A Prayer for Stay-at-Home Moms

Whether you embrace the “stay-at-home” status, miss adult conversations, or work while they nap, the struggle to maintain a daily balance is real. No longer are we on our own schedule, but that of little people who can’t tell time. Life is constantly interrupted by inconvenient vomiting and quarantine-worthy cases of pinkeye.
They can hear us on a conference call three floors down and tucked into the corner of the basement, but are nowhere to be found when getting into mischief. Every time we turn around, we are letting go of one stage and barreling into the next.
When the tears roll down over your overwhelmed cheeks and you can’t recall the last time you washed your hair, hold onto this prayer.
Father, Praise You for parenthood, and thank You for the opportunity to stay at home with our children. Though we don’t always feel appreciated by our kids or our society, You remind us that we are worthy and we are loved. Our children and our calling to stay at home are specifically ours, for nothing You ordain is coincidental.
Thank You for entrusting us with Your children. It is an honor and a joy to watch them discover Your world. Jesus told us to “have faith like a child,” and as our kids wake up to the world, it’s clear why. Motherhood blesses us with the opportunity to become fascinated with the complexity of nature’s seemingly simple pleasures again... little wet footprints on wooden floors from freshly dewey-coated blades of grass… the freedom of cascading into a pile of leaves and the joyful burst of water that explodes on a cannonball’s entry into the lake... arms outstretched to embrace thick falling snowflakes, and baby birds chirping us awake outside our windows.
Thank You for the small little hands that clasp ours so tightly and dependently. For all of the memories we have squirreled away while the rest of the world toils on. The fleeting moments we have captured with our little children soften our hearts to Your embrace.
Thank You for our spouses, who work tirelessly so that we can remain at home with our kids. Thank You for Your provision, Lord, through their jobs, careers, and passions. Forgive us for all of the times that we take them for granted, and bless us with outwardly appreciative hearts towards our husbands.
Thank You for friendships with other stay-at-home parents, and programs for kids at libraries and recreation centers that fill our need for conversation with other people. Help us to be gracious when others offer to help us, and compassionate in reaching out to other moms.
It’s hard not to look to the right and to the left when raising children. We innately see what other people have and how other families are raising their children. Yet You created us so uniquely. Remind us that what works for them will not necessarily work for us, for You tell us:
“Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.” (Romans 12:2 VOICE)
Forgive us for bitter, envious, and even malicious feelings towards others that we covet, not knowing the full scope of the story You’ve given them in this life. Help us to be thankful for everything You’ve blessed our lives with, for You tell us that “the end of a matter is better than the beginning, and patience is better than pride.” (Ecclesiastes 7:8)
We confess our tight grip around the little hearts that You’ve placed in our care, and ask Your forgiveness for any control we are tempted to hold over their lives that doesn’t lead them straight to You. Dropping them off at school everyday can make our hearts feel heavy and anxious. Remind us in those moments that, You are “our strength and our refuge, an everpresent help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
Protect our hearts on the days we feel isolated and cut off from the rest of the world by a never-ending pile of laundry and children that can’t seem to sleep. Everyone else keeps moving in their careers and social lives, as ours comes to a halt and takes a 90 degree turn to the living room couch… and then the dance studio waiting room.
Uphold our hearts in those moments where we feel alone and afraid, unqualified and scared. Change is hard, but You are always good… always love. You love us perfectly, and You love our children perfectly. Help us to stay in Your Word and in prayer with You each day as we navigate motherhood, knowing full well that You have a great purpose for this humble calling. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Meg Bucher (Megs) writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, http://sunnyand80.org. When she’s not writing, this stay-at-home mom loves to read and hang out with her husband, two daughters, and doodle doggy in thier small little lake town. A substitute teacher and children’s worship leader, Megs has a heart for kids, family, friendship ...and calling to encourage others.
Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: March 8, 2017
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Originally published March 08, 2017.