to memory and pray that as they draw closer to God so would your wife. Encourage her to spend time with her friends and take over certain duties so that she feels like she can go out for an evening or a Saturday morning with them. Pray that God would increase her connection with these women and that He would bring new godly friends into her life as well. Pray for friends that she can pray with and study the Bible with, women that she would feel comfortable talking about accountability issues with. Pray that God would remove any negative friendship influences from her life. [Proverbs 18:14, Colossians 3:12-14]
Read: 10 Things the Bible Says about Friendship
Day 15: Pray for the peace of Christ to rule in her heart.
Throughout the day and throughout her life, many enemies try to infiltrate, manipulate, and control your wife’s heart. Enemies like anxiety, insecurity, worry, selfishness, pride, and others that will attempt to rob her of the abundant life Christ planned for her. Pray that the peace of Christ would rule in her heart. Pray that she seeks and submits to Christ’s peace, not any false promise or vice masquerading as peace. Pray that she would be filled with God’s presence when she prays for help. Pray that she would not let her fears be stronger than her faith. Notice and praise when she takes time to “destress.” Allow her space to do what nurtures her sense of calm. Pray for her freedom to relinquish control, and embrace imperfection joyfully. [Psalm 23:4, John 14:27, Colossians 3:15]
Read: 5 Bible Passages that Will Soothe an Overwhelmed Woman’s Heart
Day 16: Pray for her connection with others.
Pray for your wife’s desire to connect with her family (parents, in-laws, siblings, kids, you), her friends and co-workers, with the greater Christian community, the strangers she meets, and with Jesus. Pray for God to give her the energy to spend her time on others, while also taking time out to be refreshed by the Spirit. Pray that she would build up solid relationships in the body of Christ, that her kind nature would draw those outside the body in closer to learn more, and that she would crave connection above all else with the God who created her and is redeeming her. [1 Corinthians 1:10, 1 John 1:7, Galatians 6:2]
Read: Created for Connection
Day 17: Pray for her to do everything for God’s glory.
With whatever she is doing at home, at work, around town, by herself, or with others; pray that she does it all to the glory of God. Pray that your wife recognizes meaning in the work God gave her to do. Pray that when she works, she is working to build and bring honor to God’s kingdom, not hers. And pray for more opportunities for her to bring God glory. Pray that she would not succumb to feelings of shame or insecurity, but that she would shine brightly before the world around her – all to bring glory to God. [Matthew 5:16, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 6:33]
Read: A Prayer for God’s Glory and Splendor
Day 18: Pray for holiness in her life.
God redeemed your wife not for her to remain in sinful bondage, but to walk in the freedom of the Holy Spirit. Pray for her to live and walk by the Holy Spirit. Pray for her to more wholly submit to God’s Spirit in all things, making her more holy like God calls her to be. [Galatians 5:25, 1 Peter 1:14-16]
Read: Why We Don’t Need to Choose between Happiness and Holiness
Day 19: Pray for her to notice God’s gifts and give thanks.
While creation is indeed broken from sin and waiting for full restoration, it is also full of God’s good and beautiful gifts. Pray for your wife to notice them throughout her day. Beautiful flowers, sunsets, the image of God imprinted on each passing face and even rain that quenches the earth’s thirst. Pray for her to see God’s glory in all of His creation and provision, not only in the world around her but also in the experiences throughout her life. Pray for her to remember and see God’s hand in her life story. Pray that she gives thanks to Him and shares the stories and blessings with others. [Philippians 4:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:18]
Read: How to Identify and Effectively Use Your Spiritual Gifts
Day 20: Pray for her witness to those around her.
Pray that you would be able to faithfully witness together to spread the gospel. Pray that she will feel the presence and boldness of God’s goodness in her words and actions. Remind her that God has her exactly where He needs her, even if it feels like her encouragement falls on unwilling soil. Praise her for taking the time to listen to, and care about, others. Remind her that sharing truth is all part of how her life glorifies God [1 Corinthians 10:31].
Read: What Is the Gospel?
Day 21: Pray for her weaknesses.
Pray that your wife will always feel the healing presence and possibility of Christ’s power within her, even when situations are challenging. Remind her that 2 Cor. 12:9 says that Christ’s power is made perfect in our weakness and that her weakness is an invitation to Him. Remind her that it is not by her own strength, but Christ’s that she can do the things He leads her to. Pray that she will cast all her anxiety on Him because He cares [1 Peter 5:7].
Read: His Strength in Your Weakness
Day 22: Pray for her strengths and unique abilities.
Thank God for the ways He made your wife unique, and prepared her with abilities to do great works (Ephesians 2:10). Pray that she will find inspiration and energy in what she loves doing most, and be affirmed with positive feedback or results. Encourage her by noticing that she, too, like the Proverbs 31 woman is “clothed with strength and dignity.” Pray that she will feel competent in applying her strengths, and not lose sight of how God is using them for good.
