30 Day Prayer Challenge for Your Husband

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Do you feel the need to pray more earnestly for your husband and your marriage but not sure where to start? We often don’t pray as if we believe God will show up and do something big, but prayer works, and God longs for you to be in prayer with Him. He especially desires you pray about your marriage and the one person you are spending the rest of your life with!
Here’s how the challenge works. Every day for the next 30 days, you will pray in a specific way for your husband. Some days there will also be an opportunity for you to read a related article, or watch a short video. Other days you’ll be encouraged to journal or write down your thoughts about a particular marriage related prompt. Every day will also have at least one verse for you to study and pray over your husband.
You can start this prayer challenge any day of the month, but it might be easier to start at the beginning of the month, just to keep track of the days. It’s okay if you miss a day or two- life happens! If you do miss a day, you don’t need to go back and or start over. Just pick up with the corresponding day and, if you have time, you can go back to the days you’ve missed. You might want to bookmark this page to make it easier to come back to each day.
Ready to spend the next month praying for your husband? Ready to see your marriage transformed? Let’s get started!
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Day 1 Pray that your husband would put his relationship with God above all other relationships, including yours. Pray he would have a burning desire to know the Lord more closely and surrender all of his life to God. [Luke 10:27; Psalm 84:12; Psalm 105:4].
Day 2 Pray for your husband’s devotion to spiritual discipline. Pray for consistent study of Scripture, memorization of the Word, and other spiritual disciplines like prayer, tithing, fasting, etc. Pray he would not be discouraged in his pursuit of God but would run the race of faith with endurance all his life. [Acts 20:24; Psalm 119:6]
Day 3 Pray that God would bless the work of his hands, that he would enjoy his work, and see God glorified in all facets of his job. Pray he would not make an idol or identity out of his work. When his work is toilsome, pray for endurance and perspective. [Psalm 90:17; Colossians 3:23]
Read: Men’s Identity Struggle, Eric Hogue
Day 4 Pray God would grow his friendships with other men. Pray that God would bring godly men into his life to form close bonds with, men who would lead him closer to God and not away. Pray he would be a good friend to those who need friendship. Pray for selflessness on your part as he spends time with friends, even if that means sometimes sacrificing time with you. [Proverbs 13:20]
Write: Who are your husband’s 3 closest friends? Write their names on an index card and commit to regularly praying for them, that they would grow closer to God and, in turn, draw your husband closer to God.
Day 5 Pray for his spiritual growth. Pray he would be deeply rooted in the Word, that he would bear much fruit for the kingdom of God. Pray he would grow into a leader in his church, family and community, and lead others to a stronger relationship with Christ by his example. [Colossians 2:7; John 15:8]
Day 6 Pray for his role as a father, if you have children. Pray he would actively seek to show your children God’s love and care for them. Pray he would seek out time with his kids and foster strong bonds with them. If you do not have children, pray for your husband’s influence in the lives of younger men in your church and community. [Titus 2:6-8; Psalm 103:13; Psalm 127:3-5]
Read: On (not) Raising Deadbeat Dads {an open letter to my sons}, Lisa-Jo Baker@ lisajobaker.com
Day 7 Pray for your role together as parents, that there would be unity in dealing with difficult choices and situations. Pray that where you have differing opinions, God would help you reach consensus. [Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:5-7]
Read: 7 Practical Ways to be a More Patient Parent, Israel and Brooke Wayne @ familyrenewal.org
Day 8 Pray for romance. Pray that your husband would know the ways you receive love and actively seek to show you love in those ways. Pray you could do the same for your husband. Pray especially for God to be your Great Romancer, that you would not lean on your husband to fill a place in your heart that only God can fill. [Proverbs 19:14; Ecclesiastes 4:12]
Write: How does your husband best receive love? Here are the 5 “languages” of love that we each speak. Which does your husband appreciate most? Make a plan to show him love today in his love language.
Watch: “Go from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ in Your Marriage”, Nicole Unice @ nicoleunice.com
Day 9 Pray for his witness. Pray your husband would be bold in evangelizing, that he would have courage to talk to neighbors, community members and coworkers about his faith. Pray that his life would be a reflection of the gospel, that his interactions with others would be grace-filled and loving. [1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 5:16]
Day 10 Pray for his weaknesses. Ask the Lord to give your husband clarity to see where he needs to rely more on Him. Pray your husband would not be ashamed of his weaknesses but see them as an opportunity to grow closer to his Heavenly Father. [2 Corinthians 12:10; Isaiah 40:29-31]
Day 11 Pray for his strengths. Pray your husband would not be prideful about areas of strength, but that he would bless others by stewarding his gifts and talents faithfully. If your husband doesn’t know what his strengths are, pray he would gain clarity. [1 Peter 4:10; Romans 12:4-6]
Write: Write down 3 strengths you believe God has given your husband. Pray specifically for ways to encourage him to use those strengths for God’s glory.
