20 Prayers for a Friend to Provide Healing Strength and Encouragement

Praying for our friends is one of the most important things we can do. Getting caught up in our needs is easy, but praying and interceding for others is just as important. Whether our friends are near or far in our lives, they still need our prayers. Yet, how can we pray for our friends? How do we know what to pray for?
In my experience, I ask my friends what they need prayer for and try to glean as many details as possible. This way, I can pray as specifically for them as possible. Regarding friends who aren't currently in my life, I pray over what I knew they were struggling with the last time we talked and for the Lord to guide them. Doing this makes me feel closer to the Lord and my friends as I pray. Here are some of my favorite prayers when a friend's need comes to mind.
Download these beautiful prayers HERE. Print the PDF version and keep it with you throughout the day to remind yourself to pray for your precious friends.
Prayer for a Friend's Healing
Heavenly Father,
It is so hard to watch _________ suffer. It doesn't seem fair for her to have to endure so much pain. Even though I am powerless, I believe that you are powerful and capable of stepping into this situation and completely altering the outcome. In faith, I am responding to the promises in your word that you listen to our prayers, and those prayers can make her well. So, I am bringing my friend before you to ask for your healing touch in her life. Thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal healing, but I am asking you to provide healing for her on this side of heaven. Amen. ~ Lisa Samra
An Encouraging Prayer for a Friend
Dear Lord,
I pray for my friend right now. I pray that you will help them with the struggles they are going through this season, for you know precisely what they need at this moment. Draw near to them and let them feel your presence. Open their eyes, ears, and hearts to you. Help them have the discernment to hear your voice as you lead them in their next steps. Speak to them as they read your word, and bring verses of encouragement and comfort to their attention.
I pray that you will calm any fear or anxiety they may be feeling. Replace it with the confidence to obey your word and to trust you. I pray that your guidance will be apparent to them from this day forward. In your name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer for a Friend That is Suffering
Heavenly Father,
It is so hard to watch _________ suffer. It doesn't seem fair for her to have to endure so much pain. Even though I am powerless, I believe that you are powerful and capable of stepping into this situation and completely altering the outcome. In faith, I am responding to the promises in your word that you listen to our prayers, and those prayers can make her well. So, I am bringing my friend before you to ask for your healing touch in her life. Thank you for the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal healing, but I am asking you to provide healing for her on this side of heaven. Amen. - Lisa Samra
A Healing Prayer for a Sick Friend
Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [name of the person who needs healing]. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. In the name of Jesus, I ask that you would heal this disease, have compassion, and bring healing from all sickness.
Your word says in Psalm 107:19-20 that when we call out to you, the Eternal one, you will give the order, heal, and rescue us from certain death. I have read of miraculous healing in the Bible, and I believe that you still heal the same way today. I think there is no illness you cannot recover from after all. The bible tells of you raising people from the dead, so I ask for your healing in this situation.
I also know from my experience of life on Earth that not everyone is healed. If that happens here, keep my heart soft towards you, and help me understand your plan.
Lord Jesus, thank you that our hope for healing is in you. If there are doctors or treatments that you would want to use to heal this disease, I pray that you would guide [name of person who needs healing] to them. I ask for wisdom and discernment about which treatments to pursue.
God, I thank you that [name of the person who needs healing] belongs to you and that you control everything that happens from our first breath to our last sigh. Amen. ~ Wendy Van Eyck
A Prayer for Friend's Loss of a Loved One
Father God, I lift my friend mourning a loved one. I ask that You would bring her comfort amid this life-shaking event. Thank you for Your promise to walk with and even carry her as she travels through the darkness of grief. Let her not be overcome with sadness, as those who have no hope, but to be strengthened by an awareness of Your presence. Protect her heart and mind. I pray a sense of calm would take hold, even while emotions around her run high, and the peace you give her would overflow onto those nearby.
Father, You know what will minister the most to my friend spiritually and emotionally right now. Gently lead her to find the balance between being alone and being with others. Speak to her through Scripture. Show her Your love through the words and actions of someone else. Help her find moments of solace in the natural world You've created. Thank You for being the God of all comfort, the One who holds us in Your hand. It says in Your Word that one day, there will be no more death. But for now, I praise You for saving my friend close and giving her rest.
In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Heather Adams
Prayer for A Friend Who is Hurting
Dear God, Our hearts are burdened for our friends who are hurting right now. We ask that you would be their comforter and cover them with your infinite grace and mercy, surrounding them in peace during this dark season. We pray for fresh grace, for renewed strength, and for your goodness and mercy over their lives today.
