A Prayer for the Notre Dame Cathedral

On Monday afternoon, a massive fire engulfed Paris’ famous Notre Dame cathedral. Photos and videos posted to social media of the fire show large flames and black smoke ascending from the roof of the 12thcentury church. CNBC reports that Notre Dame – Paris’ most visited attraction site – attracts around 12 million visitors each year, with the Easter season being one of its busiest times, but so far, no injuries have been reported. According to Fox News, at the time of this writing firefighters are working on controlling to the fire and the area surrounding the cathedral has been cleared.
The cause of the fire is not yet known, but Fox News reports that a source told them the fire was related to the $6.8 million construction and restoration project the cathedral was undergoing. According to Fox News, several parts of the cathedral were under scaffolding. Fortunately, several bronze statues were removed from the church sometime last week due to the restoration.
The mayor of Paris confirmed the fire in a Tweet around 2:20 PM CET on Monday. She wrote in French, “A terrible fire is underway at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. They @PompiersParis are trying to control the flames. We are mobilized on site in close connection with the @dioceseParis. I invite each and everyone to respect the perimeter of security.” President Donald Trump also commented on the fire saying, “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!”
This is a developing story.
-Excerpted from "Huge Fire Breaks Out at Notre Dame Cathedral" by Kayla Koslosky on ChristianHeadlines.com.
Join us as we pray for the people of Paris as they, and many others, grieve the loss of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Let us look to Christ in all things.
A Prayer for the Notre Dame Cathedral
Almighty and Triune God, our Heavenly Father, who sent Thy Son our Savior, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Mary—who is forever called “blessed”—so that by love amazing, love divine, Jesus came to restore the ruins of sin by His life and atoning death at Calvary, His resurrection, His appearances, and glorious Ascension; Grant Thy peace and hope to the people of Paris, who with broken hearts cry with bitter lamentation, not unlike Jeremiah: as we, Christians of the Church catholic, “weep with those who weep” at the shocking sight of the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral, that majestic, ancient edifice dedicated to Thee—a symbol of Christian Faith and human aspirations—we pray for Spirit-stilling peace in trembling hearts, so that an even greater number of people will turn to Thee, the Lord of all of those who assemble to raise holy worship to the risen Christ, in cathedral and caves, in chapels and forests, and even in ashes; have mercy on our French brothers and sisters in their sorrow, and give resurrection hope in this special season, the season when we remember hope transcends hopelessness, and new life arises from the tomb of inconceivable sorrow; this we pray, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-Prayer by Dr. Michael A. Milton
Michael A. Milton, PhD (University of Wales; MPA, UNC Chapel Hill; MDiv, Knox Seminary), Dr. Milton is a retired seminary chancellor and currently serves as the James Ragsdale Chair of Missions at Erskine Theological Seminary. He is the President of Faith for Living and the D. James Kennedy Institute a long-time Presbyterian minister, and Chaplain (Colonel) USA-R. Dr. Milton is the author of more than thirty books and a musician with five albums released. Mike and his wife, Mae, reside in North Carolina.
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Photo credit: ©GettyImages/MilanChudoba
Originally published April 15, 2019.