Day 12 Pray that you could be quick to forgive him when he hurts you. Pray that you would let go of bitterness quickly. Pray he would understand the ways he has hurt you in the past, perhaps repeatedly. Pray he would repent of his actions and learn from his mistakes. Pray for God’s love to fill your heart and give you the grace you need to move forward in a positive direction. [Matthew 6:14-15; Isaiah 43:25]
Read: 3 Ways to Bless Those Who Hurt You, Candace Crabtree @ mercyisnew.com
Day 13 Pray that your husband would be quick to forgive you when you hurt him. Pray he would let go of bitterness quickly. Pray you would understand how you have hurt him in the past, perhaps again and again. Pray a repentant prayer to God over areas you have hurt your husband. Ask for your husband’s forgiveness. [Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:9]
Day 14 Pray for any areas of disagreement you’re facing. Petition God to give you unity and clarity to move forward. Pray you can handle conversations about areas you disagree without petty bickering. Pray a prayer of repentance for any sinful responses you’ve had toward your husband, and then go to your husband and ask for forgiveness. [Ephesians 4:1-3; Proverbs 17:14]
Read: When the Typical Christian Marriage Advice Just Doesn’t Work, Sheila Wray Gregoire @ tolovehonorandvacuum.com
Day 15 Pray for any big decisions you have coming up. Whether it’s a prospective new job, moving, parenting choices or caretaking responsibilities—any decisions you have in the future, lay them at God’s feet. Ask God to reveal any red flags or reasons you shouldn’t move forward. Pray for peace about your decision together as a couple. [James 1:5; Proverbs 4:6-7]
Read: A Prayer to Know God’s Will for Your Life, Rachel-Claire Cockrell @ rachelclaireunworthy.blogspot.com
Day 16 Pray for those in leadership in his life. Pray for his bosses, his mentors, and his Bible study leaders. Pray for the people he looks up to and admires. Pray they would consistently show him the gospel. If any of these people do not reflect Christ’s love, pray that he would not be tempted to imitate them and would find other godly men to look up to instead. [Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 12:26]
Day 17 Pray for his physical health. Pray for any upcoming medical appointments. Pray for any chronic issues—that God would grant healing or continued endurance for the health issues he faces. Pray your husband would let go of any habits that make his health worse. Pray for his doctors – that they would have wisdom and kindness toward your husband during appointments. [Philippians 4:19; Psalm 107:19-21; Psalm 103:2-4]
Read: Is Physical Health a Spiritual Issue?, Tyler Huckabee @ relevantmagazine.com
Day 18 Pray for his emotional health. Pray he would recognize the importance of acknowledging his feelings- both good and bad. If there is any emotional pain in his life, pray God would bind up those wounds and that he would find the help he needs to work through them. Pray for sensitivity to his feelings and guidance for talking to him about emotional issues. [Philippians 4:6-7; Psalm 147:3]
Read: 6 Things My Love Does for My Husband, Kathy Ferguson Litton @ flourish.me
Day 19 Pray for any temptations to sin or persistent sin issues he is facing. Pray he would see clearly the evil of sin, the devil’s schemes and his own insufficient means to do battle alone. Pray he would love obeying Jesus more than whatever is tempting him. [Mark 14:38; James 1:13-18; 1 Corinthians 10:13]
Read: 5 Lies Satan Wants You to Believe and Scripture to Combat Them, Brooke Cooney @ thistemporaryhome.com
Day 20 Pray for his role in your church. Pray he would serve faithfully and humbly, pray for ministry opportunities that meet real needs in your church body and also allow him to use his gifts and talents. Pray for his relationships with the people he does ministry with and for- that any disagreements or misunderstandings would be handled with grace and kindness. [1 Samuel 12:24; Romans 12:11; James 4:1-7]
Day 21 Pray for any positions of leadership he takes on at work, church, or in your community. Pray he would use his role to bring glory to God. Pray he would be mindful of his calling and thoughtful of the people God has put in his path to minister and witness to. Pray the communities you are a part of would be blessed through your husband’s efforts. [1 Peter 4:10; Mark 10:45; Romans 12:9-13]
Read: Leadership in the Home - A Godly Man Leads, Tim Challies @ challies.com
Day 22 Pray for money management. Pray God would give you both wisdom for how to handle financial responsibilities. Pray your husband would be thoughtful as you work together to create a budget, pay off bills, and spend for needs. Pray you would be aligned on tithing and stewarding your money for God’s Kingdom. Pray for any areas where you disagree about spending or saving money, that God would give you clarity and agreement. [Matthew 6:21; Malachi 3:10; Romans 13:8; Hebrews 13:5]
Read: How to Manage Your Money with the Bible in Mind, Brittany Rust @ brittanyrust.com
Day 23 Pray for his passions – for the things that God has created in him to love and enjoy. Pray for a vision for how to help him pursue the things he loves in such a way that God is glorified. Help him see how his loves are a gift from God, to bless him and bless others. [Ecclesiastes 8:13; 1 Corinthians 10:31]
Write: Think of 3 things your husband comes alive while doing—maybe it’s a sport, a particular hobby, or just tinkering with a broken appliance—whatever it is, challenge yourself to find a way this week to show him that the things he loves matter to you too.
