
An Uplifting Prayer for Caregivers

I want everyone to know why it is so important to pray for caregivers and how to encourage the ones that have begun a journey that has amazing...
Updated Mar 02, 2022
An Uplifting Prayer for Caregivers

On a sunny day over 13 years ago, I was sitting on my mom’s couch. We were talking and drinking our diet Mountain Dews. She began telling me about some problems she was having with her eyes. There were spiderwebs in them and black things floating around. I knew she had a problem and promptly made her an appointment at the optometrist.

In that moment and for the next 13 years I became her caregiver. I was parenting my parent. I learned that caregiving did not come with a manual. The days became long and difficult. To get through the good and the difficult, I prayed.

Saying a prayer for caregivers is essential. Therefore, I am writing this article. I want everyone to know why it is so important to pray for caregivers and how to encourage the ones that have begun a journey that has amazing rewards and discouraging experiences.

Why Should We Say a Prayer for Caregivers?

Caregivers are people made in the image of God, like all the people of the world. For that reason and many others, we are to pray for them. Prayer is the lifeline for a caregiver and there will be times their burden is so heavy they require someone to pray on their behalf. Caregivers often need someone to stand in the gap for them. They get so busy caring for someone else they become isolated and unable to take care of themselves.

In Ezekiel 22:30, the prophet is asking for someone to stand in the gap for Jerusalem. God had found no one. I personally know when I was caring for my mom, I struggled to care for myself. My family saw me dive into a deep depression, stop eating, and want to run away from it all. I did not feel capable, but so alone. Just like God was looking for someone to stand in the gap and build the wall, caregivers need prayer warriors who will stand in the gap for them.

Prayers for caregivers also show we are sharing each other’s burdens. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he encourages them to imitate Christ’s humility by praying for one another.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Phil. 2:3-4

When we pray for others, we show that their needs are more important than ours. For a caregiver, this is comforting. It makes us feel like we can take some of the burden off our shoulders. We become united as the body of Christ. The love in our heart grows and that love becomes our strength. Christian author, Mark Bellenger explains this concept quite well in the following quote.

“So, we should always pray for each other because prayer creates unity. As we pray for one another, the very act of praying for someone else builds the love in your heart for that person. In prayer you are reminded of your desire for their wellbeing, you are reminded of the struggles they are enduring, and overall you are focusing on the other person (humility) with the hope of benefiting them through your intercession.”  - Mark Bellenger

Jesus felt the same way. He died for us because he felt our need for righteousness was more important than His life. He humbled himself to beatings, humiliation, and a cross for you and for me.

Prayer is a privilege. It is powerful. Prayer can change the trajectory of a person’s life. When you pray for a caregiver, you are asking God to do something for someone else. We know God answers prayers, and those answers will guarantee the success of a caregiver.

A Prayer for Caregivers

Because prayer is so powerful and so vital for the caregivers in our world, I want to share with you a prayer that can encourage you each day to rise and be confident in the Lord’s plan as you care for your loved one.


As this new day dawns, I rise with wonderings of how my day will be. Will it be good, or will it be filled with struggles that seek to drain my strength? I call on you to take control of my day and give me discernment to handle whatever comes my way.  Give me peace in knowing that I cannot fix everything. Provide your words of comfort to me when I am running low on strength. Open my eyes to see all that is good when I can only see the pain and grief. Close my mouth when I need to just listen and give me words of encouragement to share when it is needed. Provide me relief when I grow tired.

Help me see your plan through all the fog of life. Remind me that caring for my loved one is a privilege. It is an honor, not a burden. I pray for the restoration of my soul. I pray for strength to make it through this day. You said not to worry about tomorrow, so I won’t. Lord, you are the healer, the Great Physician. Heal my heart when it's broken and heal the pain when my loved one hurts.

Always help me remember when I feel alone, I’m not. You are always there, going before me to prepare the way.

I pray all these requests in the name of Jesus, Amen

You may not be caring for someone, but your prayers are just as important. Below is a prayer that can help you to stand in the gap for your friend or family member that is caring for someone.


For those who are caregivers to friends and family, may they feel your love and your sustaining power. May they feel less frustrated and experience less guilt for very human feelings they may have about wanting to escape their tasks. May they find us eager to support them during their difficult tasks. Help us to be conscious of their feelings of pain and isolation so we may not ignore our friends.

5 Ways We Can Encourage Caregivers

In addition to saying a prayer for caregivers, taking the time to encourage a caregiver is one of the best things you could ever do for them. What we fail to realize is that an act of encouragement does not have to be extravagant. Below are some ways you and I can encourage caregivers.

1. Send a handwritten note

2. Prepare a meal for them

3. Purchase a gift card to see a movie or get a massage.

4. Send a text with an encouraging message or short prayer

5. Offer your time to help them care for their loved one.


Caregiving is the hardest job you may ever do. It is a learning process, and one that you cannot do alone. Only by praying and accepting the help of God can you give yourself and your loved one the care they need. A quote by Deborah A. Beasley says…

“Sometimes our work as caregivers is not for the faint of heart. But you will never know what you’re made of until you step into the fire. Step bravely… “

Caregivers, you can step bravely into that fire because you have the love, support, and caring hand of God with you. All we need to do is pray and listen.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Pornpak Khunatorn 

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Originally published March 02, 2022.