A Prayer to Be Like Jesus in Humility
“The revelation of His glory includes seeing One so high (transcendence) who went so low (condescension) to bring us so near (redemption) because we are so dear (Bride). The Most High God went so low because of such great desire to partner with us... We are awestruck by His power, overwhelmed by His humility, and made confident by His love.” Mike Bickle
Dear intercessor,
If we want to be people of prayer, we must learn to walk in the humility of Jesus. Jesus was humble. Perhaps this was His most outstanding characteristic. Imagine if you were God—equal with the Father, sharing glory with Him, having every privilege of being God—and then you became a man and laid aside all those privileges. "He is the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15). Imagine becoming the servant of all and being God hidden in the obscurity of humanity.
It’s easy for us to say we’re humble and broken until the real test comes, and we are put in a humbling position. We wonder, “Why aren’t we recognized?” We react and don’t like it. We want to be important and are often so proud. But Jesus became nothing during His life on earth, and He gives us His example so that we may follow in His steps.
This 6-minute prayer video and teaching will help you to grow in humility and be like Jesus:
This is from the Intercessors Arise International School of Prayer.
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC)
Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Wavebreakmedia
Originally published May 17, 2018.