5 Prayers for When Everything Is Going… Right

It’s the best problem to have: someone asks if they can be praying for you about anything, you consider, and then smile and say “no thank you! Everything is going well!”
We all crave those seasons when the sun is shining, the bills are paid, and your heart is full. Those times of joy and peace are so life-giving. But the downside is that, in our selfishness, it’s easiest for us to drift away from dependence on God in these times. We may be busy with family fun or exciting life changes, so we don’t have as much time to spend in prayer and Bible reading. Maybe when we do think of God, it’s just to send up a quick (but genuine) “thank you for all of this, God!”
But no matter what sort of season we are in, it’s still important to keep up a healthy prayer life. God wants to celebrate our joys with us just as much as He wants to sit in the sad times with us. And let’s face it – when things are going well and we take time to rejoice with God over that, it only serves to increase our joy.
So, here are five prayers you can say when things are just going swimmingly in your life. Feel free to insert your own personalized needs, thoughts, or joys into these prayers! May they encourage you to spend time with the Savior, even (especially) when there’s nothing to ask for.
1. A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Circumstances
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for just how smoothly things are going right now. You’ve blessed me with a fulfilling job that supports me, family and friends who care about me and encourage me, good health, and a lot of exciting things on the horizon! God, I have so much to be thankful for, I don’t even know where to start right now. Thank you for blessing me and providing for me. Thank you that you care for my everyday needs. Thank you that you are a compassionate Father!
God, in my season of joy and blessing, please show me the ways that I can use my abundance to bless others. I’m so thankful for what you’ve done for me, and I’d love to show that thankfulness by helping someone else in need. Whether that’s a physical need, an emotional need, or just a genuine smile and hug, I ask that you’d show me how I can help.
Thanks again one last time God! I see and appreciate all that you do for me, and I am incredibly grateful! You are always good, even when times are lean. But I’m glad to have this season of plenty, and I thank you for it.
In Jesus’ name,
2. A Prayer of Praise
Dear Lord,
Wow you are amazing God. I just want to take a moment to sit in that statement, and appreciate how powerful, loving, compassionate and good you are. I can’t fathom it God! My human mind is too focused on earthly things, and I just can’t comprehend how great you are.
But what’s more is that you are all of those things, and you care for me. You are eternal, and I’m just me, but you cover me with love and grace anyway. With the Psalmist I want to praise your name, “LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:9).
God, I pray that out of my joy at these circumstances, that you would loosen my tongue to praise you throughout my day. When someone asks me about a thing that brings me joy, may that be an opportunity for me to share your goodness. Out of my good situation, I pray that your name would be glorified. God keep my heart from feeling prideful or boastful, but allow me to joyfully celebrate you, and be sensitive to others who may not be having such an easy time right now.
Lord, I know this season of ease won’t last forever. Help me to store up this praise in my heart, so that when I do face trials again, I would remember that you are still powerful, loving, compassionate and good.
In Jesus’ name,
3. A Prayer for God to Grow Your Faith
Dear God,
Thank you for all that you are doing in my life right now! You’ve blessed me with so much joy and plenty in this season. You’ve answered prayers and opened doors and we are loving how things looks right now!
But even as we enjoy these blessings, I don’t want to stagnate here God. I pray that you would use this season to still challenge my faith, to see you in new ways, and to deepen my relationship with you as both my Father and my Lord. God, I ask that you would grow my faith in this time. Protect my heart from the temptation to lean on my own power, or forget that all of these blessings came from your hand.
God, as happy and content as I am right now, please remind me that I am to hold onto all earthly things with an open hand. All good gifts come from you, and you will use them as you will. Help me not to hoard my possessions, my time, or my talents, but to always be willing to use them to grow and benefit your Kingdom on earth. Open my eyes to these opportunities, God, and help me to see you.
In Jesus’ name,
4. A Prayer for Those Who Are Struggling
Dear God,
As sunny as things are in my life right now, please don’t allow me to be blinded by that light. I know that there are so many people around me who are struggling in different ways. I pray that you would be with my friends and family members who I know need some extra support right now. Please cover them with your wings, God. Help them to feel comforted and loved during their difficult time.
God, help me not to be too wrapped up in my happiness, but humble me when someone around me is going through a dark time. I want to walk with my friend through this, and not try to force them to feel an artificial joy that they aren’t ready for yet. Help me to love them well, and support them in whatever way they need.
As friends share prayer requests with me, please keep those on my heart and mind. I want to continue to lift up those needs, and not forget about others in my time of happiness and ease. Please be with my friends, and bring them to a season of joy, as you have done for me. May their tears only last for the night, and may they experience your supernatural joy as the morning comes.
In Jesus’ name,
5. A Prayer for Strength as the Season Changes
Dear Lord,
I thank you and praise you for this easy, fun season you’ve blessed me with! It’s nice to have nothing to worry about or to cause stress. And even while I enjoy this season, I am aware that the world around me is still plagued by sin. Hard times will come again. God, I know that these hard times are not a punishment from you, or a reaction to anything I’ve done. It’s just the unfortunate truth of living in a sinful world.
Because of that, I pray for strength as this season fades, Lord. I don’t want my faith to be conditional, changing with the seasons. I want to maintain my joy and dependence on you no matter the circumstances. God, please strengthen and empower me to do this. Help me to cling to your Word in the good times and the bad. Let praise be always on my lips, even when it’s hard. I know that you never change, even as the world around me seems tossed between seasons of joy and seasons of chaos so quickly that it makes my head spin.
But you are unchanging God. You are loving, and you are good. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on you through everything.
I ask this in Jesus’ name,
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Bethany Pyle is the editor for Bible Study Tools.com and the design editor for Crosscards.com. She has a background in journalism and a degree in English from Christopher Newport University. When not editing for Salem, she enjoys good fiction and better coffee.
Originally published March 22, 2022.