
7 Powerful Back to School Prayers for Students and Teachers Facing the 2020 School Year in the Midst of COVID

Updated Oct 05, 2020
7 Powerful Back to School Prayers for Students and Teachers Facing the 2020 School Year in the Midst of COVID

Last semester school was probably a bit crazy for you as a teacher, or for you as a parent or student. Last minute plans were made with a rush to figure out virtual teaching and learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. And now this next school year will begin with many schools sticking to virtual teaching and learning, though some schools may use precautions to meet in person full time or on a hybrid schedule. 

Whichever way your school has started or will start this school year, we know there is probably some stress and worry associated with the change brought by the coronavirus. Know that you are not alone. Let's join together and pray for those headed back to school. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or student yourself, or simply a caring friend who is looking to pray over those starting a new school year, we want to provide some simple prayers we can all use.

So many teachers, parents, and students are struggling right now to adjust to new methods in hopes of preventing the further spread of the coronavirus. And with so many unknowns about the virus, the schools are left uncertain on how to proceed also. Though we may find ourselves frustrated, let us have grace with one another. Let us remember that we are all going through the same uncertainties together and let us lift our voices and our hearts to God, asking Him for guidance in this troubled time. 

May we turn our fears and worries over to the One who is able to carry all of our burdens and let us ask God to replace our discontent and anxiety with joy and hope. Let us pray. Here are seven powerful prayers for all of those facing back to school changes and anxieties. May God give us peace, strength, and JOY in the school year ahead!

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Sushiman

mother exhausted watching toddler on computer

A Prayer for Parents Teaching Preschool Kids at Home

Dear Lord, we pray for preschool-aged children this school year; we pray that they would not fall behind in learning important educational and social skills during this COVID-19 crisis. We pray for the mothers and fathers who have to work at home and keep their preschool child occupied, as well as trying to implement fun learning activities. Please give these mothers and fathers the energy they need to do both jobs; help them find the balance to get all their tasks done. We pray for creative energy for those who are trying to teach preschool lessons to their children; please help them come up with ideas that will strengthen their relationship with their child as well as giving them valuable skills for growth. We pray for connection and community for these parents so that they could come alongside one another in encouragement and share what they’ve learned and what they’re struggling with.

Most of all Lord, remind them to depend on you for all things every day. Help these mothers and fathers to start their day with prayer, to look to you when they’re exhausted and struggling to find the balance between parenting at home and working. Help them remember that though they are parents to young children, they themselves are children of God. Let them find peace and rest in the comfort of your presence O Lord. In the name of Jesus, we pray these things, amen.

A Prayer for Parents Sending Children to Preschool or Daycare

Lord we know that some workers are not able to work from home, and as essential workers, they must go into a hospital, office, or store. Lord, first of all we want to thank you for these parents who are going in to work at hospitals, medical offices, grocery stores, drug stores, superstores, gas stations, restaurants, janitors, repair people, government employees, first responders (fire departments, police precincts, 911 dispatchers, and so on), retail stores, and so many others. Lord, we are thankful for their hard work and that we are able to go to these places because of the people willing to work there. We pray for protection over these people that the masks they wear would prevent them from being exposed to the virus. We pray for proper hygiene and caution to be taken by the customers, clients, or patients that visit these places of work or business so that their precautions could protect those they come into contact with. And we pray generally that the spread of the virus would slow and that progress would be made toward a vaccine.

We know that many of these workers must send their children to an outside daycare or preschool; we thank you that some of these care places and schools are open so that these parents have the opportunity to take their children there while they’re away. We pray for safety over the preschool teachers and daycare workers, as well as the children who are attending there. Lord please keep the children well and prevent them from passing the virus amongst each other or to their teachers and parents. Thank you, Lord, amen.

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Mom showing her daughter a globe during homeschooling

2 Back to School Prayers for Elementary Students

Dear Lord, we pray for the elementary students and teachers going back to schools this next school year. We pray for their health and safety as classrooms and schools have been modified to allow for proper social distancing and hygiene. We pray for the janitorial staff and cafeteria workers, as well as the office staff who are essential employees at schools that are open; we pray that you would keep them safe and protected from the virus. Please protect the families of the students and teachers as they return home each day; please slow the spread of the virus so that it would not infect these families. Lord, we also pray for energy and rest for the students and teachers so that they would be able to plan their lessons and effectively teach all their students, also that the students would be able to learn and keep up with their lessons. We also pray for their spiritual growth, in Your name, Jesus. Amen.

