A Prayer for Those Tempted by Food

Food is a common disguise for contentment. Whether we over-indulgently seek comfort by splurging, or restrict caloric intake to feel in control, it’s easier to blame what we eat for our problems than to dig past the surface of what ails us.
God provided food in the Garden of Eden, in the desert to the Israelites, to a crowd with two fish and five loaves, and He provides for us today. As Creator of humankind, we can take solace in the fact that He knows how our minds work. Lean into Him to live well-fed.
Father, Praise You for nutrition. From the first spark of humanity, You provided perfectly for us. In the desert, You fed Your people. “Miraculously, each person and each family—regardless of how much they gathered—had exactly what they needed.” (Exodus 16:18b -VOICE) Though our meals do not drop out of the sky, we can trust You to feed us.
Thank You for sending Jesus to earth! He understands the temptation of food for he was tempted by the devil in the desert while starving. He is a compassionate friend, hands outstretched to us, as we struggle in the skin of our humanity.
There are so many that are starving, too hungry to taste food as they focus on surviving each day. Uphold their spirits as they wait on You, Lord, for Your perfect provision. Comfort their hearts and strengthen them. Help us to enjoy food despite the stark reality of so many starving people. Help us to trust You, and be to be ready and willing to help when and how we can.
Each beautiful person was created with perfect intent. “For You shaped me, inside and out.” (Psalm 139:13) Individuality cannot be categorized, yet we seek to… and it pushes many of us in front of the mirror in despair. You made each person beautifully, despite the imperfections of humanity. The food You provide was never meant to be used as a tool to wield hatred towards any body type.
Forgive the grasp of control we continually attempt to grip by calculating our diets for immoral reasons. From gluttony and overindulgence to self-starvation and vanity, we confess that our focus on food is often misguided. The wonderful combinations of flavor that we miss while calculating calories is saddening. Forgive our failure to let go and let You show us what is good and right to include in our diets.
Help us to embrace the unique shape You fit our souls with, for we were all created in a specific way to accomplish Your purpose for our lives. “One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit.” (1 Corinthians 12:11) For this reason, it makes no sense to compare ourselves in a lineup of magazine covers and movie stars. The struggle to maintain healthy eating habits has trapped some in strongholds of eating disorders and frightening health issues. Food allergies have blinded-sided others. We pray Your blessing and healing hand on all malnourishment. Guide our eating habits, and protect us from additives that intend to harm and hook us.
Father, we know that the only way to make peace with food is to lean on You. For some, a cure may come. But we know that sometimes the thorns we live with last throughout this life… but never into the next.
“And now, dear friends, may the Lord of peace Himself grace you with peace always and in everything. May the Lord be present with all of you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16) Help us to hold on when we are tempted, and know You are present in times of trouble. No matter how many times we fall, You are there with an outstretched hands to pick us up… even when we eat the whole pan of brownies… or starve for days. You still love us, choose us, and call us worthy.
Father, as we struggle through this life, help us to stop and see You every day. For You promise us that we are a work in progress, on our way to holiness in heaven, and loved by Love. This life was not meant to be excruciating all of the time, and when we follow Your Son Jesus, we are able to experience joy in trials, and abounding happiness. “You direct me on a path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment” (Acts 2:28) We pray the active and living truth of this verse over our lives today, and always. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Meg Bucher (Megs) writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, http://sunnyand80.org. When she’s not writing, this stay-at-home mom loves to read and hang out with her husband, two daughters, and doodle doggy in thier small little lake town. A substitute teacher and children’s worship leader, Megs has a heart for kids, family, friendship ...and calling to encourage others.
Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: March 10, 2017
Originally published January 17, 2019.