We thank you that you alone are our refuge and strong tower. We thank you that no matter what we face, you are still on the throne and in control, and nothing can ever stand against you. Thank you for holding the victory in this world, and you have promised in your Word that you will be with us through any hardship we may face.
We know that only in you do we have the hope to face dark and uncertain times, for our future is held secure through the gift of Christ. We ask you to extend your hope and compassion to our loved ones. In these days when they're struggling or seem to have lost their way at times, would you please remind them that you are still here? With them. Close. That you are more significant than this storm they're facing, and you promise to hold them secure. All these burdens we carry for our friend today lie at your feet, Lord. We give them to you, and we thank you that you hear our prayers and are at work on their behalf even now. ~ Debbie McDaniel
A Prayer for God's Presence
Thank you, God, for always being with us, for your presence to be mighty, and for hearing our prayers on behalf of those we love. We ask that you show yourself strong on their behalf. Remind them that nothing is too complicated for you, and you are leading them through this challenging time, covering them in your care. We know and believe, beyond any doubt, that your power and love will never fail.
You are always trustworthy. You are all-powerful. You are fully able. You are Lord over every situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. You are our healer and will never waste the pain we carry today. You promise to use all things for good in some way because you are a God of miracles, and nothing is too complicated for you.
Thank you for fighting for us, even when we can't see what you're doing, even when we can't fully understand your ways. We know that nothing can ever separate us from your great love and care, and our loved ones are safe in your hands. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Debbie McDaniel
A Prayer for a Friend's Strength and Wisdom
Thank you, Lord, for being there for my friend and allowing me to cry out to you in my times of need on their behalf.
It is amazing to me that the Lord of the Universe would take time to listen to me and to care about what I say.
God, there are things happening around my friend right now that I do not understand. Some of these things make her feel weak, helpless and afraid. Even in the midst of this, help her know that you are the Lord. I know that the situation is in Your hand, and I trust You.
I beseech you for strength and for wisdom that she would be able to endure this situation and be able to handle it in a way that would bring glory to Your name.vIn Jesus name. Amen.
A Prayer for Peace of Mind
Almighty God, We bless you for our lives; we give you praise for your abundant mercy and grace we receive. We thank you for your faithfulness even though we are not that faithful to you.
Lord Jesus, we ask you to give us all-around peace in our mind, body, soul, and spirit. We want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives.
Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family, at work, businesses, and everything we lay our hands on. Let your angels of peace go ahead of us when we go out and stay by our side when we return. In Jesus' name, Amen. ~ praywithme.com
Prayer for a Friend Struggling With Faith
Merciful Lord and Savior, We thank You that You never loosen Your hold on us, no matter what we are going through, for You are always faithful, even when we are not.
As You know, Lord, my friend has decided she doesn't want to walk with You anymore. I pray that this change of heart is temporary and that, like the prodigal son, she will make her way back home to You, where You will welcome her back with open arms.
We thank You that with You, we will always find grace. An, that we will always belong to You, and You to us. In Jesus' name, Amen. ~ Madaline Twooney
A Prayer for Broken Friendship
Lord, today I come to you hurting. This wound from a friend is almost more than I can bear. I feel broken hearted, and I want justice. Lord, I know that justice is not mine to give, so I come to you open-handed. Here is the friendship that has wounded me so much, Lord- take this hurt from me; help me feel your peace and your love toward me now.
I don't want to extend grace. But I know you have been so gracious toward me- all my life you have lavished grace on me as I've sinned against you. Help me be humble. Help me see my part to play. Help me give grace and love toward my friend.
Soften my friend's heart toward me now- let them return grace to me too. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Anne Dahlhauser
For a Friend Going Through Hard Times
I come to You with a heavy heart for my friend who is going through hard times. Please grant them strength, courage, and Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Wrap Your loving arms around them, providing comfort and guidance. Help them trust in Your unfailing love and feel Your presence in every step they take.
Surround them with supportive and encouraging people, and protect them from harm. May they find solace in Your word and draw strength from Your promises. I trust in Your divine plan and pray for relief and resolution for my friend's situation.
In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
Prayer for a Friends Health
Father God, I come before You with a heartfelt prayer for my friend who is in need of Your healing touch. Lord, You are the Great Physician, and I ask that You bring complete healing to their body, mind, and spirit. Grant them the strength and courage to endure this difficult time and fill them with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. Please guide the hands of their doctors and caregivers, providing them with the wisdom and skill to offer the best possible care.
