6 Prayers When You Need to Trust in God

In the Christian walk, there is an inevitable journey where one is called to have faith and trust God, but at times that can be easier said than done. Thankfully we do not walk the path laid ahead alone, and we have a powerful intercessor through the Holy Spirit that can equip us and build us up as we seek to trust God fully. Set your heart in a place of surrender to experience all He has for you through this journey of trust, faith, and the fruit that will come about through it all.
1. Prayers for Anxiety
Father God,
Anxiety is a tool of the Enemy to steal our peace. Lord, we know that it is not of You, and Father, we implore You to cover and comfort us with Your peace. Not a peace that can be given through the world, but something solely and completely of Your Holy Spirit. Father, please reveal to us the lies, the deceit, and the clouded perceptions the Enemy is seeking to enact upon us so that we can see clearly what truth is. Lord, please not only take the anxiety, for we cast it upon You, but give us a Spirit that is entirely reliant upon You. Knowing that You hold this very moment and the ones to come, so we truly have nothing to fear. Fear is not our portion, but the abundance of Your peace and love.
In Jesus' Name,
2. Prayers for Surrendering to God
Father God,
We know that part of trusting You requires submitting ourselves before You in surrender. We recall the words of Psalm 143:8-10, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground."
Lord, we know that as much as we have ideas of how something ought to go, ultimately, You know the correct path. Father, teach our hearts to do Your Will and allow us to entrust our hearts with You, and You alone. Lord, help us surrender to You willingly so that we may experience the abundance of Your plans and goodness. Even if it does not look like it in this very moment, remind our hearts that You are good and Your Will is correct for our lives and the ultimate plan of the Kingdom.
In Jesus' Name,
3. Prayer to Remember His Faithfulness Before
Father God,
We know that You are a faithful Father that we can trust wholeheartedly. Lord, we must recall and hold fast to the reminders of when You were trustworthy and faithful before. Lord, help us recognize those times like precious pearls that we wear daily, each enclosed with a memory of where You came through for us. Pearls where You were faithful to the outcome of what seemed so daunting. Lord, when we begin to doubt or forget, help our hearts to recall these precious pearls, and let those reignite the fire of our faith, again and again, knowing You plan to add to those Ebenezer of Your faithfulness.
In Jesus' Name,
4. Prayers for Unbelief
Father God,
Help us in our unbelief. Mark 9:24 shares the story of the father standing before Your Son, Jesus, recognizing the need for help in his unbelief, "The father instantly cried out, "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!" Lord, help us in this same heart situation. As much as we try to stand firm in the faith, the Enemy seeks to find the holes to sneak in with doubt, fear, or unbelief. Lord, we are weak, but in You, we are strong. Cover the places in our hearts where we are weak in faith, and embolden us that we find the source of our strength in You and not in what we can see, touch, or feel. Lord, we don't want to live in the fruitless place of unbelief, so we come before You to ask for Your help in these tender places.
In Jesus' Name,
5. Prayers to Fully Trust God
Father God,
We desire to trust You completely. Human beings let us down, and we often place upon You the distrust, hurt, and pain that humans have caused us. That blame is wrongly placed, but we are often guilty of it. Lord, we ask You to help us within to truly and fully trust You infallibly, meaning that even if things do not go our way or look as we had hoped, we know that You are worthy of our praise, trust, and faith. We remember Proverbs 3:5-6's reminder, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." Lord, we place before You our hearts, our understandings, and our presumptions of things to rely upon You. You Author the best of stories, and we know that the story You are Authoring now, as scary as it can be at times, will prove fruitful in how we find our trust in You.
In Jesus' Name,
6. Prayers for Fruit
Father God,
We pray for the fruit of the Spirit that comes from a life trusting in You. Your Son said that it will be evident who Your followers are by the fruit in their lives, and Lord, we earnestly want to be good fruit bearers. So much of that comes from a deeply rooted relationship with You, and any good relationship has the foundation of trust. As we navigate what life throws at us, continue to stretch those roots deeply. Make us like Psalm 52:8,
"But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people.
And I will hope in your name, for your name is good."
An olive tree is one of the strongest trees in all vegetation, with strong roots that can endure years of what this earth will bring. We choose You, oh Lord; we choose You to place our hopes, minds, hearts, and futures in.
In Jesus' Name,
Closing Thoughts
Trust is often something we view as very fragile, but through the Lord, it can be made strong. When we choose to look to the Lord in our weakness to fill the cracks, the soft spots, and the places where we lack, He comes about in a way that only He can. Open your heart, mind, and perspective today to place your trust in the One Who is worthy of your trust, for He made you. He is a good Father Who we can follow even in the darkest of situations and times. Believe it and see all that He has for you.
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published July 20, 2022.