
6 Labor Day Prayers for Reflection and Blessing on Work

6 Labor Day Prayers for Reflection and Blessing on Work

This Labor Day, let's remember the power of prayer over our work. Whether you have a job you love, are facing difficulties in the workplace, or are experiencing job loss, God has a plan and purpose for this season in your life.

Prayer can significantly impact the work that we do and the way we see it. Yet in our day-to-day prayers, we often exclude the needs we encounter at work. For whatever reasons, our work and workplaces do not enter our minds as we pray. As a result, we may not experience the fullness of what God wants for us when we’re at work. When we start praying for our work, we recognize that God is active in all we do, not just our “personal” or “spiritual” lives. And this is transformative. Yet prayer doesn’t change God’s heart toward our work as much as it changes ours. And when we begin to see our work the way God sees it, we experience the power of prayer and of God’s grace. 

Use these prayers on Labor Day and all days to remember that God designed work to be fulfilling and to bring Him honor!

(excerpt provided by NIV Faith and Work Bible)

A Labor Day Prayer

Lord, I first want to say thank you for this day of rest. Help me to turn off distractions and find true sabbath through my relationship with you. Show me how to live a life that is focused on your purpose in my work and in my rest. 

Work is not always easy but I know you gave it to us to honor you. God, help me to see work as your creation designed to give me purpose, fulfillment, and to be a light in the world. May my work matter not just to my business and company but to your Kingdom. Renew my strength in my workplace and help me to remember that I am to work with all my heart as for you! Amen

prayer for labor day

A Prayer for a God-Honoring Work Life

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day. Thank you for the good days and the difficult ones, and for the gifts you have given me to help this world be a better place through my work.

While I know work is good, I also know our work today isn’t what you intended and is often hard and frustrating. We all know sin’s consequences on work: toilsome labor, injustice, and trials; and also the pain of wanting work but not finding it. May these painful situations drive me to a deeper longing for the return of Christ and consummation of all things—including work.

May the gospel shape my work habits and attitude, helping me to avoid the dual dangers of not working enough (laziness) and working too much (making work an idol). Help me to be a humble, teachable, hardworking, and complaint-free employee, even when doing the mundane tasks I’d rather avoid. May I work in faith and be motivated by a love for you and a love for those whom my work benefits. (Kevin Holloran)

prayer for work

A Prayer for Spirit-Led Work

Establish the work of my hands by helping me to be productive, patient, focused, and insightful.  May your Spirit lead me in my work and help me to be joyful, creative, and worshipful–constantly reminding me of your love and that you’re the reason I have breath in my lungs. Teach me to align my work, family, church life, and rest in a way that would maximize your glory and allow me to bear the most fruit for your kingdom.

Cause my work and attitude to adorn the gospel and shine the light of Christ into this dark and desperate world. Help me bless my workplace by living a salty, gospel-worthy life in front of my watching coworkers, and help me honor my boss as I honor you. Make my heart worship and enjoy you throughout the day, knowing that you are the reason for breath in my lungs and the One I am really serving.

And as I work, fix my eyes on Jesus and his finished work on the cross that gave me treasure I could not earn, rest that I could not otherwise experience, and a living hope that will fuel me to work for the glory of God. Amen. (Kevin Halloran)

prayer for job search

A Prayer For Job Search

Dear God, You know my needs. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom I need to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Your will be done. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory. In your name, Amen. (Rachel Dawson)

A Prayer for Joy in Work

A Prayer for Joy in Work

Lord, help me to do all that You call me to do in this season and not one thing more. What do You want me to do? What do You want me to stop? What boundaries should I set on my work? Dear Lord, I need to regain joy in my tasks. Help me to worship You as I work, doing it all for the King of Kings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (Amy Carroll)

Be All At Rest, My Soul

Be all at rest, my soul, O blessed secret,
Of the true life that glorifies thy Lord:
Not always doth the busiest soul best serve Him,
But he that resteth on His faithful Word.
Be all at rest, let not your heart be rippled,
For tiny wavelets mar the image fair,
Which the still pool reflects of heaven's glory--
And thus the image He would have thee bear.
Be all at rest, my soul, for rest is service,
To the still heart God doth His secrets tell;
Thus shalt thou learn to wait, and watch, and labor,
Strengthened to bear, since Christ in thee doth dwell.
For what is service but the life of Jesus,
Lived through a vessel of earth's fragile clay,
Loving and giving and poured forth for others,
A living sacrifice from day to day.
Be all at rest, so shalt thou be an answer
To those who question, "Who is God and where?"
For God is rest, and where He dwells is stillness,
And they who dwell in Him, His rest shalt share.
And what shall meet the deep unrest around thee,
But the calm peace of God that filled His breast?
For still a living Voice calls to the weary,

From Him who said, "Come unto Me and rest."
--Freda Hanbury Allen

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Originally published September 01, 2023.


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