Lord, I trust in Your mercy and compassion. Please surround my friend with Your love and presence, bringing comfort and hope to their heart. Let Your healing power flow through every part of their being, restoring them to full health. May they feel Your presence and draw comfort from Your promises. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
A Prayer to Value Friendship Over Disagreement
Lord, Satan is trying with all his might to divide your house and your people. We pray Lord with all our might that we would not let that happen. That we would remember that a house divided cannot stand. Help us to be the peacemaker in our relationships, friendships, and families, without bending or compromising on the Truth.
And Lord, if it must be that there are those who choose to no longer be our friends or in relationship with us, guard us against a bitter heart and remind us to pray for a softening of their heart. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. ~ Janet Thompson
Prayer for Trust
Heavenly Father, my instinct is to rush in and make plans, especially if someone I care about has made mistakes. Remind me of that chalk line around my feet, Lord. Show me when I start to step outside of my assignment. Give me the courage to trust You and allow You to work in this person's heart and life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
A Prayer to See God Working
Lord, I pray that You will open __________ eyes to see You and follow You. Even though I might not see You working, I know You are. I believe, and I will not give up hope. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Praying for a Struggling Friend
Lord, I come before you today knowing that all power is in Your hand. I know that you are the Lord and that you care for your people. Right now, my friend is struggling with a difficult trial. I can see her strength is faltering, Lord, and know that you have all of the strength that she needs.
I pray that you will reach down and touch her right now wherever she is at this moment. Let your presence fill the room where she is and let her feel an extra portion of your strength that can help her to get through this day. She needs you now, Lord, and I thank you in advance for meeting her where she is and shoring up her strength during this difficult time. In Jesus' name. Amen.
A Reconciliation Prayer Between Friends
Lord God, You see what has happened in this friendship. Your Word teaches me that a true friend loves at all times. Oh, Father God, my heart is heavy. I ask You to search my heart and show me anything I have done that has hurt my friend's feelings. I confess to you that at times, I have been selfish and have spoken thoughtless words. Lord, show me also where I have been guilty of taking offense.
Forgive me, Lord. I praise You that You continually offer grace. I pray now, Holy Spirit, that You would bring healing and reconciliation to this friendship. I pray blessing over my friend, Lord. I pray that her marriage would be blessed, that her children would thrive and that her finances will prosper. I pray favor over every aspect of her life. I pray most of all that she would be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. That she would know the hope to which she has been called and that she would know the power of the resurrection in every area of life. ~ Becky Harling
Bible Verses to Pray for Friends
Many verses in the Bible talk about friendship including God's friendship with us, how to choose our friends, and how we should interact with each other.
1. "When I was in my prime, God's friendship was felt in my home." Job 29:4 (NLT)
2. "I love them, but they try to bring accusations against me, even as I am praying for them!" Psalm 109:4 (NLT)
3. But I tell you this-though he won't do it for friendship's sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence. Luke 11:8 (NLT)
4. "When Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes, giving him twice as much as before!" Job 42:10 (NLT)
5. "The godly give good advice to their friends, the wicked lead them astray." Proverbs 12:26 (NLT)
6. "There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 (NLT)
7. "Here's the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home." Luke 16:9 (NLT)
8. "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13 (NLT)
9. "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7 (NLT)
10. "Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other." 1 John 4:11 (NLT)
We should ask our friends what they need prayer for each new season. Although we are always praying and petitioning the Lord on behalf of our friends, needs change all the time. I personally update my prayers for my friends at the beginning of each season, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. During the in-between times, I just add needs and requests to my prayer board.
I often pray for my friends throughout the day. Sometimes this can be easier than all at once when I have lots of prayer requests. I pray while getting ready while working at my desk, and while making dinner. This helps me feel connected to the Lord and my friends all throughout the day. I usually end my day by once again praying for all my friends at the same time.
May your friends find comfort, strength, healing, and happiness as you bring them before our powerful God!
Carrie Lowrance is an author and writer. Her work has been published on Huffington Post, Bon Bon Break, The Penny Hoarder, etc. She is also the author of two children's books, Don't Eat Your Boogers (You'll Turn Green) and Brock's Bad Temper (And The Time Machine). She writes her own childcare and author blog at www.carrielowrance.com.
Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/Jacoblund
This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published February 14, 2022.