Father God, we pray for the students who will be doing school virtually from home; we pray that they have the resources they need to do schoolwork at home. And we pray for their parents that they would be able to balance work and watch over their children as they try to be disciplined in live classroom time and the recorded lessons as well as any additional homework. We pray for the teachers who have to switch to online learning formats that they would be able to have the resources and technology training they need. Please give the teachers, students, and parents the patience they need for this new type of schooling that they could all work together to accomplish what needs to be done. We pray for kind reactions and gratitude for the work that is still able to be done. Thank You that You are sovereign over all things, Lord, amen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/vadimguzhva

woman in mask and gloves holding up notebook saying covid back to school peace decisions

A Back to School Prayer for Middle School Students and Teachers

Dear Lord, we pray for students who are transitioning from elementary school to middle school during this crazy time. We know that this is a hard transition for many children even during the most normal of circumstances. We pray that middle school children would still be able to build social skills, making new friends and maintaining existing friendships. We pray that these students would have a solid community through their church, school, family, and friends. As challenging as this time will be for middle school students, we also realize that new challenges have arisen for middle school teachers.

Lord, we thank you for these teachers who choose to spend their time nurturing middle school students; we know there are so many facets of teaching that expand outside the normal bounds of classroom teaching. We thank you that teachers can be a resource for students who may be struggling with non-academic conflicts. We pray for open communication between teachers, students, and parents. And we pray that teaching with new technology would not hinder the educational progress for teachers or students. We thank you that you provide for all of our needs Lord, and we pray that both students and teachers would have the internet connection and technology they need to effectively learn and teach. We pray that this different school year would not discourage teachers, students, or parents; please help them to look to You during certain times and uncertain times. Thank You, God, Amen.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Amy Michell

teenagers with masks standing against wall using smart phones

A Back to School Prayer for High School Students and Teachers

Dear Jesus, we thank you for our high school students and our high school teachers. Some of these students are nearing the end of their secondary education and will advance toward higher education or jobs in the workforce. So we pray for a good start to secondary education for some and a good end to secondary education for others. We pray for self-discipline for the students who are completing virtual classroom time and classwork, as well as for the students going into classrooms or even splitting time between both. Please keep the students, teachers, and staff safe when they are communing together in one building; we pray for their health and for the right precautions to be taken to ensure their wellbeing.

Lord, we pray for the high school teachers who have to learn new technology or attain new resources to be able to teach their students. Please give them parent advocates and other teacher friends who will support them and help them. We also pray that these students would have respect for their teachers and be patient with all the changes rolling out. We know this will be a challenging school year for students, teachers, and parents with many adjustments. Father God, please settle all the hearts that are worrying right now and bring peace to the hearts that are restless or fearful about the future. Holy Spirit remind these believing teachers and students that they can depend on you for all things through all circumstances. Help them to remember that they are not alone.

Additionally, we pray that You would help these high school students to find the balance between social interaction, rest, learning, preparing for the future, and spiritual growth. Please bless them with godly friends and teachers; bring alongside them adults who care about their futures and seek to encourage them in their choices and options. We pray that all these students, parents, and teachers would draw closer to you in this uncertain time, and we pray that they would seek Your purpose in all that they do. In Your name Jesus, Amen.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Lifestyle

young adults sitting on bench with masks

A Back to School Prayer for College Students

Lord, we pray for the many college students returning to colleges and universities across the country whether in person or virtually. We know these students are trying to get degrees so they can eventually have a job or trade in the workforce and support themselves, so we know it can feel overwhelming when plans change or seem to be delayed. Not only does this cause stress and fear over the future for students but it can cause stress for parents as well, especially financially. Please come alongside these parents and college students to reassure them of your presence and peace. Remind them through Your Word that though things may not go the way we plan or even hope, there is purpose in everything because You are sovereign over all and You work through all circumstances. Help us to rely on You for all of our concerns, whether they are financial, academic, spiritual, or others. May this year be a year of growth for all of us Lord, but especially our college students as they make decisions that will impact their future. 

Holy Spirit, please grant these students the self-discipline to complete their classwork through virtual means and safety when they come in contact with other students for study or community. We pray that these students would not disregard precautions that need to be taken out of a false sense of security. We also pray that our students would not be fearful, rather we pray that they would be hopeful about the future and that they would be content with what they currently have and the direction they are heading in. Help us to think of others more than we think of ourselves, and help us look to You, God, above all other things. May our troubled minds rest on the things above and find joy in Your steadfast love for us. In Your name above all names, Jesus, amen. 

A Closing Prayer

Lord, thank You for hearing the prayers on our lips and the prayers in our hearts. May we seek to trust You more and more each day for all things, at all times, in all our ways. You never change, God; You are the same yesterday and today and tomorrow. Help us to draw comfort from your sovereign presence and loving nearness. Thank You for who You are, our almighty and wonderful Triune God, our Savior and Prince of Peace, our Everlasting Father, and Holy Spirit within us. Thank You for all the blessings You have given us and help us not to overlook them in times of struggle and strife. Amen. 

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Kzenon

Liz Auld is the managing editor for Salem Web Network; she edits and writes content across the editorial sites (,,, She has a B.A. in Religious Studies and has taken post-graduate classes in Theology and Global Studies. She enjoys reading books from a variety of genres, trying new recipes, and visiting family. 

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Originally published August 18, 2020.


Praying the Armor of God for Students Returning to School
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