Apart from you we can’t do anything. (John 15:5) Like every couple, my daughter and her husband will struggle to love each other well. They’ll find themselves discouraged and confused on their journey of becoming one (Mark 10:8).
Give this couple wisdom to understand one another’s ideas, opinions, and desires. Provide insight in when to listen and when to speak their minds. Teach them how to communicate effectively so they can deal with conflict and keep things open between them.
A husband and wife will face one decision after another. Guide them as they navigate their plans for the future. Help them know how to manage their finances and careers, parenting and outside commitments. Be the Lord of their schedules and priorities so they stay in step with you.
You call a bride and groom to leave their parents and establish their own household. They need your help to set wise boundaries to protect their privacy, time, and attention to one another. Teach them what it means to be true partners who put each other first.
Continue to reveal your perfect will for this precious couple. Show them how to use their spiritual gifts to serve others. Help them know how to create rhythms of prayer, worship, and Bible study in their home. Give wisdom for how to follow Jesus in every part of their marriage.
Thank you for the gift of your Word to our children. Provide mature believers who know your Word and ways to give guidance and advice for their life together. Use wise counsel to lead them where you want them to go.
You are our firm foundation so we are never shaken. May my daughter and her husband trust you with all their hearts.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/XiXinXing