
A Prayer for Blended Families at Christmas

This is the society that we live in, and we have to find a way to unite in prayer for each other, especially at Christmastime. All families are...
Published Dec 18, 2017
A Prayer for Blended Families at Christmas

The formation of blended families is surging in America, with 1300 new stepfamilies forming every day. Sending children away to be the “other" parent can cause worry and unrest, and an emptiness that was once filled with holiday tradition. For others, the welcome addition of God-placed family provides a security and happiness long dreamed of! No matter which side of the spectrum, in a struggle to cope or celebration of union, half the families in the US are remarried or re-coupled. 

This is the society that we live in, and we have to find a way to unite in prayer for each other, especially at Christmastime. All families are challenged to maintain an unrealistic amount of patience with difficult family members at Christmastime, but the power of prayer can cut through any awkward situation. No matter how blended we may be, God hears us, He loves us, and embraces us!


Praise You for family. You have placed people in our lives on purpose, to love us in Your name and for us to love in Your honor. Christmas is a time to be focused on Your gift to us. You made us daughters and sons through Jesus’ death on the cross. He came to this earth as a tiny, vulnerable baby boy, and walked the very soil we walk in order to save our souls. 

The family unit has been flawed since Genesis, and will continue to undergo the threat of destruction by the enemy’s tactics until the end of time. Some mistakes are ours to own, others are ours to forgive. Peace can be restored through the power of Your Holy Sprit, dwelling in all who accept Jesus as their Savior. When we look at our blended families, we are reminded why we need a Savior. We need Your help. We have perpetually managed to mess up and trip ourselves. Divorce, adultery, abuse and addiction have torn our homes apart. Others have been divided in apathy. This Christmas, we pray for Your forgiveness and redemption to reign down on our homes as we celebrate the birth of Your Son. 

Jesus, Prince of Peace, be present in our family rooms this Christmas. Be in our kitchens and seated at our tables. Fill the void of family members we have to let go of this Christmas, and fill our hearts with hope as we wait for our court-appointed hour to celebrate with them again. Our world is a mess, but there is hope because of Christmas. Matthew 1:23 assures us that God is with us through Jesus Christ. 

Thank You for our blended family. Though we are not perfect, You tell us not to worry, and assure us that no one is (Romans 3:23). Thank You for giving us people to share Christmas with and call family; for blessing us immensely, with new life and new hope, when we thought we had lost it all and blown all chances of a blessed life. Your nature is to forgive and restore, and we thank You for Your perfect love in that regard. 

Bless our exes this Christmas. You tell us to pray for our enemies, and we trust that You tell us to do that for our own good. Bless them this Christmas, with the peace in knowing that forgiveness and healing are on the horizon. Release any bitterness left over from the initial separation, and heal any and all hurt we have caused each other and our families. Restore joy and hope to our homes this Christmas, and help us to center our celebration on Christ. 

Christ was never afraid to befriend those who were not living “perfect” lives. Help us to walk behind You, Lord, in search of those coming through similar situations that need the wisdom You have granted us. Show us how to reach out and help others that are struggling through situations that we have survived. For we know that in giving ourselves in Your honor, we will experience Your peace and presents. 

Bless this Christmas, and bless our family. 

In Jesus’ Name, 


Photo credit: ©Thinkstock

Meg encourages others to seek Him first through her life as a stay-at-home mom, career as a freelance writer, teaching Emoti-moms Weekly Bible Study, and leading the kids worship teams at her local church. She resides in a small, Northern lake town with her husband of ten years, two daughters, and their Golden-doodle. Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog,

Originally published December 18, 2017.