Read: A Prayer to Help You Discover Your Gifts & Abilities
Day 23: Pray for her as she faces big decisions.
Your wife will be faced with both simple and complex decisions throughout her life. She may feel that some decisions are impossible to make. With whatever choices she is faced with, pray that she seeks God’s heart first. Pray wisdom for her to make godly decisions as well as strength and boldness to carry out her part. Then pray peace for her, trusting that God will take care of the details, even the ones she cannot see. [Proverbs 16:9]
Read: A Prayer for Courage
Day 24: Pray that your wife would be quick to forgive you.
Forgiveness sets bitter hearts free. Pray that God would soften her heart to hear His invitation to freedom. Pray that God would remind her of your love for her and that she would be encouraged by 1 Peter 4:8 to love you deeply, because “love covers over a multitude of sins.” Pray that she would desire joy instead of any pain she’s holding, and look forward to new possibilities with you. Pray this His power would knock down any walls and make your marriage stronger. May you both “be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” [Ephesians 4:31-32]
Read: 9 Keys to Biblical Forgiveness
Day 25: Pray for areas of disagreement between you.
Pray for God to intervene in your areas of disagreement. Ask for God to show you signs of His presence whenever an argument starts to form. Pray that He would whisper His wisdom into both of your hearts so that peace can prevail. Ask God to show you how dying to the old self and putting on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24) works best in marriage. Pray that God would magnify the blessings of your marriage, and minimize the struggles with His constant intervention — making your marriage a cord of three strands that is not easily broken [Ecclesiastes 4:12].
Read: Resolving Conflict in Relationships Biblically
Day 26: Pray for any temptations in her life and idols.
Pray for your wife to identify the temptation and the idols in her life. And that she remains vigilant and engaged in this fight, watching and praying so that she will recognize temptation quickly and respond to it by submitting to God. Pray that as her spirit submits to God, instead of succumbs to temptation, that she would increasingly enjoy God’s goodness and become less attracted to sin. Pray that your wife sees God for who He is – trustworthy, good, and kind. And that she would be unsatisfied with any lesser god in her life. [Matthew 26:41,Mark 14:38]
Read: What Your Complaints Actually Reveal about Your Heart
Day 27: Pray for her physical health and safety.
We cannot always or completely protect the ones we love from physical harm or illness. But instead of worrying or grasping for control, pray for God to protect your wife from harm. As she goes about her day, pray for God’s mercy to cover and keep her from danger. He is always with her and always in control. Trust in Him and pray that your wife would also trust in Him, seeking refuge in Him when she is in need. Pray also, to God asking strength and wellness for her body to fight sickness well and asking Him to heal her of all disease. [Psalm 12:7, Psalm 27:5, Psalm 32:7, Psalm 103:3]
Read: 5 Powerful Prayers for Protection and Safety
Day 28: Pray for her emotional health.
It may be difficult for your wife (and for you!) to understand and properly gage her emotional health. But God understands fully. Pray for your wife to be emotionally healthy and thriving. Pray that she would focus her heart and emotions on God, giving Him praise throughout the day, expressing gratitude for His goodness and gifts all around her. Pray that she would dwell on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent things (Philippians 4:8). And if she needs it, pray that God provides helpful counsel in you, a friend, a pastor, or maybe even an emotional health professional. [Proverbs 4:23, Romans 12:2, Proverbs 23:26, Psalm 51:10]
Read: 10 Real-Life Emotions Jesus Expressed
Day 29: Pray for her role in your church.
Pray for opportunities for your wife to have a meaningful role in your church; pray for ways she can serve using her skills to the best of her ability. Pray that she would have balance in her church role, not allowing time in ministry to overtake time she spends with God. Ask her if there are ways you could serve alongside her, or ways she may need encouragement in her current church role. Remind her of who she is in the body of Christ. [Hebrews 10:24-25, Matthew 6:33, James 1:22]
Read: 10 Messages Every Church Should Be Sending Women
Day 30: Pray for her passions.
Pray that she would pursue the unique desires God has placed in her heart. Pray for opportunities for learning and creativity that she would get to pursue her passions whether in her work, at home, in hobbies, or in ministry. Ask her what she enjoys most and learn about what makes her unique. Encourage her to share her gifts with others and take time to enjoy the things she loves with her. Delight in her interests. [1 Corinthians 10:31]
Read: 8 Simple Questions that Will Help You Discover Your Passion
Congratulations—you just spent an entire month faithfully praying for your wife! We would love to hear from you—how has this prayer challenge changed you, your wife, and your marriage? Leave a comment and let us know how prayer has transformed your marriage!
Your words have power in your wife’s life to transform her attitude and spirit. Use these words of encouragement to speak life into your marriage and home - 44 Words of Encouragement and Affirmation for Women.
Pass along our 30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Husband to your wife!
This article is part of our Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Photo designs: ©RachelDawson
Originally published October 29, 2019.