A Prayer for Our Daughters' Husbands

In the aftermath of destroyed and failed marriages, where does hope lie for the next generation?
“Jesus replied, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6)
Marriage shouldn’t be a defining characteristic of who we are. Jesus said, “I am the way,” yet many around us say, “he/she is the way.” Marriage is not a destination that promises happiness, a life fulfilled, or a sign of a job well done. Jesus is.
To prepare our daughters with upright hearts, it helps to pray for their husbands before we even know who they are.
Father, Praise You for marriage, and the lessons that You weave in and out of it throughout the Bible. Through this union, You teach us what it means to have committed and loyal hearts. When two people come together as one in marriage, two lives are joined… yet You still love both spouses perfectly. Marriage is not one walk with Christ, rather two hearts traveling in the same direction, and You promise that when they are both turned in Your direction, it is good.
As we pray for our daughters today we remember Ecclesiastes 3:1: “For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven.” Forgive us for selfishly wanting to control our children’s choices, and help us to lift our agendas for our daughters’ lives up to You. Prepare our hearts to remember that Your timing in their lives is perfect, and to help us trust You with their hearts. We pray that You bless them with the patience to wait for the husbands You have set apart for them.
Thank You for the Word that lights the path for us to parent our daughters to and through marriage, and for the selfless and sacrificial love that marriage requires, reflecting Your Son’s sacrifice for us. Jesus came to do what we are incapable of. Married life is not exempt from trials and challenges, and in fact exposes our lives to fresh weakness and pain. But in those days and years of faithfulness are blessings and seeds of hope that grow beyond what we could have ever asked or imagined. Our love for You grows mature in holiness.
Father, we ask that You prepare our hearts to be open to our daughters’ husbands, and that You remove any judgmental notions we may be tempted to foster toward them. Bless us with a peace in knowing that You will guard her heart. May her husband “rely on You completely” (Proverbs 3:5) in all areas of his life.
Bless him to be a godly man and spiritual leader. May he know Your Word and follow Christ with his whole heart, for we know that when two hearts chase Christ, Your blessing abounds. Strengthen our daughters to put full faith in You, trusting You with her heart and plans for her life.
In us, You created the desire for that union, so that our hearts will be full of love and peace. But not all marriages are filled with faith. Disagreement, deception, and divorce are common. The last thing any mother wants for her daughter to witness is the painful unraveling of a love promised to last forever.
Our daughters will be “bound by law to (their) husband(s) as long as (they) live…” (Romans 7:2). May their husbands’ hearts be bound to Christ first, so they are able to love and cherish their wives as He does.
Father, we pray above all that the times we have strayed in life… the mistakes we have made and sins we have confessed, do not trickle down to taint our daughters’ marriages. We pray that the good You make of everything outshines all other scenery, and that Your voice speaks louder to her than ours… and her husband’s.
Bless our daughters’ husbands never to “treat them harshly or respond with bitterness toward them” (Colossians 3:19). May they honor them as the daughters to the King that they are, cherishing the unique threads God knit into their hearts.
Wherever they may be, as You chase after the hearts of these future husbands… as You do all of Your children, promising never to lose one… bless their hearts to let You catch them. May they fall in love with You, Jesus, before they love our daughters. Help him hold onto the truth of John 14:6:
“I am the path, the truth, and the energy of life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Bless our daughters’ marriages to be fruitful in Your eyes, fulfill Your purpose, and allow them to experience the true thread of happiness You desire for the heart of marriage. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Megs is a stay-at-home mom and blogger at http://sunnyand80.org, where she writes about everyday life within the love of Christ.
Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: March 2, 2017
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Originally published March 02, 2017.