A Prayer for Those Who Struggle to Keep Resolutions

Try to get back into the shape we were in 20 years ago in just one year? Give up soda forever? Cut out all reality TV shows? Forcing it all to happen in one year sets up a resolve to fail. We all know how to set aspirational New Year's Resolutions, but keeping them all year can seem pretty hopeless.
The key to accomplishing it all lies in getting to know who we are… one year at a time.
1. Ask for direction.
It’s helpful to look back at the successes and failures of the last year, along with a peak into future dreams that lie on the horizon, before new aspirations are set. In doing this, it’s most important to remember who we are… in Him.
“I have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16)
When we read God’s Living Word and spend time in prayer with Him everyday, we start to accumulate wisdom, and hear His voice. He will guide us when we ask Him to.
2. Have the right attitude.
“Live with His attitude in your hearts.” (Philippians 2:5 VOICE)
It’s easy to get caught up in what society wants us to accomplish. But Jesus recognized the authority of His Father, and looked to Him often in prayer for assurance and guidance.
God created each of us with an individual purpose, but His unconditional love surpasses our ability to stay on track.
3. Give it time.

The Creator of time has the ability to stretch our minutes. We can’t make things happen all at once, but He can… if His will allows. Sometimes there is no way to determine a timeline but through His leading. Trade in worry for peace.
“I have the peace of God that passes all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7)
Take a look at the list set for 2017, and pray that God would adjust it accordingly, with regard to the perfect way in which He created you.
Let’s pray:
Father, You are powerful to keep the sun and the moon in time, and bless us with a new year full of fresh days to experience. The birds know when it’s time to fly, and the animals know when to hibernate, but You created us with an infinite amount of care beyond them. In Your image, we were made to fly and rest in Your time.
You define what love is. Jesus emphasized that on the cross when He sacrificed Himself so that we would not be lost to sin. Christ came to show us how to live, and teach us about Your grace. Through Him, we are reunited in constant conversation with You as Your hand rests upon every season of our lives.
We praise You that our dreams are beyond our scope of understanding, for You are a God that does “so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)
Thank you for creating our lives with purpose! For the simple blessings of family, friends, Your provision, health, shelter, food, and water. We thank You, God, that we can read Your Word here today, and remember in prayer all those who are not able or allowed the same privilege. As we struggle in keeping our New Year's resolutions, remind us of those that endure each day without the basic needs for survival. Keep them close to our hearts as we consider our accomplishments and goals for the next year and beyond.
Father, it’s hard to stand firm in Your will when the world pushes us outside of it with such brute force. We confess that on many days we jump right into the drowning waters of society without spending time with You first, and ask forgiveness for neglecting to consult You with our goals.
Help us to remember that when we walk with Jesus, we don't have to earn Your love or accomplish tasks to arrive in Your good graces. The cross accomplished the eternal gift of grace to all who embrace its truth. Bless our hearts to grow in wisdom as we spend time with You in Your Word and in prayer each day. Grant us freedom from our fears, and bless us with the happiness of receiving Your peace. You want us to be happy. To live life immersed in the joy and hope and peace of Jesus. Send the power of Your Holy Spirit to help us see who we are in Your eyes. We resolve to grow in faith this year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Megs is a stay-at-home mom and blogger at http://sunnyand80.org, where she writes about everyday life within the love of Christ.
Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com
Publication date: January 6, 2017
Originally published January 06, 2017.