Compassion: The Pathway to Divine Power

“A new awakening is coming to the church. It will be birthed by prayer and sheltered by humility, but its power will emerge through compassion. The strength of this fresh move is the deep yearning of the Lord Himself... Common people, flooded and compelled by the burning compassions of God, shall be used mightily in the coming years: they shall transform multitudes. Christ's compassions shall be especially revealed where human suffering is unrelenting.” - Francis Frangipane
Dear intercessor,
Jesus was known for His compassion. He felt deep compassion toward people, and He wants us to feel the same. Many times we are too busy or are too self-occupied to walk as Jesus walked. Often we are proud or ambitious, so focused on ourselves that we cannot see the needs around us.
I challenge you today to ask God to fill you afresh with His compassion for others. It is the pathway to divine power.
When I was diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago, my life began to radically change. Suddenly I saw life in a new dimension. I began to see people through the eyes of Jesus. I began to see the lost in a way I hadn’t seen them before. I begin to see God’s eyes of compassion. God used this trial in my life to soften my heart, teaching me more about His heart of compassion for people. My prayers became more compassionate. I needed this trial in my life to begin to see like Jesus saw and walk like Jesus walked.
In Scripture when Jesus was moved with compassion, miracles happened. God wants us to minister in that way also. The greatest miracle is a changed heart that leads to salvation. We read about Jesus’ heart in Matthew 14:14:
“When he went ashore, he saw a great multitude, and felt compassion for them, and healed their sick.”
In what way is compassion the pathway to divine power? We have a friend named Bobby who leads people to the Lord on a daily basis. What is his secret to so much success in evangelism? Why are people compelled to come into the Kingdom through his method of sharing the gospel?
One of the secrets is his compassion towards the lost. Bobby is not afraid to weep with those who are weeping. Individuals see his compassionate heart, and they know that he cares about them. Through his life they see that God is concerned about them. Bobby is the human channel of the compassionate heart of God to everyone he meets.
It is hard to resist the compassions of God through His people when the world can be so dark and uncaring. God wants to pour His river of compassion through each one of us, but it has to emerge from His heart. We can't do it by ourselves. We must submit and trust Him to help us so that His river of living water will flow from our innermost being. We will then see His power to heal, save, and set free.
Compassion is birthed by God in our innermost being in our prayer closet and is ignited as we reach out to others with His heart. His compassion will not exhaust us. It will empower us to love. It will give meaning to our lives. It will lead us out of self-centered living and will set us free to do all that God intends to do through us to reach this world. Jesus walked in this compassion and love. He knew that love and compassion would motivate us to live obedient lives and will bring in His Kingdom.
Invite a Compassionate Christ into Your Neighborhood
“Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed him” (Matthew 20:34).
Let’s ask God to give us compassion for those in our neighborhood, school or workplace. Let’s ask Him to make us compassionate in prayer. Let’s ask Him to move us with compassion to reach out and touch the lost and hurting. He is the one who can give us His heart for the lost.
Every one of us likes to be invited to a special occasion. You and I have the privilege of inviting others to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and to the free gift of eternal life in His Kingdom. We are inviting others into a relationship with a compassionate God who can give them victory over all their problems. The following is how you can invite a compassionate Christ into your neighborhood using the word INVITE:
- I - Imitate Christ - What would Jesus do? He will give you creative ways to serve people you are praying for in order to display His love and compassion in a practical way.
- N - Name individuals and their needs specifically in prayer - God wants us to be specific. He gives specific answers to specific prayer. Let Him touch your heart as you pray about the needs of lost people around you. Ask God what He says their needs are and how to convey His message to them. He knows people perfectly and offers us wisdom to reach them.
- V - Voice your praise and the Word of God over your neighborhood - Proclaiming praise over your neighborhood closes the door to darkness and opens wide the door to the Holy Spirit. Pray words of life, hope, and salvation over your neighbors. Pray that captives will be set free and that God will bind up the broken-hearted.
- I - Initiate friendship and identify with your neighbors - See with God’s eyes of compassion that people are lonely and lost, like sheep without a shepherd. Understand and pray about the problems in your neighborhood and city. Become friends with your neighbors.
- T - Tell others the good news - Look for open doors, and share when God gives you the opportunity. Present the gospel in a sensitive and compassionate way in total dependence on Him. Invite others to receive the free gift of eternal life.
- E - Expect God to move in miraculous power - When you are involved in prayer evangelism, ask God to show you how to pray for a miracle in the life of someone who doesn’t know the Lord. When they see that God answers your prayer, they will more easily believe that Jesus is God and that He cares deeply for them.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Opportunities to Show Compassion
- Pray the news - When you see disasters on the news, pray for those people. Put yourself in their shoes on a daily basis. Pray for needs all around the world.
- Give aid to troubled spots in the world - Give aid or help to earthquake, hurricane, or hunger victims.
- Pray, care, and share God’s love and compassion with your neighbors - Do little acts of kindness for others. Light a candle of hope in someone’s life. Let them know they are valuable to God and society.
- Invite others into a personal relationship with a compassionate Christ - Share the gospel at the proper time. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
A couple took their son and daughter to Carlsbad Caverns. They went on a tour that took them deep down into the cavern. When they reached the deepest point, the guide turned off all the lights to dramatize the darkness and silence below the earth’s surface. Suddenly the frightened little girl began to cry. But her brother immediately tried to comfort her and said:
“Don’t cry. Somebody knows how to turn on the lights.”
This is like the gospel message. Light is available even when the darkness seems overwhelming. We should be the ones with hearts of compassion that are responsive to God’s heart and tell others where to find the light.
“God has given us a heart of compassion, but by our own choice we open or close it. As believers in Jesus Christ, God gives us His Spirit and puts a new heart in us. Ezekiel 11:19 says that this new heart is sensitive and responsive to God’s heart. There is something deep in every believer that wants to help others; however, selfishness can cause us to be so aggressive about obtaining our own desires that we become oblivious to the needs around us. People are hurting everywhere. Some are poor; others are sick or lonely. Still others are emotionally wounded or have spiritual needs. A simple act of kindness… can make an individual feel loved and valuable.” Joyce Meyer
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Together in the Harvest,
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC)
Originally published December 11, 2017.