Day 24 Pray for fidelity. Pray he would know and feel the seriousness of his wedding vows. Pray you both would not entertain lustful thoughts but take all thoughts captive for Christ. Ask God to establish a relationship of mutual trust and honesty between you both. [2 Corinthians 10:5; Proverbs 20:6-7]
Read: 5 Ways to Fiercly Protect Your Marriage, Darlene Schacht @ timewarpwife.com.
Day 25 Pray for his safety. It’s natural to worry about the lives of the people we are closest to, but ask your Heavenly Father to free you from any anxiety over his life. Ask God to help you not live in fear of what might happen, but to trust Him with your husband’s life. [Psalm 121; Isaiah 41:10]
Read: 33 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us: God is in Control, Debbie McDaniel @ debbiemcdaniel.com
Day 26 Pray for any idols in his life – his work, his hobbies, his free-time activities. Ask God to convict your husband of any idolatry. Often, idolatry is at the root of our greed, jealousy, anger, and so on. Pray for God to illuminate areas of his life where he is putting anything (even your marriage!) as a greater priority than knowing and loving God. Pray God would reorient his heart to seek Him above all things. Ask God for wisdom in how to help your partner overcome the idols in his life. [Psalm 115:4-8; Colossians 3:5; Mark 8:36]
Day 27 Pray for his relationships with his family. Where there is any unresolved conflict, ask God to step in and soften hearts. Where there is any unhealthy dependence or distance, ask the Lord to help create healthy, appropriate boundaries. If there is a history of abuse or any unsettled pain or trauma, ask God for grace and wisdom for getting your spouse the support he needs. [Genesis 2:22-24; Exodus 20:12; Proverbs 11:29]
Day 28 Pray for your sex life. Pray you could both lovingly pursue one another in an intimate way. If sex is a struggle, ask God to give you both humble, gracious patience with and for each other. Ask God for courage to talk about any uncomfortable, shame-filled or painful thoughts and experiences that keep you from being fully intimate with your husband. [Proverbs 5:18-19; 1 Corinthians 7:1-6]
Read: An Interview with My Husband About Sex: His Answers Will Surprise You, Jennifer Smith @ unveiledwife.com. Aaron and Jennifer Smith co-authored 31 Day Prayer Challenge books for husbands and wives to read together! Get them here.
Day 29 Pray God would strengthen your marriage for the years ahead. Pray He would grow you closer through any trials you face. Pray that the fruit of the Spirit would prevail during hardships. Take some time to pray for each element of the fruit of the Spirit-- peace, love, joy, faithfulness, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control—pray for abundance in these areas, for the Lord to strengthen your husband in areas of weakness. [1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Galatians 5:22-23]
Read: The Wonder of Oneness, Laura Elliott @ reviveourhearts.com
Write: What are some of the hopes and dreams you have for your future with your spouse and (if you have any) children? Where do you see God at work in your lives? Has this month of prayer revealed in particular areas you feel the Spirit leading you to continue praying for? If so, write down a pledge of commitment to pray for another month about those particular things. If you want, invite your husband to pray with you and ask him if he has any specific prayer requests you can be praying over.
Read: Setting Goals for a Good Year of Marriage, Pam and Bill Farrel @ love-wise.com
Day 30 Pray that you could partner with him to faithfully spread the gospel. Take a moment to thank God for your marriage. Recall and give thanks for the blessings God has given you both. Recall and praise Him for any trials God has faithfully seen you both through. Ask God to help you both see how you might share the gospel with your children, your neighbors, you coworkers, your community, and the greater world. Ask for hearts that long to share the good news of Christ’s death for our sins and the resurrection hope you now have. [Matthew 19:4-6; Acts 20:24; Psalm 105:1]
Congratulations—you just spent an entire month faithfully praying for your husband! We would love to hear from you—how has this prayer challenge changed you, your husband, and your marriage? Leave a comment and let us know how prayer has transformed your marriage!
Your words have power in your husbands life to transform his attitude and spirit. Use these words of encouragement to speak life into your marriage and home - 44 Words of Encouragement and Affirmation for Men.
This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
A Daily Morning Prayer
A Prayer for When You're Overwhelmed by Fear
A Prayer for a Broken Heart
A Prayer for Worry
A Prayer for First Thing in the Morning
A Prayer for When You Don't Know What to Do
Click here to access this prayer guide as a downloadable PDF!
Originally published May 19, 2016.