
5 Days of Prayers for Those Feeling Discouraged This Easter

Through this Easter themed five-day prayer guide, we will be equipped with encouragement as well as prayers for each day.
Published Mar 11, 2025
5 Days of Prayers for Those Feeling Discouraged This Easter

Discouragement is one of those words we hate to hear, especially at holidays, such as Easter. Feeling discouraged or having a heavy heart are not fun things. Whenever we are discouraged, it can make us feel hopeless and without help. At the times of our strongest discouragements, we need to look to Jesus. He is the One who can help strengthen our hearts (Psalm 24:17). 

As we wait on the Lord and His deliverance, we can still praise Him. It might sound odd to praise God when we are feeling discouraged, yet this can actually help us. Instead of giving way to discouragement, we will be lifting up Jesus in praise. Replace discouragement with a heart of joy and you will quickly see your hope return this Easter holiday.  

Discouraging times will occur throughout our lives, yet Jesus will always be with us. It might sound redundant or repetitive, but it is true that Jesus is always with us (Matthew 28:20b). He never leaves us to weather the storms alone. All of the hopeless nights we stay awake longing for hope—the Lord is sitting right there beside us. 

When we are having times of discouragement, we can go to the Lord in prayer. The Bible tells us we are to cast all of our worries, concerns, and anxieties on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus will carry these heavy burdens, and He will bring hope back into our bones (Matthew 11:28-30). 

Through this Easter themed five-day prayer guide, we will be equipped with encouragement as well as prayers for each day. This guide will specifically focus on praying for hope, brighter days, support from loved ones, new adventures, and health and well-being. Focusing on one topic each day will help our discouragement slowly disintegrate before the Easter holiday. Because of God, we don’t have to be discouraged. Instead of being discouraged, we can be filled with hope through His goodness, love, and support. 

Day One: A Prayer for Hope

When we are discouraged, we have a shortage of hope. The only way for this hope to be refilled in our hearts is by the power of the Lord. Jesus is the giver of all hope as He can bring beauty from ashes (Isaiah 61:3). Never doubt His ability to bring hope back into your life. 

Hoping in the Lord is not hopeless wishing. Rather, it is the sure promise of Him being with you and hearing all of your prayers. A heart in need of hope is a heart in need of prayer. At these times, the best thing we can do is to turn to God in prayer. Don’t allow discouragement to keep you from turning to the Lord.

Instead, allow it to be something that draws you closer to Him. This might sound like an oxymoron, but it is true. Discouragement can bring us closer to God if we allow it to be a motivator to turn us back to Him. When we are discouraged, we normally turn away from God. However, we can change the narrative and see it as an opportunity to look to Him and pray for hope. 

“Dear Jesus, I need hope. Everything in my life is discouraging, and I feel like giving up. Please Lord, help me to be encouraged in You. I don’t need anything or anyone except for You. I ask You to please fill my heart with hope today. Thank You, Lord. Amen.”

Day Two: A Prayer for Brighter Days

In addition to praying for hope, we need to also pray for brighter days this Easter holiday season. Discouragement can cause us to lack enthusiasm for life. We can help fight against these negative feelings by praying for brighter days. It might seem dark right now, but there will be light in the morning. Pain and hopelessness might endure for the night, yet we know the sun will shine again.

Brighter days are ahead because you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. When we look at Jesus, we see goodness, light, and truth. He is the One who can help us reach these brighter days. Even if it may seem impossible now, rest in the sure promises of the Lord. Rejoicing will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

“Dear God, my days feel dark and dreary. Please bring sunlight back to my bones and help me to see brighter days once again. I trust in You, and I know You will bring me out of this darkness. Encourage my heart and set my feet on solid ground. In Your Son’s Name, I pray, Amen.”

Two people praying
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/nd3000 

Day Three: A Prayer for Support from Loved Ones

When we are feeling discouraged during Easter, one of the best things we can do is receive support from loved ones in our lives. This can be our family members, friends, or our spouse. Any of these loved ones will be able to provide us with support. While it is understandable that everyone has their own lives and is busy, it is important to take time to be there for our loved ones.

Before you call or text to meet up with your friends or family members, turn to the Lord in prayer. Even if you are just talking to your spouse when they return from work, go ahead and pray ahead of time. By turning to God in prayer, we can equip our hearts and minds with what we want to say. Additionally, God will be able to soften their hearts and help them be a better source of support for us.

“Dear Jesus, please help my loved ones to be supportive when I reach out to them. I understand everyone has their own hectic lives, but I also am in need of support. Please let it be a convenient time when I contact them and help them to be the support that I need. I trust You, Lord, and I praise You. Amen.”

Day Four: A Prayer for New Adventures This Easter 

Discouragement has a way of sapping the strength out of our bones. It makes us doubtful of anything good. Rather than being joyful for the future, our head is polluted with doubts. This is why we need to pray for new adventures to come into our lives this Easter season. We do not need anymore days of darkness or doubt—we need to start having days of joy in the Lord. 

As we are looking to our future, we need to be confident. We can be confident because of Jesus. Our future is in His hands (1 Corinthians 3:21-23). There is no reason to be worried about the future or doubtful of the new adventures He will bring into our lives. As long as we are still on this earth, He has a purpose for our lives. 

New adventures are an opportunity to bring encouragement back into our hearts. Day to day life can quickly become redundant and repetitive. God knows this can bring our hearts discouragement. Rather than being dormant in our life, we can choose to turn to God. He can provide beautiful adventures in our life, all of which will be good. We never have to worry about God bringing problems into our life (Matthew 7:9-11). 

“Dear Jesus, I come to you with a heart of painful sorrow. I feel doubtful about the future. I know you are in control, yet I am still discouraged. Please Lord, help there be new adventures in my life, where the light is restored to my eyes. No more days of pain or sorrow. I need days of confidence in You. Thank you, Lord. Amen.”

Day Five: A Prayer for Health & Well-being 

When we are going through a bout of discouragement, our entire wellbeing can suffer because of it. Instead of taking time to take care of ourselves, we are giving way to discouragement. This is when we need to stand up and be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). Discouragement doesn’t have to take us down unless we allow it to. We can take our stand against it and dismantle its lies with the truth of the Bible.

Discouragement can quickly turn into self-neglect if we are not careful. God doesn’t want your wellbeing to suffer as you are navigating this difficult season. He can bring you help, health, and wellness. We never need to doubt the goodness of God or His power in our lives. While many people like to discount God’s work in the modern day, He can still do many miracles.   

Therefore, don’t allow your health to suffer this Easter. Ensure you are eating three meals a day and getting plenty of hydration. Take time to exercise and keep your body strong. This period of discouragement might last for a period of time, but it will not overtake you. Ensure you are taking care of your body this Easter season, and it will help you in the future. 

“Dear God, please bless me with health during this period of discouragement. To be honest, I haven’t been taking care of my physical or emotional health during this time, and I need your help. Enable me to have time and energy to take care of myself. I know you do not want my wellbeing to suffer during this time, and neither do I. Thank You for always looking out for me, God. Amen.”

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/simonapilolla 

Originally published March 11, 2025.