
A Prayer for Strength and Power in Prayer

Do we realize the power we have available to us when we take our authority in prayer?
Updated Sep 24, 2019
A Prayer for Strength and Power in Prayer

“Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God! Is it not indeed a matter of wonder that God should give men such power? Yet there are so few who know what it is to take hold of His strength and pray down His blessing on the world.”  E. M. Bounds

Do we realize the power we have available to us when we take our authority in prayerMost of us don’t realize our authority because if we did, we would be praying far more. We would be sacrificing everything else in order to pray. Instead of worrying about the increase in evil in our land, we would be on our faces before God crying out for His intervention. Unfortunately in many churches prayer is the weakest link. It should be the strongest one because it is the key to God’s blessing in the spirit realm. 

The hope for Christians is an anointed prayer movement. It is God’s people knowing the strength and the power of prayer and enforcing God’s will on earth through it. Authority is delegated power similar to a police officer when he enforces the law. Through our prayers we can change the atmosphere over cities. Through our prayers we can bring into subjection demonic powers and principalities, and disciple the nations. Through our prayers God releases deliverance and transforms society. God is calling us to use our authority in prayer to bind the enemy’s work and to loose His Kingdom on earth. 

Let’s learn to take hold of the strength and power of prayer and pray down God’s blessings on earth. The following is a crafted prayer for strength and power in prayer that you can pray regularly.

My Prayer for Strength and Power in Prayer

Lord, I pray that I might realize my authority in prayer. Teach me to pray with Your strength and power. I want to work together with You in prayer to determine my future and the future of my nation. I want to pray with authority for my city. I desire to pray powerful breakthrough prayers that move Your hand to action. Teach me to daily come to You and pray faith-filled prayers for my needs and the need of those around me. I can’t reach my workplace or neighborhood without Your power. I thank You that You remember all of my prayers and that they influence Your heart. Give me revelation of my spiritual authority (Ephesians 1-18-23).

Teach Your Church to use this powerful tool of prayer every day. We can’t reach the world and bring in the final harvest without strong day-and-night prayer. We are in a kairos time in history and we need breakthrough in prayer. Help us to press through in intercession in order to see Your plans fulfilled. Teach us to stand strong in authoritative prayer. We will not fear the future but choose to take our awesome responsibility in prayer.

I thank You that there is hope for the future because You are seated at God’s right hand and we are seated with You in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). You defeated Satan at the cross and we fight a defeated foe (Colossians 2:15). Help us to enforce Your authority and Your will on earth through prayer (James 4:7). Thank you that we have breakthrough authority to change nations. Teach us to take hold of prayer and pray down blessings on our world. Thank You for the power of prayer that is available to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For a limited time, Intercessors Arise invites you to a free webinar called: How to Enjoy Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life.You will receive 12 free prayer giveaways, and if you can’t be there, you can watch the replay at your convenience - SECURE YOUR SEAT HERE!

“Prayer is power and strength, a power and strength that influences God, and is most salutary, widespread, and marvelous in its gracious benefits to man. Prayer influences God. The ability of God to do for man is the measure of the possibility of prayer.” E. M. Bounds

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Originally published April 03, 2017.